Chapter 31: The calm before the storm

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Game 7 overtime, I repeat game 7 overtime. Did I mention game 7 overtime? This game was so intense that I left my seat to go to locker room. I was standing in the tunnel with the equipment staff pacing back and forth while staring at the tv screen and casually taking peaks at the ice.

I was gonna have no nails by the time this was over. Deep breaths I kept telling myself, deep breaths. And that's when I saw the play develop right before my eyes. 2 on 1, Malkin and Neal rushing up the ice. Malkin held onto the puck and made a sick pass to Neal who send it flying through Tuukka's 5 hole right to the back of the net.
I jumped so high and I could just here the roar in the Consol Energy Center.

"Holy fucking shit were going to the finals!" I screamed while rejoicing with everyone in the locker room. I watched as the guys jumped on top of each other . Eventually they filled into the locker room and I ran right for Sid.
I picked up me up and I warped my arms around him as right I possibly could.
"Congrats babe! Were half way there!"
"Holy crap it feels so good"

Just than Dan walked in and had everyone shush up.
"One hell of a win tonight, now go celebrate and be ready to win. No practice tomorrow boys."
Just than Sutter broke out saying "Lets celebrate you beauts, everyone to the club right around the corner"
"Shiiiit lets go" mumbled the team

The guys changed and we headed out, let me tell you I've never seen a bunch of grown men, get that hammered.
We walked into the club and the single guys on the team headed to the dance floor to find some girls to grind with. I caught up with Beau and headed to bar.
"Hell yea, why not?"
"Alright let me get 2 shots, one for the pretty lady"

I snapped my head back and chugged the shot, it felt good to let loose. The guys had a beer in there hand and were just enjoying themselves. I made my way to Sid who was chugging down and bottle of beer with Geno. I felt a bit tipsy as I sat on Sid's lap. He was talking but his words were a little slurred, you could tell he was already hammered.

"He no drunk often" mumbled Geno
"I could tell, its gonna hurt him in the morning"
"Where James girlfriend?"
"You mean Clarissa? She's visiting one of her friends"
"Oh Neal no have good time with out her"

I looked over at Neal who was barley holding onto his beer bottle watching Sutter and Martin mess around with the strippers. I walked over to him and I could see he was a little down.
"Hey James, nice goal today"
"Say it was pretty good eh?"
"More than good, it stopped me from hyper ventilating"
"I'll be back, gotta take a piss"

With that he left me alone at the bar and that's when the bartender handed me over a drink.
"I didn't order this" I uttered at him through the loud music
"Guy at the end of the table did"
I peered over to see a pretty lean guy in a white t and snap back. He caught my eye than winked at me. Ewww I thought to myself. I slid the drink back, if there was one thing I learned, don't drink if you didn't order it.

I checked my phone and saw Clarissa texted me saying she was home and congrats to the team. When I looked back up the guy was sitting next to me.
"Fuck your hot" he said while staring at me chest
"Awe well fuck your a douche" I said while rolling my eyes
"Damn baby nice rack"

I just turned body and rolled me eyes again but than I felt a hand on my butt. I looked to see the guy smirking and that's when I grabbed the drink and pored it over his head. Damn he wasn't expecting that. I got up and went back towards Sid who sitting next to a blonde chick whose breasts were down her throat. She was trying so hard to flirt with Sid and Geno but I could see neither of them were interested in the puck slut. I walked over and she looked up at me as I crossed my arms.

"Yes?" She said while twirling her bleached blonde hair
"Get up and get away"
"Why would I do that silly?"
" Cause your trying to flirt with MY boyfriend"
"Whose on a stop me?"
"I will bitch"
"Really" She used her hand and and grabbed Sid's chin and drunkenly kissed her. That's when I really lost it and just grabbed her by her extensions and pulled her away from Sid.
She went to swing at me but I was to strong for her. She missed and I just pulled tighter at her hair. I pulled her close to my face and whispered in her ear

"Touch him again and I promise you won't have any hair left" I let go, dropping her to the floor and took a seat next to Sid. She quickly got up, adjusted her breast than ran to the ladies room.
"Holy crap didn't know you could handle yourself like that" mumbled Sutter
"Sid I think it's a good idea to leave"
I grabbed his hand a helped him outside the club where we waited for Clarissa to pick us up because I was a bit tipsy to drive.

