Chapter 22: home and together

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I was awoken by the sound of my phone vibrating, I looked over to see Justin had sent a million texts. I unlocked the phone and said I was home safe and sound. I left the phone on the bed and grabbed my crutches and wobbled to the doors of the balcony. I opened the doors and a gust of wind blew I to the room sending my hair flying everywhere. The clouds looked dark, a storm was approaching. I closed the doors and wobbled downstairs. I was startled when I saw James sound asleep on the sofa. He had bags under eyes. He staid here all night? I went over to the fridge and grabbed some eggs and scrambled them. The smell of the eggs woke James up.

"Morning" he said all groggy
"Morning, you didn't have to stay all night"
"I didn't feel comfortable leaving you alone, with your condition"

I handed him a plate of eggs, the doorbell began to ring. James got up to answer the door. I herd the sound of another's mans voice from the hallway. James and Geno walked into the kitchen.

"Morning Geno"
"Morning" he said as taking a seat at the counter. I tried to hand him a plate of eggs but he denied it
"You eat, you need it" he said abruptly
"I hafta go but Geno is gonna stay here with you for a bit" said James

I said my goodbye and with that he was out the door. Geno got up
and opened the fridge, he began pilling the counter with fruits, milk, and some other random stuff.
He pulled the blender from the cabinet and began mixing. The end drink was green and he pored the liquid onto a cup and placed it on the counter. He pushed it towards me

"Ew no"
"Drink, good for health"

I still refused to drink the green liquid, Geno grabbed the cup and got closer. He began tickling me until I finally couldn't take the pain. I sipped the drink and luckily it wasn't that bad. Geno went to the movie room and I went back upstairs and grabbed my phone.

20 missed calls from Sid

I unlocked the phone and called Taylor, she picked up after one ring


"Your brother keeps calling"
"Where are you? He's been looking everywhere for you"
"Im um not in Canada"
"You went home"
"What does your brother want?"
"He um came home drunk after we got home. He's gone crazy and he keeps moaning your name"
"Is he okay?"
"I really don't know, he grabbed a bag and left an hour ago"
"He isn't... On his way here?"
"I uh don't know"

I clicked he phone shut, I had this feeling inside that Sid was on his way back. I didn't wanna see him. I crept downstairs and the movie room door was closed. I grabbed the jacket and car keys and walked out the side door. I slipped I to the car and started the engine. I began driving down the road and turned into the Consul energy center. I parked and security let me in, I walked down to the ice girls changing room. A girl Amanda, that I met from being at rink was sitting on the bench, her beach blonde hair was curled and she was slipping on her ice skates.

"Amanda" her eyes locked on my body. I was in sweat pants and at shirt, my bruises were showing, the cuts still pretty fresh looking.

"Clair what happened to you?"
"It's a long story.. Do you have clothes I could change into?"
"Yea here" she handed me a bag with a T-shirt and yoga pants. She helped me put them on.

"Follow me" she began leading down the hallway into he trainers room.
She called for one of the trainers to help clean up some cuts. He came over and cleaned them out and bandaged them. The stitches were dirty and he mended to them. I forgot that the hospital told me he I had to clean out the wounds daily.

The trainer was worried about my condition so he brought me in to X-Ray my leg.
He saw that were my bone broke I only needed a boot. The hospital in Canada didn't wanna do to much because I was in Canada. He undid the cast and placed a boot on it. I no longer had to walk with crutches but it would defiantly help. After that was all done I talked to Amanda. She assured me Sid was on his way because that had practice later and a game against the Flyers tomorrow. I had completely forgot about games, and now Sid is lucky if he even gets to play tomorrow. I walked out of the trainers room when all of a sudden the hallway door swung open. I jumped back behind the cart of hockey bags. I herd two men arguing. The one men's voice was clear to the that it was Sid. The other man sounded much let Shero. They began arguing back and forth

"You don't understand I screwed up! There gonna give me a 2 month suspension. Than I'll be back before playoffs that's to late!"

"Sid that's the best I could get you, I know you wouldn't do something like that for the heck of it. But that's not how Betman sees it. They were gonna do worse. Sid, with only you to defend for yourself there not gonna take the suspension away."

Sid hit the wall violently, he yanked open the locker room door and went in. I got up slowly and slipped back into the ice girls dressing room. 10 minutes later I herd the door fly open again and the sound of sticks being picked up. After I thought the coast was clear I headed back out side and got in the car. I raced back to the house and Geno was gone, his car was no longer parked in the driveway. I walked into the guest bedroom and plopped on the bed, pulling my phone out. I had a text from Sid, I pulled it down and saw he was wondering where I was. There was also another text from another number. All it said was hey so I sent a text back asking who it was. I placed the phone down and closed me eyes. Much of this week had been a blur. Just as I was about to fall asleep I herd I noise from outside the hallway. I became startled and stared at the door. I could see a shadow from under the door. It in came closer and closer. My heart began beating louder and louder. The door creaked open and I was relieved to see Star's face.

"Come star" he came running and jumped onto the bed. His licks began tracing over my cuts.
It felt good to hold him. He followed me as I walked up stairs to Sid's bedroom. All the luggage's were here. I walked over to mine and grabbed the envelop I found in the hospital. I folded it up and slipped it into my pocket. I sat on the bed and looked over at the picture of Sid and I at Mario's house. I had to leave here before Sid cam back so I grabbed my bag, kissed Star goodbye and got into the car. I drove over to the only person I knew I could talk to.

