Chapter 8: Birthday Surprise

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Today was Sid and I's 5 month anniversary and I had gotten him a brand new jacket he had been wanting for a while. He told me I would have to wait till after I left work in order to get my gift. Well he lied because during work they delivered 5 dozen roses to my desk. I was getting all type of questions from my co-workers asking where they had came from

-------Sid POV

I just sent Clair 5 dozen roses for our anniversary. Her birthday surprise will be something no one else can give her. Clair made me happy, something a lot of people can't do. Girls were always an after though in my life. Hockey came first, I sacrificed everything for the boys and myself. They would go out and party, I would go out to the rink and practice shooting. But it was always my choice to practice instead of have fun. I never thought that would change about me until I met Clair. She made me realize what I've missed in life. But maybe I missed everything just so I could find her. She taught me the true meaning in life. It wasn't about perfecting your slap shot, it was about enjoying what you have. I spent the last couple days finding her 2 brothers. Max and Justin Parker. I had finally located them in Montreal. When I got in touch with them I told them about the whole plan of surprising Clair with them on her birthday. They said they would do it, and I payed for there flight to Pittsburgh. They just landed this morning.

------Clair's POV

After I got out of work I went back to my apartment. I still had some clothes here. I opened the closest and began rummaging through all the stuff that was left. I had been slowly moving into Sid's house which was perfect timing because my lease was almost up.

I know it's in here but where could it be?
I finally found it, this White & Teal Strapless Dress with Lace Bodice & Cutout Back.
I put the dress on and pinned my hair to the side. After I just did natural makeup. I grabbed my silver heels and threw them in the car. It was already 7:30 so I began driving to the diner.
I parked the car and slipped my heels on. I began walking up the path way. Sid was standing at the door waiting for me.

"Happy 5 month anniversary babe"
He put his hand on my lower back and the other hand on the back of my neck. He pulled me in for a kiss. Sparks flew as our lips touched it was a short sweet kiss, the ones I always cherish the most.

"I have a surprise for you"

He covered my eyes and walked me to the back room. Slowly he moved them so I could see. I laid my eyes on my brothers. I haven't seen them in 5 years. Tears began filling my eyes as I ran to hug them.


"Hi Clair"

We stood there hugging, I never wanted to let go. But eventually I had to, I turned and looked at Sid. I hugged him as tight as possible. He whispered in my ear.

"Happy anniversary and birthday babe"

"Sid this is the best present ever"

We all were seated and ordered food. My brothers looked the same as they did 5 years ago. To here the voices again and see there smile just made me so happy.

"So Justin how is your wife doing?" I asked

"We'll she's pregnant"


"We'll I was talking to her before I left, and we want you to be the godmother"

"Justin, I would be so honored"

Max was telling me about how he was coaching a team in a small town outside of Montreal.
We talked more than we actually ate. Seeing my brothers made me realize how much I missed them.
After dinner Sid got up to go pay the bill.

Justin: "that Sid, he really loves you"

"He means everything to me, he's so sweet"

Max: "he told us how he spent weeks trying to find us, so we could make you happy"

Justin: "I'm glad you found someone like him"

"How long are you guys staying in town?"

"3 days"

"So that means ill be with you for 3 days"

Sid came back to the table and my brothers took my car and I rode with Sid to his house.

"Sid, this is the best present I could ever ask for, thank you so much"

"I'd do anything to see you smile. When you talked about your brothers I could see how much you missed them. I needed to get them to you"

Just than "Lucky by Jason Maraz" came on. I started to signing it to Sid.

"Do you here me?

Talking to you, across the water

Across the deep blue ocean

Under the open sky, oh my

Baby I'm tryin

Boy I hear you in my dreams

Feel your whisper across the sea

Keep you with me in my heart

You make it easier when life gets hard

*Sid starts to sing along*

Lucky im in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

Lucky to be coming home again"

Sid turned and looked at me.

"Clair I love you"

"I love you to Sid"

He kissed me on the cheek as we pulled up to the house. My brothers were gonna stay with us for the weekend. I showed them to the guest bedrooms and got them accommodated.
Tomorrow night Sid had a flight to New York for a game against the Rangers. I helped him pack all his clothes. After we were done we laid in bed together I was nestled on top of him.

"Sid I'm gonna miss you"

"I know, but I promise to call you whenever I get the chance and I set up something for you and brothers tomorrow. I have to leave early for practice "

Sid pulled my face in for a kiss. We kissed and kissed and kissed for what seemed like forever. Finally we broke apart for air. I started falling asleep right on Sid.

-----Sid's POV
Clair fell alseep on top of me. Her breathing patterns began to slow down. She looked so at peace when she slept. I hate that I would have to be away from her. But it won't be for long. I told myself that she would be mine forever eventually. After staring at her I finally fell asleep.

(The dress Clair wore to the diner)

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