She finally pulled up in the truck and we quickly got in.
"How was your night?"
"Just wonderful" I said under my breath. When we got home I helped Sid upstairs and into bed.

Talk about a hangover, my head was pounding. I opened up the medicine cabinet and grabbed aspirin and quickly swallowed them. I walked over to the bed and ran my fingers through Sid's hair. He began to wake up to my touch.
"Morning champ"
"Morning babe"
I climbed on top of him and lied on his chest, his hand rested on my back.
"How you feeling"
"Head hurts, what happened last night? I don't remember anything after the game?"
"The whole team got hammered at the club"
"That sums it up"
"Yea, I was thinking maybe we should do something today"
"Like what?"
"I don't know, invite the team over, we can have a brabaque"

I got off Sid and went to the closet, grabbing shorts and a tank. I quickly changed and slipped on my Nike's and tied up my hair. I ran downstairs and got Star's harness and slipped it on him.
"Wanna go for a walk boy?" i said in an up beat voice
He barked back and with that we were out the door. I walked him down the street than we began jogging around the block. We came to a little park with a swing set. There was a blond haired 4 year old with blue eyes. Her dad was occupied with her younger brother on the other baby swings. Star and I took a seat at the bench to rest. The little girls eyes locked on Star as she admired him from a distance. I gave her a warm smile than waved. She waved back and got off the swing.
"Wanna pet him?"
She nodded and I told her she could. She ran over rather fast than let her little hands run through Star's fur. He lied there enjoying the attention.

"What's your name?"
"I'm Katie"
"I'm Clair"
"I like your doggy, what's his name?"
"This is Star"
She looked at the leash than back at me
"Could I walk him"

"Of course sweetie" I trusted that Star wouldn't tug at the leash so I handed her the handle and followed being her and she walked him around the swings. She sat down on the floor and Star licked her face, making her giggle.
The father came over with the other baby in his arms.
"I'm so sorry, Katie lets go"
"It's no problem really, my dog seems to like her"
"Katie loves dogs, but she's a handfull"
"She's gorgous"
"Thank you, I'm Max by the way" he opened up his hand and I shook it
"I'm Clair"

"Alright well come on Katie, say goodbye to the Clair"
She hugged Star really tight and was just about to leave with her dad but than came running to me and hugged my legs. It brought a smile to my face as I waved goodbye to the cute little family. I picked up Stars leash and headed back home.

"Hey babe, want a shake for breakfast?"
"That would be wonderful" I yelled while coming in from the back door. I made my way to the counter and took a seat.
"Did you call the guys?"
"Yea there all gonna come around one so I'm gonna go get some burgers" He slid over the shake and I gulped it down because I was so thirsty.
"Clarissa still sleeping?"
"Nah, herd the shower turn on about 10 minutes ago"
"Alright well I'm gonna go shower"

I jogged up stairs and picked a cute bikini with fridges, jean shorts, and a shirt with a vanity lace top. I took a quick shower than threw my hair in a bun because it was to hot outside and quickly changed. I walked back inside the bedroom and saw Sid had laid out his suit case again. We would be traveling to Chicago in a couple days, now these games I wouldn't miss for the world.

I found Clarissa eating a bowl of cereal at the counter.
"How are you and James going?"
"Oh our little thing? He taken me on some really cute dates, but it nothing is serious"
"Give him time, I'm telling you he's a sweetheart. He just needs sometime"
"I know, I'm not trying to move into anything to fast"
"Alright well go get ready cause all the guys are coming over"
"Shit" she shoved a whole spoonful of cereal in her mouth than ran to her room to get ready.

