Random #5

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*At the Fairy Tail Guild*

Erza: *sigh* Because we ended up missing the fireworks and celebration, I declare that we celebrate it today!

Master Makarov: Hmm, excellent idea Erza, but isn't today--!

Everyone: WOOHOO!!!

Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy: *freeze in shock*

Gajeel: O-Oi! I don't think that's okay...

Natsu and Wendy: *nods in agreement*

Erza: *glares* And why not? Do you not support the holiday?

Everyone: *glares as well*

Gajeel: *sweats* It's not that, don't you remember what today is?

Lucy: Yes, July 7, why?

Natsu and Wendy: *starts whimpering*

Erza: What is wrong you two? And Gajeel, what's one good reason why we shouldn't celebrate it today?

Gajeel: ... *stares grimly at the floor*

Everyone: *waits until something interrupts them*

Natsu: *sniffles* I-Igneel...

Wendy: *starts crying* G-Grandeeney...

Gajeel: 'Metallicana...' *trembles*

Everyone: *violently flinches* 'OH S**T, HOW COULD WE FORGET?!?!?!*

Master Makarov: *sighs* I knew it... *goes over to the dragon slayers and tries to comfort them*

Everyone: *feels guilty*

Erza: I-I'm sorry...I completely forgot, please forgive me... *bows*

Everyone: *bows as well*

Gray: *goes up to Natsu and hugs him*

Levy: *does the same to Gajeel*

Romeo: *does the same to Wendy*

Gray, Levy, Romeo: We're taking them home. *leaves with their respective partners*

Everyone else: *gets severely punished by Master Makarov*

The End



Oi, don't feel bad flame brain, Igneel would always be proud of you..." Gray says as he kisses Natsu's forehead. Natsu sniffles one more time before blushes.

"Thanks ice princess..." Natsu replies while smiling. Gray smiles back and kisses Natsu's lips.


"Don't be sad Gajeel, I'll always be with you..." Levy whispers as she caresses Gajeel's hair. Gajeel rubs his nose against her neck and shakily sighs.

"Thanks shrimp..." Levy smiles and kisses Gajeel. Gajeel kisses back.


"Wendy, I promise you'll never be alone again..." Romeo says. Wendy smiles and tightens the grip on their entwined hands.

"Thank you Romeo-kun..." She smiles and shyly kisses Romeo's cheek. Romeo blushes in return.


*whispers gently* Until then💕

*whispers gently* Until then💕

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