Chapter 13: Team Dinner

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I woke up pretty early the next morning and quietly got off the bed so I wouldn't wake up Sid. I showered real quick and straightened my hair. I threw on dark jeans, a grew sweater and grey boots. After, I headed downstairs to start making breakfast.I herd footsteps from upstairs form Sid getting out of bed. He came down and kissed my cheek.

"Morning babe"

"Morning.... What are you making?"

"Eggs and bacon. Sit down there ready"

I placed the bacon and eggs on a plate than placed it on the counter. I took a seat next Sid at the counter and began eating.

"So I was thinking. Before we go to Mario's lets go up to the mall so I can get some clothes for Canada. And you still haven't gotten the team gifts"

"Shit! I knew I forgot something"

"Well finish breakfast and we'll go"

After Sid finished he went up stairs to shower. I began cleaning the dishes when the phone rang. I picked up without looking at the caller ID.


"I'm coming for you" replied a deep mysterious voice

"And who is this"

"I'd doesn't matter.. You'll find out soon enough"

"This isn't funny!"

"Hahahahah got you Sis! It's Justin"

"I swear your worse than a kid"

"Are you excited for Canada? What times your flight?"

"I can't wait! Holy crap I miss it. And uh tomorrow at 9"

"Alright well I just wanted to know, ill see you tomorrow. Love you"

"Love you too"

I hung up the phone and Sid came downstairs.


"Yea ill meet you in that car I gotta put on my uggs"

Sid went outside and started up the car. I put my shoes on and grabbed my wallet. I met Sid in the car and we went up to the mall. It was a little empty. First we went to the Nike store because Sid needed a new pair of sneakers. After we went to Macy's to pick out some dresses for Christmas.

I picked a couple dresses and told Sid to wait outside the dressing room.

"I'll be out in a sec"
The first dress was a white long sleeved skater dress with a scoop bow back. Sid and I both liked the dress. I'd probably wear this one to my brothers house.
The second dress was an open v back with crystals. It was long sleeved and the v in the back went halfway down my back and was open. When I came out Sid was speechless. I don't know when I would where this. But I liked it so I was gonna take it.
The third dress was a high-low, long sleeved off the shoulder dress. The top part was an off white lacy pattern and the bottom was dark blue. I knew this is the one I was gonna were for Christmas.
I picked one last dress for tonight which was a chevron print high low dress with a solid sweetheart bodice and the top was hot pink. I payed for the dresses and Sid and I walked the mall and got the guys some gifts.

After we were done with the mall we got home and got ready for Mario's. I put the dress on for tonight and fixed my hair. Sid put on jeans and a dress shirt on. It was 3:30 so we headed to Mario's house. The trunk of the car was packed with gifts for the team. Once we arrived at Mario's Neal and Malkin were already there. I rang the doorbell and Neal greeted me. I kissed him in the cheek

"Hey, can you help Sid bring in the gifts?"

"Yea sure. GENO COME OUT AND HELP" Yelled James

I greeted Geno than went and found Nathalie finishing up dinner.

"Hey babe"

She hugged me

"So are you excited for your trip with Sid"

"I'm so excited! I got his Christmas gift ready. I'm all packed and Christmas shopping is done."

"I wanna here all about when you get home "

"I can't believe Christmas is Wednesday already"

The doorbell rang. I went to go unlock the door. It was Dupuis and his family.

"Hey" I hugged him and his wife. His kids Maeva, Kody, Zoe, and Lola came in and almost knocked me over with there hugs.

"Where do we put these?" Asked Pascals wife Carole-Lyne holding out a bag of presents. Sid came out from the living room

"ill take those."

I followed Sid into the living room where he placed the presents next the the Christmas tree. Mario gets a new tree every year. Him and his family go cut it down as a family bonding thing. Nathalie decorated the tree with white lights and different ornaments. Some of pictures, others where some the kids made. There wasn't anymore room under the tree and as the whole team came, presents where scattered all around the living room. Sid took me in his arms, his warmth and the twinkle of the lights just made the mood so right. He kissed me so swiftly and passionately. Just as we broke from the kiss I herd a giggle. Flower had his phone and was snapping pictures of me and Sid.

"Haha very funny flower"

"Twitter is gonna love this" he said giggling. Sid and I rolled our eyes at him and his childish antics.

The whole team was gathered in the living room having fun with the kids.

Nathalie, Carole and Véronique Flowers wife and I were all in the kitchen playing with Estelle. Estelle was Flowers first kid. She was dressed in red Santa dress with white stockings. Her baby hair was clipped with a whit flower. Holding her made me realize how much I wanted a kid. To raise a kid, and see them blossom into an amazing adult. I was staring into Estelle's eyes when Carole started talking and snapped me out of my deep thought..

