Chapter 24: Convinced or Decieved?

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"Sid babe come on get up"
"In an hour"
"Alright whatever"

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I shivered as my feet touched the cold tile floor. I turned the shower on hot, took off my clothes and slipped under the water. After the shower I wrapped my self in a towel and walked out to my closet. I grabbed leggings and a Pink over sized sweater. I straightened my hair and put on some mascara and made my way to the kitchen. I let the dog out and prepared lunch for Sid because they had practice today. After that I called Ryan to make sure he was boarding his plane today. As soon as he got here I would take him to Consol Energy Center and talk about it with Shero and Bettmen. I guess I would explain everything to him in the car that way he wouldn't be able to back out. Sid finally came downstairs. He had sweats and an open robe on. His hair was all messy from sleeping on it and he was still groggy. I couldn't help my self but to stair at his abs. He walked over to me and kissed my forehead.
"Do you have practice today?"
"It optional skate but I'm gonna go for a work out"
"Alright well you know the game plan so I'll be over there later"
He quickly made himself a waffle and went upstairs.

I cleaned around the house and did all the laundry that had been sitting in the hamper for a while. After I finished that I lied on the sofa and dialed Clarissa's number and she picked up immediately.

"What the hell? You just pick up and leave without come saying goodbye"

"Clarissa it's not that... Come on you know I would never do that. I left and Sid was still there"

"That still isn't an excuse on why you didn't come say goodbye"

"I came right out of the hospital straight to the airport.. I really didn't have time"

After that sentence I had to explain the whole story to her and she told me she had seen Ryan leaving with a little luggage.
Ryan would be landing soon and holy crap did this plan need to work. We ended the phone call and I went to the front door and grabbed my keys.
I got in the truck and drove up to the air port but first stopped at shop rite. I picked up some breakfast food and some meats that I could make for dinner.
After I put everything in the back seat I made my way up to the airport.
Ryan's flight was #119
I took a seat near baggage claim and waited for them to announce his flight. I played around on my phone switching from angry birds to candy crush just to kill sometime. After about 15 minutes the overhead speaker went on
"Flight 119 now arriving"
I got up and walked to the terminal and Ryan was the second person off the plane. Sid and I flew him first class just to win him over a bit.
I gave him a quick wave and he saw me in the crowd.
He lugged his duffle bag over and said hello.

"Hi Ryan"
"Now that I'm here, can I have an explanation on why I am here?"
"Um in the car"

We were silent as we walked out to the car. I loaded his bag in the trunk and slipped into the drivers seat. Ryan buckled his seatbelt. As I began to turn on the ignition I could see him eye down my scars. I began driving to the rink.

"Ryan listen I know you have a lot of questions but I really need you to trust me"
"I do but I want an explanation on what I'm doing exactly?"
"It's about Sid"
"You know Sidney Crosby, aka the man who punched you in the jaw?"
"Sidney Crosby punched me in the jaw?!?"
"Yea, he also happens to be my boyfriend"
"That explains a lot"
I pulled the car into the empty parking lot and pulled the key from the ignition. I close my eyes and took a deep breath. Slowly I opened them as I turned to look at Ryan.
"I need you to help me with something important. The NHL wants to suspend Sid and your his only hope. He's really sorry for what he did. I could never imagine that he would get so mad as to hurt somebody but he did. Your his only hope please Ryan"
He took a deep breathe and a long blink. He rolled his eyes and looked up at me.
"I'm doing this for you okay,what I did was wrong and I'm facing my consequence. I'll help Sid"
A smile appeared on my face, I let out a big gasp of air.
"Let's do this"
I got out and closed the car door, Ryan followed close behind. We walked to the back of the Consol Energy Center and into the meeting room. Bettmen sat there in silence with Shero and Sid. Ryan and I took a seat and began to tell the story of what had happened at the mall. After we finished the story Ryan and I were asked to step outside as Bettmen made his decision. We sat in the hallway and I leaned on the wall. Slowly I slid down it till I was sitting on the floor. My hands were running through my hair. I was so nervous that I could hear my heart beating. Ryan stood there with his arms crossed. I couldn't even think straight, but I did all I possibly could. 10 minutes later the door swung open, to me it felt like I had been waiting for hours. Sid's face was gloomy and his eyes stared at the floor. My heart sank straight into my stomach. He came over to me and lifted me to my feet. Our eyes met and that's when a smirked appeared on his face.
"I'm only getting suspended for 5 games"
I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck, I couldn't contain my excitement.
Ryan's face lit up a bit to. I let go of Sid and walked over to Ryan and hugged him.
"Thank you so much"
Sid walked over and put his hand behind his head and the other in his pocket.
"Uh yea sorry about everything but thanks a lot" he turned to me "I'll see you at home Clair, I'm gonna join the guys for practice"

