Chapter 40: Birthday Babe

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"You up?" Whispered Sid as he crawled back into bed
"Yea, the room on the bed feels so good" I said stretching out
"I miss the cup already" he pouted
"I do to, I just don't miss it from the bed"
"So what are we doing today?"
" I wanted to see my brothers later tonight"
"Can we go shopping for the house today?"
"Yea that sounds good" I smiled

After laying in bed I finally got up and showered, changing into a pair of shorts and t-shirt I headed down stairs to find Sid finishing breakfast.
"Ready to go?"
"Yep come on"
The first place we stopped at was a Home Depot to pick out some paint colors.
For the living room I wanted to go with browns and cream colors to go with the marble floor, also the light cream color will make the room look spacious along with the high ceilings. We left with 10 paint cans, most of different colors for different rooms.
"Where are we gonna look for furniture?"
"How about we save that for when we get back home so we can check Ikea"
"Okay so wanna head out to my brothers house?"
"Yes let's go"

Both my brothers were at Justin's house where Aerin was making dinner.
I rang the doorbell and I could hear the dog start barking from behind the door. Aerin opened the door while holding Sophia.
"Hey girlies" I smiled while hugging them both
"Hey guys" she's smiled back "the boys are out back" she stated.
I took the baby from her and walked out to the back with Sid following close behind. I pulled on the sliding door and stood on the patio where Justin and Max were barbecuing.
"Hey boys"
"Clair!" They both yelled. I walked over and hugged them as tight as I possibly could.
We stayed outside until the food was done cooking than we made our way back inside. I placed baby Sophia back in her playpen while we took a seat at the table.
"Hey Sid, your birthday is coming up?"
"Yea, next week" he laughed
"Your gonna be 26 ya old man" I laughed
"Don't laugh, you'll be that age one day"
"Oh hush" I turned my attention to my phone the was vibrating on my lap.
"I'm sorry I have to take this" I got up and walked out side to answer the call.

"About Sid's Party"
"What about it"
"How are you getting him out of the house so James and I can decorate?"
"Ill figure it out, gotta go bye"

"Come on Sid lets go look"
"We have so much time" he moaned
"Please can we go?"
"I didn't think you were gonna be this excited about furniture"
"Shut up and put this on" I said throwing black shorts at him and a grey tshirt. I got up and left the room I change into high waisted shorts and a sleeveless shirt that I tucked into my pants. I waited patiently for Sid in the car, I had to kill 2 hours so Clarissa could set up the party.
"Why can't we do this tomorrow?"
"Because tomorrow is your birthday dummy"

We headed out to ikea where we just looked around and I made Sid buy me cinnamon buns which were made amazingly at ikea.
"There's nothing here, can we go home now?"
"How about we uh go shopping at the mall"
"For what?"
"The ring ceremony is coming up and I need a dress for that"

Sid gave in and we headed up to mall and I made sure to take my time to look at everything I could. The more time we took the better, I needed Clarissa to set up everything perfectly.
"You know what was fun?"
"What?" mumbled Sid
"Geno's party last week, the guys know how to through a party"
"I mean I guess, it wasn't nothing to special"
"You totally enjoyed it, most I've seen you smile"
"Eh correction I smiled so hard when we one the cup that I thought my face got stuck"
"Alright let's go" I said glancing at my phone
"Who you texting?" smirked Sid
"just Clarissa"
"Sure" he chuckled

I rolled my eyes at him as headed back to the house. You couldn't tell from the front of the house but I knew the back was fully decorated. I unlocked the door and was greeted by Star immediately.
"I'll be out in a minute"
I quickly ran to the backyard and got in place to scare Sid. I crouched down next to Clarissa who did a killer job with decorations. I watched Sid approach the door through the glass and as soon as he opened it we all jumped out and surprised him.

"Happy Birthday Sid!" I yelled out while grabbing his hand
"You actually got me, this is amazing" Sid said while brushing his lips against mine. I looked around to see smiles on the whole teams faces, tables were set up with penguins themed table clothes, fans were set up to keep everyone cool, balloons of black and gold were tied to the deck with streamers strung all around. I even got a Dj for the part along with an ice cream bar.
"This is so amazing" laughed Sid
"Anything for you, now go enjoy yourself" I said pushing him towards the tables.

I walked over to Neal who was helping himself to the food.
"Hey thanks for helping"
"Anything for him, glad I could help"
The night was absolutely perfect, it was full of dancing and a lot of shots. I stopped once I started getting a bit tipsy. As for Sid he was letting loose, a side I rarely get to see of him. I'm pretty sure no one sat the whole night, we were all to busy enjoying ourselves. With hockey season we rarely get to do any of this so tonight was really relaxing. The party continued after the Dj left, everyone ended up leaving at 2 in the morning which was fine by me.

"Ready for bed?" I asked Sid as I laid in bed
"This has literally been an amazing night" he said kissing me.
I pulled him in and kissed harder
"I wanted to do something special"
"Special" he smirked
"The party you butthead"
"What's my present, it is my actual birthday now" he said laughing
"I don't know what your hinting at but I'm going to bed!"

The next day Sid I went out to dinner for his birthday at a small skate house outside of pittsburgh.
"God you look beautiful in the dress" smiled Sid
"I know you love this dress"
I never got why he did, it was just a simple tight black dress but it drove Sid insane.
"I still can't get over last night"
"I'm glad you had a lot of fun"
"Alright now can I have my present?" pouted Sid
"I guess" I said handing him the box big box
"You had to give this to me here?"
"Uh yea, you always make me wait for things so this time it was my turn to torture you" I smiled. He began tearing
off the wrapping paper to reveal a brand new fishing rod, something i knew he would love to have for the house up in Canada.
"Clair this rod is so expensive and is never in stock, how did you get it?"
"When your Crosby's girlfriend anythings possible" I laughed.

Once dinner was over we headed back to the house.
"Can you wear that dress all the time" asked Sid as his eyes looked me up and down
"No because when I do your eyes never leave my body" I said. He than walked over to me and began rubbing his hand up my thigh.
"Sid stop" I said pushing him
"You know you like it" this time he began kissing my neck and I couldn't help but moan
"You like that? than maybe you want some more" he than moved his lips to mine and they began moving in sync with each other. We continued up to the bedroom to finish off Sid's birthday.

-----Author's note
So if you don't follow me you should because I put updates about my writings on my message bored but I recently put up how I'm gonna be updating twice a week, once for each story. I write two stories which is a lot and I'm starting to get busier and busier and I hate making you all wait. So from now on I'll be updating this story every Friday night and I'll try to get another update during the week but I can't promise, hope you understand.

Also this book will be finishing a bit after April and will NOT have a sequel, but no worried because I will have a new and better Sidney Crosby fanfic after this one finishes. Have anything to tell me or ask me? leave a comment below and I'll answer, don't forget to vote either! :)

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