Chapter 38: It was only a dream

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The next few days were calm and relaxing. Sid and I spent most of our time on the beach or out by the pool. The other day I we went to a big roast which was cool except for the poor pig
Yesterday we went surfing which Sid actually did a lot better at than I expected, even did a little better than me. But I was super excited for today because we were going scuba diving. I was a bit skeptical about going out in the ocean and god forbid finding myself face to face with a shark. But after Sid talked me into it I figured it was one in a life time and I couldn't pass it up.

We took a boat out a couple miles out from the shore and we anchored. Our instructor gave us our snorkels and flippers. Sid helped me put mine on and I got my underwater camera ready. Next I wanted to scuba dive but that would require lessons so this was good for now.
"Alright your just going to jump right into the water, no go to far out or to far down. Don't touch the animals or coral okay?"
"Okay" we responded. Sid was first in the water and I was in shortly after him. The water was perfect temperature and amazingly clear. I dove under and was breath taken by the amazing view. Different colored corals filled the ocean floor, it was so beautiful to watch all this fish swim through it. I quickly snapped a picture than Sid tapped my shoulder and pointed. We watched as a huge turtle swam by with a school of brightly colored fish following it.

I eventually surfaced for air with Sid right behind me.
"How cool was that?" he said to be while we bobbed in the water
"It's so beautiful!"
"And to think you didn't want to do this"
"Shut up and let's swim"
We dove back under and swam pretty far down and came face to face with a couple different type of fish. The coral looked so tempting to touch but we were instructed not to because it was easy to get cut on.

After an hour of breathtaking views we got back on the boat and headed for shore. The warm breeze flew threw my hair as we rode on the boat. I looked over at Sid and crept my hand into his.
"What are we gonna eat it dinner?"
"I don't know, maybe well eat at the hotel or there is a good sea food place down the street."
"Mmmm that sounds good"
"Sea food it is than"

When we got back to shore we headed up tit be room to shower and change. I had my black romper and black sandals with crystals. It was really humid tonight so I put my hair in a cute ballerina bun. I waited patiently for Sid to finish up, I swear he's worst than a girl. Once he was ready we began walking to the resturant.

Our fingers interlocked as we walked enjoying the beautiful scene of hawaii.
"So Sid I was thinking"
"No seriously, I think we should pick a date for the wedding" I said looking down at my hand and smiling at my ring
"When do you wanna do it?"
"I wanna do it in september, you won't have games and the temperature will be perfect"
"I like that idea, but are we gonna go away?"
"I... I don't know"
"I think we should stay in Pittsburgh"
"Id like that" I said leaning on his shoulder. We arrived at the restaurant and were quickly seateted. I skimmed over the menu and found exactly what I wanted to eat

* Vacation was slowly coming to an end so Sid and I spent every hour we had on the beach enjoying Hawaii. The sun had begun setting and Sid and I were walking the beach. I was in my pink high low skirt and white crop top, hand and hand with Sid. The breeze flew through our hair as we walked on the beach. I had ways imagined doing something like this, it was so breathtaking. The sound of the waves calmly crashing on the shore made it all the better.

"Sid this is just amazing" I said swinging our arms back and forth
"It's so beautiful out here but your out shining this whole place" he smiled a crooked smile. His crooked smile made my heart melt. He turned me to face him and pulled me close. My head times backward so I could gaze into his big brown eyes.
"You know Clair I'm one lucky guy. I have a girl whose laugh is intoxicating and when she smiles the whole world is jealous. I get lost in her eyes, they always say find someone who makes you a better person and I've finally found her... it's you Clair"
Tears came flooding down my cheeks as I pressed my lips against Sid's. I wrapped my arms around him bad he lifted me up. My legs wrapped around him to. I pulled from the kiss and hugged Sid. The moment was perfect and I wished it would never end. I'm so happy that I would get to marry Sid and have his children, I couldn't wait to start our journey together.

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