Chapter 27: Movin up, moving closer

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Today was gonna be Clarissa's first playoff game. She was so excited, and I even bought her a Neal jersey. James had been telling me about how he's gonna take her on a date sometime this week, Im really happy for them.
Neal is a really nice guy and they look good together.

I slipped into my Crosby jersey and put on my dark grey jean shorts with black sandals. I let me hair down but grabbed a hair tie just in case. I met Clarissa downstairs who was flipping out because James asked her to meet him in the locker room after the game. We quickly headed over to the Consol Energy center that was a sea of black and gold. We decided not to sit in luxury boxes but to go sit right on the blue line infornt of the glass.

We quickly found our seats and got comfortable, puck dropped and the game was under way. Playoff games were always exciting and this game didn't fail to please. Kunitz, Dupuis and Sid played a game to tic tax toe right infornt of the net and when Kuntiz got it he hit it top shelf. Only 2 minutes later Neal scored through the goalies 5 hole. Than with 5 minutes left in the period Neal came skating out of the penalty box and received a pass from Martin and the goalie went out for the poke check letting Neal switch to a backhand right into an open net.

The period ended 3-0 and the next was just as exciting. You could see it in Neal's eyes he wanted this hat trick tonight. Clarissa was so excited that she went and bought a hat to throw onto the ice if Neal scored again. Geno got ready for face off and quickly won it passing the puck right to Neal. Neal received the pass right in his stick and just released it sending it flying over the shoulder of the goalie. Just than Clarissa threw her hat onto the ice and the whole Consol Energy center was jumping out of their seat cheering.

It was one hell of game' and we won 5-1, Pittsburgh leading the series 2-1. It felt good to get a strong win like we did tonight. Everyone cleared out pretty quick and Clarissa and I made our way outside the locker rooms. We had to wait a bit because the boys needed to deal with the media before we could go in. Just when we had run out of things to entertain ourselves they said we could go in.

Clarissa spotted James as soon as we got in and ran over to him giving him a huge hug. I walked over to Sid's stall, he had removed his chest pads and shirt. I was mesmerized by his body until I snapped out of it looking back at his face.
"Great win today babe" I said while quickly kissing him
"What was that?"
"Were in public, I'm not gonna go into full make out mode.. You wanna go out for dinner?"
"Uh yea tell James to come to"

I walked over and told Janes to come with us and than asked Geno and Bennett of the would like to join us. But they declined the offer and Neal, Sid , Clarissa and I drove to a small pizzeria.
It was empty which gave us privacy from any people asking for pictures and autographs. James had his arm comfortably around Clarissa.

They were cute together, they complimented each other.
We ordered pizza, wings, and some sodas. The guys were a lot more hungry than me and Clarissa. I myself could eat like a guy, it something hockey does to you. After dinner we dropped off Neal and Clarissa was smiley whole car ride home. Puppy love had hit her hard, I could tell just by looking in her eyes.


"THATS IT" I screamed at the TV as the penguins got the 4-1 series win over the senators. We were advancing to conference finals and I have never felt so confident in this team. I was so excited, I just couldn't wait for Sid to get home.

After the game I called him and congratulated him, we didn't talk long tho. He was tired and had an early flight home. The next day Clarissa and I waited patiently at the airport for the boys to arrive. Finally the flight number was called and we waited for the boys to come off the plane. Fist was Geno, I ran up and hugged him congratulating him. Next was Kunitz than Flower. Finally Sid came and I ran into his arms. He had been gone for 2 days and I missed his presence.

He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his body and looked into his eyes.
"Are you excited"
"Yea.. Your gonna travel with the team right?"
"Babe I promise, in fact this week I'll get a luggage ready for when we vs the bruins" I gave him a quick kiss on the lips than looked over see Neal hugging Clarissa. But when I looked at her arms I could see a rose.

Neal had told me he was gonna ask her on a date. Clarissa said she would be going to hang out with James and he would drop her off later. As for me and Sid we decided to back home and relax. We both changed into sweats and went into the movie room. We took a seat on the recliner and Sid pulled over a big comfy blanket. I snuggled up to him longing to hear his heart beat.

We put on some movie on netflix, but I was so tired from watching the game the other night that I began falling asleep in Sid's arms.

* The next morning I slipped away from Sid and went down to Clarissa's room. She was normally up by now and I knocked on her door. No answer, I kept knocking till I finally just opened the door. Her bed was perfectly made as if she hadn't slept in it. I walked around the house and her purse or shoes were no where to be found. I quickly dialed her number and she picked up.

"Where are you?"
"James came to drop me off last night but no one answered the door so we went back to his place an I fell asleep on his sofa"
"Oh my I'm so sorry Clarissa, I fell asleep with Sid I'm so sorry"Don't worry about it"
"Alright well how about I pick you up and we head out to the mall?"
"Alright sounds good"

I closed the phone and ran up stairs and changed into Jean shorts and a cute pastel tank top. I slipped on my black sandals and grabbed my purse, and was on my way to get Clarissa.

I pulled up in James' driveway and he hugged Clarissa goodbye and she ran over to my car. "Nice sweatshirt"
"Isn't it? I'm planning on wearing it to the next game" She said blushing. Her sweatshirt read pittsburgh penguins hockey than had 18 on towards the shoulder and Neal on the back with his number. "You do realize its the summer?" "Your point is?"

We got to the mall rather quickly and just hit up a few stores before we walked to the food court. I grabbed a vanilla bean from Starbucks and found a table to sit at.
"I wanna talk to you about something" I said while tracing circles with my finger on the table
"Sure lay it on me"
"I'm thinking about going to see my dad soon, I don't know when but hopefully before Sid and I's anniversary"
"Omg Clair I'm so happy"
"I just I don't know what I'm even gonna say to him"
"Listen when you see him you'll know what to say, speak the truth and go from there. I'm sure it will be all good"

She always had words to comfort me, after the mall Sid, Clarissa and I just watched Jack ass 3 for the rest of the night until we were ready for bed.

Hey guys really short chapter I know :(
But I promise things are gonna heat up a bit when the penguins play the bruins and it gets even better after that. I just wanted to update now because I have so much studying for midterms that I won't have a lot of time to write but I'll try. much love :)

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