The summer of all summers

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I take one last look in the mirror, tucking my long wavy brown hair behind my ear and straighten out my denim skirt one last time. Stepping out my apartment I'm hit by the hot Pittsburgh air. Summer here is beautiful but it sure is hot, something I'm still getting used too. I've only lived here for a few months now. I'm two years out of college with a masters in business still trying to pull my shit together, at least that's how I explain it to my brothers.

I begin my short walk over to a little strip mall where my favorite coffee spot is. I prefer to start all my days, even the uneventful ones, with a cup of iced coffee. When I arrive, I'm pleased to see there's no long line and I can easily order an iced coffee to sit and enjoy before I'm on my way.

I paid and found a table to sit and enjoy my coffee. I had no where to be, no where to rush off to. It feels great knowing you can sit and enjoy life for a little while.
Just than out of the corner of my eye I noticed and a man, wearing a Pittsburgh Penguins cap, staring at me. I tried to focus on my phone reading tweets and checking Instagram, but I could still see him staring.I had gotten up without making eye contact, walked over and threw my garbage out. As I turned around I bumped into the man, my keys and phone fell to the ground.

"I'm so sorry... Let me get that" said the man as he bent down to collect my stuff

"No it's my fault I'm such a klutz"

The man slowly stood up, handed me my things and pulled off his glasses.

"I'm Sidney"

"Well Duh....I think everyone knows that...." I chuckled as I was taken back by the penguins superstar that stood in front of me.

"I'm Clair"  I stuttered

For what seemed like forever, we stared into each others eyes. Finally the silence broke

" May I say you have most beautiful eyes I've ever seen"

"Yours aren't bad themselves" I giggle

He scratched the back of his head

"Your boyfriend must be so lucky... He gets to stare into your beautiful eyes all day"

"I don't have a boyfriend... Single life.. But I bet your girlfriend loves playing with your curly hair"

Sid chuckled "I mean I guess she would... You know if I had one"

I giggled he was awkward but a cute kind of awkward.

"Um are you possibly free tomorrow night?" He said with the cutest smirk on his face

"I actually am"

"May I have the pleasure of picking you up at 8 and bringing you somewhere special?

"Why... Yes you may"

We both began laughing. We traded phone numbers and I gave him my address.

"See you tomorrow"

It still didn't sink in my mind that I was going on date with Sidney Crosby.

-----Sid POV

For some reason I was really craving a coffee from Starbucks. Normally I would've taken it to go but something told me to stay. Just than a beautiful girl with brown curly hair walked in. She ordered her drink and sat at the table across from me. I couldn't help but stair, she was beautiful. When she got up I followed her to throw out my garbage. She bumped right into me and I helped pick up her things. My eyes met hers. They were sparkling blue like the Hawaiian ocean. I wanted to say something but I was speechless. Finally I was able to ask her out.
When she left Starbucks I saw the time. I was so late for practice. When I got to the arena I snuck on the ice the guys were stretching. I took my usual place next to Geno and James.

"Where the hell have you been?" Asked James

"Uh no where"

"I see in your eyes. It's a girl " Mocked Geno

"What the hell are you talking about Geno?"

"I see it to Sid, you have a twinkle in your eye. It's a girl"

"Not just any girl. A girl with the most beautiful eyes and brown hair."

"Sid you sly dog"

"Shut up"

All practice I couldn't get her face out my head. The way her hair fell perfectly, and the way I got lost in her eyes.

Authors Note:
Just an introductory chapter. I will be slowly updating chapters!

Most of this story is not true. I made most of it up so it would go along with the story line..
Feedback is much appreciated! :)
Hope you enjoyed this sneak peek xox

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