Oops!~ Gratsu

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Okay, what's with you guys wanting me to write smut

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Okay, what's with you guys wanting me to write smut... Eh, anyways, this is a request from Starla152! *sigh* let's get the smut over with... I'm sorry, I'm just really tired XD

Third person's pov

Somewhere in a small house, there are certain noises coming from the inside.

Grunts, groans, mewls, moans, especially moans and pleasurable ones at that.

Inside the house holds a certain pink haired dragon slayer with a need to fill himself up with pleasure.

"Nnnngh, G-Gray~!" Natsu moans as he pumps his member repeatedly until he comes a second time.

A string of a white substance squirts out and hits the fire mage everywhere on his face and chest.

He let's out heated breaths while trickles of sweat run down his body, mixing with the semen. The room was filled with the scent of sex even though no such thing has happened over the past few days.

Poor Natsu's mate, Gray Fullbuster, has been on a mission for a week and the transportation also takes at least a few days to arrive and come back.

Since then, Natsu had been missing the ice mage in more ways than one. At first, it was just his voice. Then, his scent, his presence, his everything.

Especially his filling.

The way his cock fills him up so much to the point where he can't hold on anymore, thrusting in and out while giving heated kisses, fighting with tongues instead of fists.

Just the thought of it already causes Natsu's member to harden again, making him let out a whimper at his fast recovery and exhaustion.

"Hah, I can't cum anymore..." He whimpers as he lays down onto the bed and tries rubbing himself to create even the slightest of friction since he has already gotten use to his own hand.

"But I was enjoying that~!"

A sudden voice appeared out of nowhere, causing Natsu to spring back up in fright, only to blush in embarrassment as he sees his one and only mate standing against the doorway.

"G-Gray! W-When did you get back?!" He stutters as he grabbed the blankets to cover up his hard on and scooted towards the end of the bed.

Gray just stood there smirking with a larger hard on, causing Natsu to shiver.

"Oh, I don't know, a couple of hours ago~? I was planning on surprising you but I guess you beat me to it.~" He said, still smirking but now walking towards the bed.

Natsu tried burying himself into the covers but Gray grabbed the end on the blanket and pulled everything off, showing his nude form.

He tried covering himself with his hands, but Gray pounced onto him, trapping his hands by his head and his hips with his thighs.

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