Chapter 25: hey, I love you

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I woke up the next morning to the faint sound of a bird chirping. I felt a hand lying across my body. I turned over to see Sid wrapped around me. I had went to bed before he got home. I looked over the clock sitting on the night table. 9:00

I waited a few minutes lying in Sid's arms. I embraced it, enjoying every moment. I could he his heart beat and the sound of his sleeping. I finally had to get up. Slowly I slipped out of his arms and tip toed downstairs. Star jumped up and greeted me with wet doggy kisses. I opened the back door and let him go out. While he was out, I opened up the pantry and grabbed the pancake mix. I quickly made the batch and warmed up the pan.

I began poring the batter when I felt muscular arms wrap around my waist. Sid's arms wrapped around my waist and his head rested on my shoulder. he began swaying back and forth planting kisses along my neck.
"Good Morning Babe"
I turned and he grabbed my hands forcing me closer. He planted a kiss on my lips and that's when we were interrupted my Star barking for our attention.

Sid let go of my hand and sat on floor petting the dogs. I attended to the pancakes flipping them every so often. I had finished cooking about 8 pancakes when Ryan had woken up. He walked into the kitchen running his hand through his hair.
"Morning" he uttered
"Would you like some pancakes before you leave?"
"Uh yea only because you make the best pancakes"
After Ryan said that I looked over at Sid who rolled his eyes than took a seat at the counter. I placed the stack of pancakes on the counter along with syrup and butter. The guys began to dig in and in no time all the pancakes were gone.

"They were delicious babe, I gotta head out, all the schools are coming to watch practice and I hafta be there"
"Alright babe maybe I'll stop by later"
He come over and kissed my cheek than ran upstairs to change.
"Ryan are you all packed up?"
"Yea I'm just gonna take a quick shower if that's okay?"
"Yea that's fine"

Ryan got up and left to his room. I quickly cleaned the counter up, washing dishes and throwing out food. I placed the butter and syrup back into the fridge and ran upstairs. I could here Sid in the shower, as I picked out clothes to wear. I grabbed my yoga pants and penguins tshirt. I quickly changed and grabbed my purse. I waited patiently at the front door, when my phone buzzed. I quickly looked at it. It was a text from my Clarissa telling me she was coming down to Pittsburgh in June. I texted her back and told her I was excited and that if she needed a place to stay she was more than welcome to stay with me and Sid.

Ryan came through the hall with his bag and was ready to go.
"Alright come on"
He smiled and followed me to the truck and threw the bag in the back. I drove him to the airport and pulled up to one of the doors. I helped him grab his bag and made sure he had everything.
"Listen thanks for everything, I owe you won.. Text me when you land, have a safe flight"
"No problem"
He came over and hugged me, I pulled out pretty quick. He walked through the doors and I climbed back into the truck. Maybe I would cook some dinner for Sid tonight, a nice romantic one. It was something I could do to keep his mind of the game.

I pulled up to shop rite and parked the car. I ran inside and grabbed some skirt stakes, stuff for salad, ice cream and some other things that we needed to restock up in the house. I was standing on the line when I began scanning over the magazines and newspapers. I almost dropped the groceries when I saw the headlines on one of the newspapers.
'Sidney Crosby's Girlfriend cheating on him with unknown man?'

I grabbed the newspaper and quickly scanned it. There wasn't much evidence on it especially because I wasn't. All that was in it was a blurry picture someone had snapped when I was eating dinner with Ryan. I placed the newspaper back on the rack and paid for my items. I ran out to the car and threw them in the trunk. Quickly I made my way to the pet store across the street.

I picked out a new collar and found a Crosby shirt for Star. I grabbed a big bag of kibble and paid. When I finally got home I began cooking. Sid would be home soon and I wanted to surprise him. I walked into the dinning room and spread a white table cloth. I grabbed two candles and put them in the center of table. Next I grabbed a bottle of wine with 2 wine glasses and set them on the table. After I tended to the food preparing the salad and marinating the stakes. When everything was set. I ran upstairs and pulled out the black dress I had bough from Macys. The back was really low with pearls. I slipped into my nicest flats because heals weren't an option. I quickly curled the ends of my hair and added some extra mascara. I herd Sid pulling up into the driveway and that's when I jetted downstairs and placed the salad on the table and put the stakes on a big plate. I tuned off all the lights and and took a seat on the counter.

