Epilogue Part 2

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It was Christmas and it's was a Christmas miracle that Sid had 5 whole days off before he had to be back at the Consol Energy Center. It was nice to be up in Canada in our own house with Blake who would be 1 in April. He was maturing fast, grabbing onto things and crawling, it wouldn't be long before he could walk.

Sid and I kept our gifts simple and showered Blake with new toys. After dinner at his parents house we were back home by the fireplace on the couch.

"You know the lake is frozen over?" Sid said as he and Blake played on the floor

"Your point?"

"Oh look we missed a present" he says as he pulls a box from under the Christmas tree.

"Santa says it's for you Clair" I take he box from his hand and inside are a pair of baby hockey skates and a brand new pair for me.

We spent the night out on the lake, Sid helped and guided Blake while he skated everywhere. Snow began to fall and Blake was in amazement as little white flakes got caught on his gloves. This is what I pictured my whole life, a perfect imperfect family. Sure Sid and I had our arguments, especially now on parenting views but it made everything worth wild.

Blake's 15 Birthday

I would've loved to have a special birthday for our Blakey but we were in Canada for his hockey tournament, well I was. Sid had no intention on retiring from hockey anytime soon, his body could still keep going. It was April and that meant playoffs, did I mention Sid was a 5 time Stanley cup champion? He had topped Patrick Kane with one extra ring.

I held Lila, our 4 year old daughter on my lap as we watched Blake take the ice. He took after his father, strong headed, brown eyes, Blake was the spitting image of Sid. He was gifted in the sport of hockey, he was playing with 16 and 17 year old kids, youngest on the team but top scorer. It wouldn't be long before scouts started looking at him, Sid and I could only pray that the penguins would draft him... I never had intentions on living anywhere else but this beautiful city of Pittsburgh.

"Mommy?" Says Lila

"Yea sweetie?"

"There's so many people" she laughs

"Yea, it's a big game" Lila was me in every way, my full lips, hair, and blue eyes that Sid couldn't get enough of. She played hockey, Sid made sure she knew how to skate by the time she was two, just like Blake. Originally Sid and I didn't intent to have another kid, mostly because of the busy schedule but one night that all changed. Now were a beautiful family of 4... Star passed away at 16 years of age, not a day goes by that I don't miss his slobbery kisses.

The game begins and it was so evenly matched. The score stayed at 0 till we ended up in overtime. If Blake won this game his team would be headed to the finals. My heart crippled as I watched number 78, Blake, take tripping call.

"Uh oh Blake is in timeout" says Lila

"Oh honey it's gonna be worse than a timeout I sigh" Blake might cost us the game. I watched with a rapid heartbeat till the penalty began to expire. Blake's teammate sauces Blake the puck as soon as he exits the box, the team wasn't paying attention to the clock.

Blake was all alone, just him and the goaltender. I watch as he moves left than right, moving the goaltender to the right. The goalie goes for a glove save but Blake was to quick, he changes from forehand to backhand in a second, much like his father and backhands the puck in. Never before had a goal horn sounded so beautiful as our section on the bleacher jumped out of their seats. Gloves go flying in the air and teammates begin to pile onto Blake.

"Blakey did it!" squeals Lila as she jumps up and down.

After the team heads off to the locker room I wait outside with Lila in my hand. Her little 78 sweatshirt was still oversized for her.

"78?" Questions a man "is 78 your son?"

"OT winning goal? That's my son" I smile widely

"Crosby huh?"


"I represent team Canada, mostly for Juniors" he says than shakes my hand

"Your son, he put on quiet a show, he's an outstanding hockey player like his dad"

"Thank you-"

"He's Canadian?"

"Yep, Both my children are"

"We'll he's young you now, only?"

"Only 15, his birthday is today"

"Well listen Canadian scouts are gonna keep a close eye on him, and we'll wait for your daughter too" he smiles "Wouldn't you like to play for the women's team?" he asks Lila

"I love hockey!"

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