Ryan and I went out to the car, the smile on my face wouldn't die down.
"Ryan I can't thank you enough, maybe we can go out to dinner?"
"Nah it's okay... Really I'm good"
"No I owe you"

I drove to this little Italian restaurant and found parking on the street. We walked in and they sat us in a little booth. The waiter handed us menus and left to go get us drinks. I began looking up and down the menu for my choice of food. I decided I was gonna order a medium rare stake. I closed the menu and placed it on the table. I turned to look at the tv, which was showing the NHL network. Running along the bottom of the screen "Sidney Crosby only suspended 5 games". 5 games to me was nothing , it was a lot better than what they were gonna do. The waiter cam back over and placed the drinks on the table. She pulled out a pad and a pen from behind her ear.
"What can I--" she stopped for a minute as her eyes scanned my face.
"Aren't you Sidney Crosby's girlfriend?"
"Uh yea"
She looked over at Ryan and rolled her eyes.
"So um what can I get you?" I could see she was forcing a smile
"In just gonna do a medium rare steak"
"And for you sir?"
"Uh I'll just to a bacon cheese hamburger"
"Alright it will be right out"

I looked at Ryan and whispered "what was that about?"
"She rolled her eyes at me, I didn't even do anything"
Ryan looked around than came back to me
"Everyone is kinda staring" he whispered softly
I scanned the room and watched as faces turned from my direction.
"Why are they staring?"
"Maybe because your Crosby's girlfriend and I'm not Sidney Crosby"
"Oh please that's so stupid"
The waiter came back and placed the food on the table. Ryan and I ate quickly because we were getting all kinds of glairs. I got really uncomfortable when I saw some pull out their phone and snap a picture of me and Ryan. I signaled the waiter for the check, not even close to being done with my food. She handed me the check and I quickly pulled out a 30 and left it on the table. I grabbed Ryan by his wrist and dragged him out.
"What was that about?"
"It was akward, didn't you see them all staring at us?"
"Yea but who cares"
"I do"

We got into the car and I decided to blast the radio so we wouldn't have to make any conversation. I pulled up into the driveway and pulled the key out of the ignition. We made our way into the house. I walked into the kitchen and opened up the freezer. I pulled out the tub of cookie dough ice cream and set it on the counter. Ryan came in and asked what I was doing.
"Well we didn't get to have dessert so I'm having it now"
"That's just like you, you've always had a sweet tooth"
"I can't believe you remember"
"I remember how when you had waffles you would put butter on and wait till it melted or how you would always clip up your side bangs or when you needed to think you would go sit out by the lake with your dads dog"
I didn't know what to say, I stared down at the counter top. I looked back up at Ryan "you know what, it's getting kind of late and you have a flight tomorrow.. I'm gonna go upstairs for bed" With that I was gone and left Ryan standing in the kitchen fidgeting with a spoon in the ice cream. I pulled my hair up into a bun and slipped into a tank and Sid's sweatpants. I jumped into bed and pulled the blanket over me.

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