Carole looked at me "so what's going on with you and Sid?"

Nathalie butted in a little with "there going on vacation tomorrow"

"Really? Where?" Véronique asked

"Where going to Canada for a week. To visit his family and mine"

"I'm sure you'll have a great time"

"Yea as long as I'm with Sid." I giggled.

"Clair can you call everyone for dinner?"

I went to the living room and told everyone to come sit for dinner. Sid grabbed my hand and walked with me to the dinning room. He pulled my chair out for me than pushed me in. Nathalie came out with a hot casserole and lasagna. She placed it on the table that had big white candle sticks and a red table cloth. Everyone began to eat. I helped Dupuis feed his youngest child.

Mario stood up and gave a little speech

"I'd just like to take a few moments to be grateful for the food in front of us and the people in this room. We still have a long road ahead of us until playoffs. Let us have the strength, courage and stamina to take lord stanly this year. Let us be thankful for all we have in our lives. Amen"

"Amen" replied the whole team and we began eating again.

Once we were done and loaded the dish washer we gathered in the living room to open presents. Sid grabbed the bags for all the guys. Inside each bag was a varsity jacket with the guys name and number on the back with the Pittsburgh Penguins logo. I took the bag for the girls. Each girl got a necklace with a hockey stick. The hockey stick had there husband/boyfriends jersey number. Nathalie pulled a box from the button of the tree and handed it to me.
It was a black box wrapped in golden ribbon. I pulled the ribbon lose and inside was an ornament. On it was a picture from Sid and I's first date.

"Look Sid our first Christmas ornament together"

"That will look perfect on the tree tonight"


"You'll see later"

I wondered what Sid was taking about. Nathalie finished giving out all the presents. By the time everyone was done opening them there was wrapping paper everywhere.

"Anyone up for some football?!" Screamed James.

"Hell ya!"

Geno grabbed the football and all the guys began running outside in the freezing weather. Sid came up to me and kissed me head.

"Wanna come babe?"

"Maybe later, I'm gonna help the girls clean up"

"Alright" Sid grabbed a beer from the counter and went out side with the guys. I could here there screams as I helped Nathalie pick up the wrapping paper.

"Clair can you do me a favor?"

"Yea sure"

She opened the closet door and pulled out sweatshirts.

"Can you give these to the guys, we don't need anyone getting sick"

I giggled "alright ill be right back"

I peeped through the front window and I could see Sid with Lola on his shoulders. He was so adorable and attractive with kids. Just than Sid gave a signal to come outside.
I unlocked the front door and handed the guys sweatshirts. Sid grabbed the last one and put it around me. I looked up into his eyes. Sid was my everything and just when we were about to kiss until James through a snowball right at our face.

"Oh it's on!" I screamed as I picked up snow and smushed it into a ball. Sid hit me with a snowball. Before I knew it we were all in a snowball fight.

Sid picked me up and through me into the snow. He pinned me wrists down and leaned in and kissed me. I wiggled one hand free and picked up snow. Just as Sid pulled away I threw the snow right in his face.

Finally the guys were all tired out and we were ready to go home. Sid and I said our goodbyes and were on our was home.


"Sid what in the world are you doing?"

"You'll see in a second"

"But I wanna go to bed" I pouted

Just than Sid walked in the room with a big box.

"Open it"

I pulled the box open and inside was a Christmas tree with lights and ornaments.

"I want you to help me put this up"

Sid and I assembled the tree, and hung the lights. Sid pulled the box of ornaments and we went around decorating the tree. I opened the bag and pulled out our ornament.

"Let's put this one up together"

Sid wrapped his arms around me and we placed the ornament on the tree. I took a step back and was full of amazement as the lights twinkled in my eyes.

"Sid I love you "

"I love you to Clair"

"Ready for bed? We have a flight to catch tomorrow"

"Uh ya, go get ready for bed. Ill be right up there"

-------Sid's POV

Clair walked up the stairs and I took a seat on the couch. I stared at the tree, or ornament was twirling.
Seeing Clair be with the team today reminded me how much she fit in. She was a perfect match and girls like that don't come along to often. I could never wrap my head around the idea that the most perfect girl in the world was mine. I couldn't wait to be in Canada with Clair. After thinking about Canada I finally made my way upstairs. I creaked open the bedroom door. Clair was sound asleep in the bed. I crept in next to her an folded me arms around her. I gave her one last kiss before going to sleep.

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