I went to the shed and pulled out a couple fold out chairs and tables and set them up on the patio. Than I grabbed the little lanterns and hug them around. After I placed plastic table cloths on the table than got the cooler ready. By the time I was done Sid had just got home with all the groceries. I placed all the hot dogs and hamburgers in the fridge, than put all the drinks in the cooler and mini fridge. By the time it was all set up a few guys showed up. First it was Maatta and Jussi, than Geno and Sutter. Within the hour all the guys had shown up except Neal. I went inside and found Clarissa sitting on the sofa.

"Hey why aren't you outside?"
"I'll be out soon"
"Is it because Neal isn't here?"
"Little bit, he promised he was gonna come"
"Don't get so bent out of shape"
I moved her long dark brown hair to her side than grabbed her arm and pulled her.
"Please leave me here"
"No come hang out with Sutter's girlfriends, she's really sweet" she let out a sigh than got up. I headed to the kitchen and began making a fruit bowl when the doorbell rang. I opened the front door and there was James.
"Hey, come in"
"I will but can you do me a favor?"
"Yea, anything"
"Send Clarissa down to my house"
"Uh okay"

With the the left and I went to the backyard. The kids were playing in the pool and Sid was refilling chip bowls. I spotted Clarissa up at the gazebo by herself.
"What now?"
"I think you should go get James, Duper says his car is in his driveway"
"I don't wanna be annoying"
"Trust me okay?"

With that she left and Vitalie's daughter asked if I would go in the pool with her. I slipped off my t shirt and shorts and left them in the gazebo and followed her out to the pool. I gotta a few looks from the single players on team. I was in the pool for a good hour playing with all the kids till it was time to eat. I went back and got my clothes than ran inside to put on dry indergarnments. When I came back Neal was sitting at the table.

"Where is Clarissa?" I whispered to him
"Went inside to look for you"
I went back inside and found Clarissa in her room.
"Hey" she said white a sigh
"What's wrong?"
"It's just Neal asked me on a formal date tomorrow before we leave for Chicago and I just don't know Clair"
I gave her a confused look
"I'm gonna go back to Canada, than what? I already caught feelings for him, now what if he has feeling for me? I'm gonna get up and leave and pretend like it never happened?"
"Clarissa you really like him.."
"That obvious?"
"If you didn't, you wouldn't be worrying about this right now. Maybe you could stay in Pittsburgh? Take regular trips to Canada"
"It's a big step"
"Listen when you choose, choose for you and not Neal or me. Make a decision your happy with and I'll help. Now come on lets go eat"
I opened the sliding door in her room that led us to the patio.

I grabbed a burger some fruit and a water bottle than took a seat next Sid. The guys all had there beer and in the middle of eating Sid decided to propose a toast.
"I just wanna make a little toast to the playoffs. Were going to finals you bunch of beauts! But I would also like to make a toast to my wonderful girlfriend" He looked at my and I felt my eyes start tearing
"Thank you for traveling with the team and putting up with my busy schedule. In a couple weeks it will be our 1 year anniversy, and it's been the best year of my life. I love you. And to all the girlfriends/wife's thanks for everything, now lets get ourselves a cup!"

The guys began hollering and cheering and I got up and hugged Sid as tight as possible. I whispered into his year that I loved him and he whispered it back to me. I was so pumped to go to Chicago I could hardly wait now. The rest of night was fun because me and the girls had went and sat on the lounge chairs talking while we watched the kids in the pool. Sid turned on the underwater lights so the pool would light up as the kids swam and the guys played bear pong. Overall it was a good night to relax before getting ready for chicago.

It's crazy ya know? One day I was just a girl in Pittsburgh but now I'm Sidney Crosby's girlfriend and I couldn't be happier.

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