Chapter 15: Baby Surprise

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I woke up the next morning an rolled over. I was in bed by myself, and Sid's pjs lied where I left them last night. Had he not come to bed? I threw on my sweater and walked downstairs. Trina was making pancakes and Troy was plopped on the sofa with the newspaper.

"Morning dear"

"Morning.. Uh have you seen Sid?"

"I think he fell asleep in the garage"

Just than Taylor came out of no where.

"Uh yes he fell asleep watching a movie, I just woke him up"

"Oh uh okay"

"Take a seat breakfast is ready"

Trina gave me a pancake and began to put a slice of butter and drowned it in syrup.

"You want some pancakes with that syrup" I herd a manly voice from behind me. Sid bent over and kissed my head.
I just ignored him and finished my pancakes.

"So Taylor how was the date"

"Oh uh it was fun"

"Doesn't sound like it"

"It was okay, I kinda don't wanna talk about it"

"Oh okay.. Sid were leaving at 4 okay?"


After breakfast I helped Trina clean up the dishes and went up stairs. I opened my luggage and pulled out my brothers and his wife's present. I tucked them in my purse and grabbed the white skater dress I bought at Macy's. I walked to the bathroom and began running the water. I put my makeup by the sink and than showered. After I straightened my hair and did my makeup. As soon as I opened the bathroom door Sid was standing outside with his clothes.

"Beautiful babe"

"Yea now go take your shower, were leaving in and hour"

Sid closed the door and I went back to the room. I grabbed all the dirty clothes and brought them downstairs. Trina was finishing up the first load of laundry.

"Sweetie you can leave those over there ill put them in with the next load"

"Thank you so much"

I went back upstairs and waited for Sid to finish getting ready. Once he finished we were on our way to my brothers house.
I put the address in the GPS.

"Why didnt you come to bed last night?"

"I uh fell asleep in there"

" I thought you might spend more time in the basement than the garage"

"Yea but Taylor redid the garage into her own little place and I fell asleep watching tv"

"This house right here, pull up"

I got out of the car and Sid popped the trunk. I grabbed the presents and Sid grabbed the cupcakes Trina made last night. The grass was freshly cut and the house was very modern and upscale looking. Nothing compared to Sid's house but way better than the house I use to live in as a kid. I rang the doorbell and herd a bark. I didn't know Justin had dogs. Just than a very pregnant lady opened the door. She had beautiful long blonde hair with blue eyes. She was trying to hold back the black Labrador. Sid held the door so I could walk in.

"So your Justin's sister that he hasn't stopped talking about"

"Yea I'm Clair this is my boyfriend Sid"

"Nice to meet you I'm Aerin" She said with a warm smile "You can leave the presents in that room"

I walked over to the room she pointed to. A beautiful fire place was centered in the room with a big black leather couch. A flag screen tv was hung right about the fire place and in the corner was a christmas tree. Beautiful wooden flooring and crown molding. The house had a very modern feel. I placed the presents next to the tree and found Justin, Aerin, and Sid siting in the kitchen.


I ran right into his arms.

"Hi Clair" he placed a kiss on my head

"So when's Max getting here?"

"Soon he's finishing up a Christmas party with the team"

We all began talking about how this Christmas was gonna be one to remember. Just than I looked over and saw Aerin was in some pain.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, uh I'm gonna finish up cooking"

"Oh okay"

Aerin went to the oven and began putting food in. I got up and went to the living room. The big Labrador came next to my feet and laid down. I began petting her behind the ears.
A voice from behind startled me.

"That's Emma"

"Holy crap Max don't do that!"

"Do what?"

"Creeply sneak behind me.. How did you even get in?" I got up and playfully punched him.

" duh I have a key to the side door"

"How am I suppose to know that?!"

Just than a scream came from the kitchen. Max and I ran as fast as we could. When we got into the kitchen Aerin was hunched over grabbing her stomach in pain with Justin freaking out.

"What's happening?!" Screamed Max



"How many months pregnant is she?"

"I think 9 why?"

