Epilogue Part 1: Blake

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"I got them! I got them" laughed Sid as he practically stumbled over his own two feet while entering the house.

"Ready for this?" I say as I take the bag from him

"Of course, and no matter what that says ill always love you" he smiled as he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear

"I know" I whisper as I head off to the bathroom.

Slowly I open the box and unwrap the stick. This was it, this would tell me if Sid and I were going to start a family all our own.

I do exactly as the instructions say, nervously I sit on the ledge of the tub as I wait. Finally it appears, postitive. I was pregnant. I practically rip the door off its hinges and run down the stairs where Sid is petting Star.

"Babe! Babe!" I yell frantically

"What did it say?"

"I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant! Were gonna have a baby!" I scream as I leap into his arms

"Oh my Clair, Clair, Clair" he repeated as he squeezed me

"I, i have to call Clarissa! Sid were gonna have a baby!"

I run to the phone and quickly punch in Clarissa's house number, I hated that she lived in Nashville. It been a year now since the Neal trade that I still despised.

"Hey girly what's up?" I hear her say

"I've got good news!" I sing song

"What is it?"

"Sid and I are gonna have a baby!"

"Clair you better not even be kidding"

"No joke! no joke!" I practically cry. I than hear Ashton in the background

"I'm coming up to Pittsburgh for the first ultrasound! It better be a boy so he and Ashton can be best friends!Oh and I've got news for you to"

" what is it?" I saw as I look down at my, now, tiny stomach

"I think James is gonna pop the question tonight" she squeals

"You better call me as soon as he does!"

"I promise girly, I gotta go, Ashton is getting antsy" With that the line goes dead.

Sure enough James popped the question, him and Clarissa would tie the knot next June. I couldn't be happier.

9 Months Later

"Sid, the house is so gorgeous" I say as I walk in and out of the rooms, which is very difficult with my very large belly

"I made them finish it just for you" he smiles than plants a kiss on my forehead. We had day off in the beautiful month of April, right after playing Winnipeg. Sid decided to bring me up to Canada and surprise me with the house.

"I have one last surpirse" he than grabs my hand and slowly walks me up the stars, I can't go faster than a snail at this point.

"open the door" he refers to the bedroom door next to ours. Slowly I turn the knob and I'm taken back by the beautiful room. It was now painted blue and furnished with a new babycrib, rocking chair, and new cabinets.

"Sid you did the babies room?" I squealed as I looked closer at the wall which had cute zoo animals painted on them. I than looked over to a shelf, I knew what this shelf was for. Our son would win lots of trophies that would be scattered over this shelf.

"I also had the room in Pittsburgh done, part of the reason I made you come with me to Canada" Just as Sid hugs me I get a sharp pain.

"Owe" I moan as I squeeze my stomach

"Babe you alright?"

"Ya, I'm good, I'm just gonna lie down"

Slowly I make my way to our bedroom. The pain just kept increasing, I just wanted to scream and cry. I finally got up and there it went, all over the floor. My water had broke, the baby was coming.

"Sid" I screamed

"Yea babe?" he says as he strolls into the room

"my water just broke, this baby is coming" I screamed

"Get in the car" he yelled and quickly helps me into the passenger seat. I wasn't prepared, I didn't think we would be having our child in Canada.

As soon as we arrive at the hospital I am rushed off to a room. Needles were poked in every which direction, the pain in my stomach was worse than ever. Finally I was laid down onto a bed where the doctor came and checked things out.

"The contractions are going well, you need to breathe" she says "the baby will be coming soon" just than Sid walks into the room and grabs my hand. I was scared, I wanted everything to go right. "i called your brothers and my family, they are all aware that we are here" he smiles

"Can you call Clarissa?" I manage to say, he nods and does so. I focus on breathing, the contractions are causing more pain. This time I'm barley able to catch my breath as my body becomes shaky. The doctor comes over again, she's said her names so many times but I can't remember.

"Are you ready to have a baby?" she asks as two nurses file into the room, all placing rubber gloves on. I nod for my reply.

"Good" she smiles "your crowning, the baby will be here soon" she smiles. Sid squeezes my hand tighter and kisses my forhead.

"When I say push, you need to push as hard as you can, okay?" the nurse says

"Okay" I respond

"Alright here we go"

"Push!" My vision is blurry and I was probably cutting of the circulation to Sid's hand as I squeezed it.

"He's almost there! Push!"

I give one last good squeeze, my ears will filled with tiny little crys, the cry of my son. Within a few minutes the nurse is by my side with him swaddled in a baby blue blanket.

"Would you like to hold him?" she asks and I nod.

I hold the tiny bundle of joy in my hand. He has the cutest button nose and I can see Sid's lips already. This was my world, this was Sid and i's new world.

"He's gorgeous" Sid says as he admires our son over my shoulder

"Wanna hold him?" I ask. Sid scoops him into this arms and lovingly looks down at him. He was so small, so helpless but with the held of Sid and I, he would prosper.

"Hey there little guy" speaks Sid

"Are you gonna be a great hockey player?" he asks, causing my to laugh. The nurse picks up my phone and tells us to get close for a picture with our new addition. I may not have my parents but I have Sid, I have our son, I had the world.

"So what are we gonna name him?" questions the doctor.

"Sid, I think he looks like a Blake"

"Blake Crosby" rolls off his tongue smoothly

We decided on Blake Crosby, he is soon whisked away to under go test to make sure he his completely healthy.

"Blake Crosby 7lbs 11ounces born April 4th, 7:22 pm" he grins. Our hospital door swings open and in come Justin, Max, Aerin and Sophia, who was gotten so big.

"Hey there mama" says Aerin as she holds Sohpia

"Where is he?" asks Max

"They'll bring him here soon"

After Sid and I's family meets Blake they all head home, leaving me and Sid and peace. 11:55 on the dot.

"I called coach, I'm not playing tomorrow"

"Are you sure Sid? I'll be fine"

"No, I can get the rest before our next game, don't worry babe" he kisses me

"Can you believe it? We now have a kid"

"Blake Crosby" he repeats

A/n Finally, Cros-baby! This chapter is dedicated to an amazing reader of mine c-risis. She is an amazing writer so you should go check our her stories!

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