"Mario it's Clair buzz me in"

The gate opened and I parked the car. I ran up to the door and waited anxiously for someone to answer. One of Mario's kids answered the door and pointed towards the stairs. I walked up the grand stair case Into the hallway. I called Nathalie's name and she called back. Her voice came from the two door room. I opened the door and was amazed by the king sized bed draped in silk sheets. The celling was high with a big window. Violet curtains draped to the side of the window letting in the natural sunlight. Nathalie called for me again. I walked to left of the room and walked through the door that opened up to a full closest. Nathalie was knee deep in clothes.

"Oh my Clair what happened? Here sit"
I sat in the love seat and spilled my heart out to her. Tears came rushing down my face as I began to retell the story.

"Babe I'm so sorry your vacation turned out horrible. You need to work this out with Sid. Get him alone and tell him how you feel. You need to work this out, you can't let this ruin you guys. Tell him everything you told me, but listen to what he has to say to. But until that, come on where going somewhere"
I knew with Nathalie to never ask questions, just do as your told. She walked me out to the car and told me to get into the car. I slipped on my shoe and got in the passenger seat. She began driving towards the mall. If she thought she was gonna buy me something she was going to be very wrong. She found a parking spot and walked with me into Macys.

"So what do you want?"

"Nathalie that's very kind of you, but I could never let you pay"
"Listen your like my daughter, and I always pay for them. And I think it's something sweet i can do"

I knew with Nathalie not to tell her no, but I wasn't gonna make her pay a lot. I picked out a couple sweaters, leggings, and jeans. I told her that was it but she forced me to pick out a winter coat and boots. I really didn't want to but I had no choice. I grabbed a new pair of uggs and a black coat. Nathalie paid for the stuff and began driving me home

"Thank you so much, and as soon as I get the money I'll pay you back"
"No you won't, think about it as a late Christmas gift"

She pulled up into Sid's driveway and his car was parked.

"I'll have Mario bring your car over later. I handed her the keys and hugged her.
"Good luck babe" she said to me while backing out of the driveway.

I pulled out the house keys and unlocked the front door. Star came running and greeted me. I put the bags down by the Christmas tree and walked up stairs. I walked up to Sid's bedroom and looked though the crack in the door. Sid was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I screwed up so bad" he yelled. He grabbed the phone front the side of him and through it across the room. He flew back onto the bed and put his hands over his eyes.

"What the hell did I do" he weeped

Slowly and quietly I walked downstairs. Opening the back door I moved the snow from the chair and sat.

------ SID's POV

Last night was such a blur but I'm home now. No one has seen Clair, but she was here because her bag is downstairs. I don't know what I'm gonna do, I'm probably gonna get suspended a couple games for punching some kid in the jaw.
I was lying on the bed at home all alone when I herd something creek from downstairs.
Slowly if got up and walked downstairs. I checked all the bedroom doors, no one was in there. I walked into the living room and than to the kitchen. The only place I hadn't checked was the dinning room. Slowly I turned around the wall. No one was here either. I walked up to the back door to lock the door when I suddenly saw something move. I inched closer and saw Clair sitting on the bench. Her hair flew in the wind, her bruises looking better than the night I saw her in the hospital. She seemed deep in thought. And just as she was sitting there, and I was admiring all her beauty, I saw something I wish I had never seen. I tear, a tear that trickled down her face running over one of the cuts. Her crystal blue eyes became glassy, and I could tell she was trying to hold it in, I had never seen Clair cry and just seeing that single tear escape her eye made my heart crumble into a million pieces. I walked down the hall and opened the closest. I grabbed the biggest blanket and quickly made hot chocolate. I walked to the back door and opened it. Clair hadn't herd me at all that's how deep in thought she was. I came up behind her and placed the blanket around her. She became startled and nervous. I wiped snow of the other side of the bench and sat. I handed her a hot chocolate. She still said no words as she curled her hand around the cup. The sky was dark and filled with rain clouds, not a single star could be seen.

"I really don't know what to say. I screwed up, I never meant to hurt you. I'm just stupid. And when I didn't come back to the hospital it's cause well.. I didn't know what to say or what to do, I felt all of it was my fault and I just couldn't see you like that. Justin told me he would pick you up. I thought I'd just see you when you got back but than know what happened"

"Sid... Taylor called me earlier. She's said you were drunk.. And what about your NHL career?" another tear trickled down her cheek. I opened my hand and looked down at the cut from smashing a beer bottle earlier.

"I punched the kid who kissed you" her face grew sick

"Sid, why didn't you just talk to me? I know I ran out, but punching Ryan only created more of a mess"


She began to tell me whole story of what happened with her and Ryan. More and more tears came rushing down her cheek.

"Clair... I'm so.. Sorry" Just than the rain became poring down and her tears were hidden.
We began to get up that's when I pulled her face in and kissed her as passionately as I could. The hot chocolate in her hand dropped to the floor along with the blanket. Slowly I pulled back and admired her. Her shirt was dripping wet and her hair fell softly on her shoulders. I picked her up and walked her into the bedroom, leaving puddles of water around the house. I lied a towel down on the bed and lied her down. Her eyes slowly began to shut, as the darkness under her eyes became visible. She was sound asleep and pulled clothes out for her to wear. I slowly slipped offer her shirt and saw the cut on her arm. I slipped a dry shirt onto her and than took off her yoga pants. The bruises on her legs had begun heeling. I was careful to slip the pants over the boot on her foot. I quickly changed myself and got into the covers with Clair. I pulled her in closely and let my arms wrap around her body. For hours I lied awake listening to the sound of her breathing.

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