A Little Apology Gift: Random #2

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Hey guys. I'm sorry I haven't been posting any one shots/requests lately so I made a little random as an apology gift. Hope you enjoy, I tried making this as funny as possible. Just a little random idea that popped into my head. Sayonara!


Third person's pov

"Natsuuuuuuu!! Can you please just pick me up from school today? You know I can't use my powers right now because of these restraint bracelets!" Happy whined as he tried dragging his "father" out of his chair.

Natsu sighed and patted his head with a smile. He got up and went to the kitchen to make his exceed his lunch before packing it up into a little bento box.

"Alright Happy. I guess I can come pick you up after school. I need to get out of the house anyways." He said as he gave Happy his lunch and gently pushed him out the door.

"Promise?!" Happy exclaimed.

"Promise." He replied.

"Now go, you're gonna be late for your class at Fairy Tail High!" Natsu pointed out and gave Happy a kiss on the forehead before closing the door. Happy pouted with a tiny blush as he walked his way to his school.

'Baka Natsu, always treating me like a baby............ humph...'

When Happy got to school, he was instantly greeted by all his friends. He first encountered his fellow exceed friends: Pantherlily, Carla, Frosch, and Lector.

"Hey guys! Guess what! Natsu is gonna pick me up today so now you can get to finally meet him!" Happy exclaimed as he held onto his green pouch.

"Oh, really tom cat? Well I'll be glad to finally meet this 'destructive' owner of yours." Carla replied as she crossed her paws.

"Frosch is glad too!" The little green exceed in the frog costume said. Pantherlily and Lector kept quiet and nodded in approval since they were busy looking for their owners.

The other four exceeds belonged to four of the most popular students in school. Well, three of them. Sting Euclife, Rouge Cheney, Gajeel Redfox, and Wendy Marvell.

Wendy is considered a normal student but her popularity is a little over average since she hangs with the "cool guys."

Gajeel is the average bully but he has a soft heart for most of his comrades. Sting and Rouge are both very handsome men and it was rumored that they were secretly seeing each other when in actuality, they are just best friends. That still doesn't stop their fangirls though...

Now, back to the exceeds. Happy and the other four were walking towards the classroom until they were instantly cut off with a giant wave.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!!!" The poor exceeds screamed as they tried to avoid the wave from getting drenched. Well, mostly Carla.

"Gray-samaaaaaaaaaa~!!!" A loud squeal was heard as a path of ice formed over the rushing water and a muscular arm reached out to grab the cats before they were soaked.

The man with raven colored hair then jumped into the classroom and set the cats down onto a table.

"Whew! Thanks Gray! You really saved our butts!" Happy said as he sat down, exhausted from running.

"No problem. Sorry you guys were caught up in that last attack, Juvia was trying to wash away another girl that was talking to me. My god, that woman can't seem to take a hint that I'm not interested in her..." The man, now known as Gray, said as he stripped off his wet shirt.

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