"Cause she's having that baby"


" calm down. Sid go start the car. Max go grab pillows and blankets. And Justin help me get her into the car"

Aerin was grabbing her stomach and screaming as we began walking her the car. We sat her in the back seat and placed blankets over her for comfort.

"Max go shut off the oven. And Justin you stay back here with Aerin."

I climbed into the passenger seat and Sid drove. Justin shouted out the way to the hospital. Max was a complete mess in the back. We finally pulled up to hospital. Max ran in and got a nurse with a wheelchair. Justin, Sid and I helped Aerin get out of the car and onto the wheelchair. She was doubled over in pain from the contractions. The nurse wheeled her into a hospital room and got her attached to all the machines. She asked for all of us to wait outside as she questioned Aerin. Justin, Max, Sid and I waited in the chairs outside Aeries room. I rested my head on Sid's shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm gonna be a godmother"

"Yes you are babe"

Just than a doctor arrived and asked for Aerin's husband. He took Justin
into the room. We all waited with anxiety outside. Soon we heard screams from inside the room. The doctors where telling Aerin to push that they could see the baby's head. Finally everything came to a quiet stop. It was as if time stopped and the doctor opened the door.

"Would you like to see the new baby girl?"

We all walked in and Justin was sitting on the chair in shock. Aerin was holding a beautiful baby girl wrapped in purple blankets.

In soft whisper she said "This is Sophia born on December 24 6:50 on a Tuesday".

"Can I hold her?'

" of coarse you are the godmother"

I put my phone down and gently picked up the baby. I looked at her, this small baby so helpless in this world. But with the help of her parents she would blossom and grow into a strong young lady. I wanted nothing more than to bring a baby of my own into the world. I didn't want to take my eyes off of her.

"Look Sid, she's so beautiful"

" she is"

"Turn around and smile"

Max had grabbed my phone. Sid an I got close tougher and Max snapped the picture. Than I gave Sophia to Max who was the proud god father.

-------- Sids POV

Seeing Clair hold baby Sophie made me really realize what I wanted in life. I wanted to raise a family with Clair. I wanted to marry her and settle down. I wanted to raise my kids to play hockey and be the best adults they can be. I whispered to Justin "she's beautiful"

"One day it's gonna be your wife in the hospital bed"

------- Clair's POV

"Sid lets go back to the house and bring things for Aerin. She's gonna be here a couple of days"

Sid and I left the hospital and began driving to Justin's house. I noticed Justin and Aerin had nothing for the baby and the K Mart was still open for another half hour. Sid and I went in and grabbed wipes,dippers, clothes a car seat and blankets. We went back to the house and Justin told me his luggage was on the floor and we could put clothes in there. I walked up the grand stair case. There were 5 doors and I began opening them in search for the bedroom. The first 2 doors where guest bedrooms. The next door was a bathroom. After that was the baby bedroom. It was painted purple with a dark brown crib, changing bed and cabinets. The next bedroom was finally Justin's room. I began pulling comfortable clothes for Aerin and some other necessities. Once I was all done I found Sid placing the food Aerin cooked, in tins.

"I'm done, lets go"

"Wait I figure since we can't eat food here we might as well bring it to the hospital"

"Just hurry up"

Just than I noticed the dog sitting next to her food bowl. I began rummaging through cabinets to find dog kibble. I finally did and placed it in her bowl. Sid was done and we made our way back to the hospital.

"Thank you so much Clair"

"Any thing for you big bro.. Now who's hungry?"

Just than Sid opened up he food and nurse brought us plates. We finished the food it was already midnight.

"Well Justin, Sid and I have to get going but ill be back Thursday or Friday to see the baby"

"Okay, but thanks again for everything"

Justin and Max kissed me on he cheek and I told Max to check on the dog tomorrow morning.

Sid and I began our drive back home.

"She was so beautiful"

"Yea she was"

"Maybe one day that will be us"

"Yea maybe one day"

Sid and I finally reached the house and the first thing I did was go straight to bed. Sid stayed downstairs watching old sports highlights.

UGH I hate school, I can't write a lot. For every part I publish I write 2 other chapters so I know where the story is going. But I have so much school stuff and practice I can't write as often, bare with me please

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