Chapter 48: We gotta do this

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It was September, Sid was out of my hair but I did miss him a lot. One more week and we would be starting the hockey season, and Sid would rarely be home. In way I was okay with it because I was rarely home either, I've been spending most of my time with my father who is getting weaker by the day, he most likely wasn't going to make it to the wedding let alone a bit past Sochi.

I was at South Point with Clarissa watching the boys have practice , just running through new lines.
"How have you been feeling?" I said as I took a seat next to Clarissa on the cold bleacher.
"I'm good, just a bit of morning sickness"
"Have we found out the gender of the baby?"
"It's gonna be a boy" She squealed
"Is James excited?"
"He already bought him his first pair of hockey skates" She laughed
"That's to cute! I was wondering when we should do dress fittings?"
"But the baby will be born before than so do you wanna go now and we can try them on before you get bigger or by May when the baby is born?"
"Maybe after the baby is born"
"So than dress appointment will be in May and after we come from Sochi we will go dress shopping!" I squealed
"The whole bridal party is flying out?"
"Yep they are! Aerin, Taylor and my cousin Amanda are coming in from Canada and Maddie is flying in from Michigan"
"One of my closer teammates, we've stayed in touch but I haven't seen her for like two years"
"Aw well at least you get to see her, now venue is booked along with caterer, florist, and Dj?"
"Correct, invitations sent out and all I got to do Is decorations, dresses and Tuxes.... And the rehearsal dinner"
"And I'm doing the bachelorette party! And you need a bridal and engagement party" she laughed
"It's to late for engagement, maybe a bridal shower would be nice" I laughed
"That could work to"

After practice I was standing in the hallway waiting for Sid when James walked by.
"Clair! We need to talk" he smiled
"About?" He than blushed
"Well your uh Clarissa's best friend and I wanna make sure she gets a baby shower"
"And you want me to plan it?"
"Yea, I know nothing about that stuff" he laughed
I'll do it,only cause I love her!" I laughed
"Thanks, your a life saver" he began walking away
"Hey I want a proposal soon!" I shouted at him "Calm down!" He yelled back as he chuckled. I waited a bit longer before Sid came out of the locker room all showered up.
"Hey babe" he said as he kissed me
"Ready to go?" I asked as I fixed the button on his shirt
"Yep let's go" he smiled

We headed over to my fathers house, he had just had his chemo yesterday, something he gets every 2 weeks. I unlocked his apartment door, Sid followed closely behind me.
"Dad?" I called out
"In here" he called back from the bedroom. He walked out and greeted Sid and I.
"How are you feeling?" I said as we took our seats on the sofa.
"Honey" he coughed "I won't lie to you, but your mother is calling me" As those words released from his mouth, tears began steaming down my face.

"Dad no" I said weakly as I buried my face into his chest.
"Everything's going to be alright" he said back as he rubbed my back
"It gonna be alright" I sat up straight and with teary eyes I looked at his face, it had aged so much.
"But dad you have to be at the wedding"
"Listen, I'll be there.... Just not how you want me to, I'll be there in spirit" he than wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head

"You and Sid should get going, I'm not feeling to well. I just need to relax" he said as he adjusted himself on the sofa.
"I'll swing by tomorrow" I said as I kissed his cheek. Sid and I left for home where I was greeted by Clarissa who was waiting at our door step.
"There you guys are!" she said as we walked up to the door
"Why are you here?" laughed Sid
"What I can't come visit my friend? Is that a problem Mr.Crosby?"
"No no" he laughed as he unlocked the door. 

"ill be right back" I said as I headed up the stairs, leaving Clarissa and Sid in the kitchen.

*Sid's POV*

"How is she holding up?" asked Clarissa as she took a seat on the chair next to the counter.

"What do you mean?" I said as i opened the fridge, taking out the water i began pooring a glass

"How is she doing about her dad?'

"Around me shes fine but i know shes falling apart inside, the thought of him not being there for the wedding is killing her"

"Sid she puts up a really strong front, but if i know her shes really depressed. She was that way when her mother passed"

"There's only so much I can do about it... I- I was thinking about doing something special for her and her dad"

"What do you mean?"

"The doctors are saying he isn't going to make it to the wedding so I was thinking about arranging a fake wedding type thing were her dad can walk her down the isle"

"I think that's a good idea, if you need any help im literally down the block" She chuckled

"And your gonna do Clair's bridal shower right?"

"Yep I am, Im already planning it" She squealed, just than we herd Clair come down that stairs, ending our conversation. 

*Clair's POV*

"Its getting late, Im gonna head home" Clarissa said as she hugged me

"Are you sure you don't want to stay a bit longer?"

"I wish but there morning practice tomorrow and I promised James Id be there because after were going to get an ultra sound done" She laughed 

"Okay than ill see you tomorrow" She said bye to SId than I walked her out to the front door. 

"Sid" I mumbled "what?' he responded

"Come up to bed"

"Already?" "Please" I pouted

"lets go" he said picking me up over his shoulder. Gently he laid me back down in bed where we got close together. 

"On top of planning our wedding I have to plan a baby shower to" I laughed 

"You've defiantly got your hands full, don't forget we have our first game in a week" He laughed into the crook of my neck.

"Im biting way more than i can chew" I laughed

"Im sure you aren't, your more than capable" 


Short filler chapter, I'm really sorry about that. I hate doing chapters like this but I hate rushing to. But anyways dont forget when I publish my 50th chapter im also releasing the first chapter of my new Sidney Crosby fanfic that will be out when this story finishes. Until then leave me a comment and dont forget to vote.

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