Chapter 3: Meeting The Team

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The sun came shinning through the blinds. My eyes slowly opened and I let out a yawn. My phone buzzed, I put in my passcode and looked at the text.

Sid: Are you free next Monday night?

Me: ya why?

Sid: I wanna take you to a party that the guys are having to celebrate making it to the playoffs.

Me: okay.... Sounds good

Sid: I'll pick you up by 7


I have literally torn apart my entire closest. I have nothing to wear. Do I dress casual? Or fancy? Just than as I was digging through my closest I found this summer dress. The top was black and the bottom was blue and flowy. I grabbed black sandles and a black clutch. After I finished perfecting my curls I applied natural looking makeup with darker mascara so my eyes would pop. Just as I finished there was a knock on my door. I scurry out of my room, practically tripping on the pile of clothes on my floor.

"Hey" I said as I swung my door open

"You look fantastic... Absolutely stunning" I felt my cheeks heat up, I must be blushing so hard. He held out his hand and walked me to the car.

"So where are you guys having this party?"

"At Mario's house"

"Shut up! I am not meeting
Lemieux today! You're kidding" I must have sounded like a little kid

"I'm not! Why are you so excited about it?"

"We'll he's one of the best hockey players off all time. My brothers and I idolized him growing up. And now I'm gonna meet him" I squealed

"You weren't this excited when you met me"

"We'll that's cause I didn't want you to think I was some crazy fangirl"

We both started cracking up.
Sid pulled up to the huge iron gates.
He rolled down the window and hit the speaker button
"Mario it's Sid.. Buzz me in"

The gate opened and we pulled up into the driveway. The house was enormous, 4 door garage and beautiful landscape. We got out of the car and rang the doorbell. Mario opened it

"Hey Sid.. And who is this beautiful young lady with you?"

"This is Clair"

"Hi Mr.Lemieux" I shook his hand, I still didn't believe that I was meeting my childhood idol.

"Please call me Mario.. Come in. James is in the living room and Nathalie is cooking dinner."

Sid's hand entangled with mine as we began walking to the living room.

"Hey James" Sid said

"So this is the beautiful girl you've been talking about in practice?"

I could see Sid giving James a look out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey I'm James"

"I know number 18 left wing and I'm Clair"

We both began laughing.

"So you know your stuff about hockey"

"I've been a Penguins fan since I was born. And my brothers played hockey so I've fallen in love with the sport"

James and I made small talk about random things and thats when I herd Sid calling me from the kitchen.
"thats me" i smiled at James 'Ill be right back" I said

I made my way to the kitchen that had stunning granate counter tops and beautiful cabinits. There stood Sid and a beautiful lady with short blonde hair.

"Nathalie this is Clair"

"Nice to meet you, Sid was right you are beautiful"

I was blushing, hoping my makeup covered some of it. I shook Nathalie's hand, her warm smile made me feel at home.

"Awe thank you, Do you need any help?" not knowing what else to ask

"We'll if you really do wanna help, you can take these plates and set them on the table"

I lifted the plates and began putting them on the table.

The door rang, Dupuis and his family came in. Sid introduced me to him and I began playing with his kids. Eventually the whole team was at Mario's house. The guys brought there wives and kids or just their girlfriends.
Once everyone arrived we ate dinner. Nathalie cooked for an army. She made pasta, ravioli, casserole and baked a huge cake for dessert. Everything tasted amazing, I couldn't believe she cooked it all by herself. Everyone was so stuffed from dinner.
We eventually made our way outside, it was a cool summer night and the kids were playing soccer by the pool.

The guys were all telling funny stories about there time together.

Kunitz : "I remember the first time I saw Flower talking to the goalie post. I thought he was absolutely out of his mind! Until I realized how many saves it made.

The whole group began laughing.

Dupuis: "how many times have we picked on Potash?"

Letang: "we'll I pied him in the face and Flower tapped his microphone"

"You guys torture that poor man"

Malkin " I think everyone has picked on him"

Fluery turned to me "so tell us about yourself"

"I've lived in Pittsburgh for a year now. But I've always lived in PA. My brothers use to tell me how I had a sick slapshot. I haven't seem them in forever. But now here I am with all of you in the beautiful city of Pittsburgh"

"We should take you to the rink and see what your made of eh"

-------Sid's POV

I was in the kitchen helping Nathalie clean the plates, Clair was outside.

"Sid your really like her"

"Is it that obvious Nathalie?

"When you look at her I see a sparkle in your eyes, you probably don't know this but since you've been talking to her, I haven't seen that smile on your face disappear... I think you should ask her to be your girlfriend"

"You think she'll say yes? She's so beautiful in every way, she fits in with the guys, and her heart is so pure"

"Go for it" she smiles

Everyone started to leave Mario's house, the kids were getting tired and there was practice tomorrow

-----Clair's POV

Thank you for taking me here Sid. It was so nice getting to meet everyone.
I can't wait to tell my brothers who I met.

"No problem"
It was a bit if long car ride to my house, I was so tired I drifted off to sleep.

-----Sids POV

It was quiet, I looked over to see Clair sleeping. I turned the car into my driveway, I didn't wanna wake her, so i brought her to my house instead. She seemed so tired. I picked her up and brought her into the house. She was half asleep and I gave her a shirt and sweets pants to put on. I don't think she realized what was going on.
I placed her on the sofa and put a blanket on her. I walked into my room and fell asleep.

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