I herd Sid unlock the door and Star went running to great him.
"Clair?" He called from the front door.
"Here babe"
He walked into the dark kitchen. "Why is it so dark in here?"
He flicked on a light and his eyes locked on me.
"Is there uh something I should be filled in about?"
I got up and and walked behind him bringing my hands to his shoulders. I began massaging. Sid let out a long moan.
"Why don't you go upstairs and change babe, dinner is ready?"
"I'll uh go do that"

I cut the stake and placed a piece on each plate waiting for Sid.
He came down in jeans and my favorite shirt of his. It was a beautiful blue color that looked flawless on him. He took a seat and I took mine.
"So what's this all for?"
"I don't know I just felt you needed it, with all the stress that's happened latley..i thought this would be nice"
"Well babe you didn't have to"
"I never have to with you" I said and jokingly rolling my eyes.
"Alright now taste it and tell me what you think"
Sid took his knife and fork and cut off a little piece and ate it.
"Holy crap babe that's really good.. How did you make that?"
"I can't tell it was my moms secret recipe"
We finished eating and that's when I got up and went back to messaging Sid's shoulders.

-------SID'S POV

The dress complimented every curve she had. Her legs looked beautiful even with that boot on. She was beautiful in every way possible. I had to control myself, I wanted her and I wanted her bad. She began messaging my shoulders and I couldn't help but moan. This pass week has driven us apart a bit and I wanted to reconnect bad. I got up and lifted her placing her back onto the wall. My hand slid down her thigh and pushed my lips into hers. Her breathing began getting heaving and her arms warped around my neck. We made our way upstairs not breaking the kiss.

I dropped her on the bed and began sucking around her her neck and bitting her sweet spots. I wanted her so bad. Her hands wandered till the came to the buttons of my shirt. She began unbuttoning my shirt and her hands traced over my abs. I fought for dominance in her mouth. She let my tongue enter. I began slipping of her dress and played with the back of he bra strap. Her hand fumbled with my belt until she was able to pull them down leaving me in my boxers.

-----Clair's POV

I was hungry for Sid. It had been to long and I needed him. I was in my bra and panties and Sid was in his boxers. He pushed me further onto the bed and un clipped my bra. I threw it across the room.

"Clair I'm so hard for you" he whispered in my ear

I was able to slip my hand down to the bulge in his boxers. I began messaging it and he moaned loud. It was over, I needed him bad. Just as I began pulling on his boxers the doorbell rang.

"Who the hell is that?!"
Sid scrambled to his pants and robe.
I got up and put on my bra and threw on Sid's sweatpants. Sid raced downstairs to answer the door and I went to the kitchen to clean up. I was loading the dishwasher and that's when James came in.

"Hey James" I said while he gave me a kiss on the cheek
"So uh what brings you here?"
"Well beside that I live around the corner I uh wanted to talk to Clair"
"What about?"
"It's uh my girlfriends birthday next week and your the only person I could think of that would help think of a present for her"
"Well you two do whatever I'm gonna head out to the ice out back"

James and I began playing around with ideas and ordered a present. It was pretty late so James got his stuff and was on his way. I went up to bed and put on a movie. Sid joined me shortly after and I snuggled up to him. My head lied on his chest and his hand began playing with my hair. I struggled to keep my eyes open but I finally gave in.

HEY last post for this year ;)
But after this I'm gonna be skipping forward to around playoffs so I can get the story to start being interesting.. After I finish all that I'm not sure if I'm gonna write a sequel or just continue with the book. We'll see and I hope everyone has a good start to the new year and don't forget feedback is always appreciated. :)

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