Chapter 45: Keeping The Secret

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"Clarissa, no, there's a mistake? how?" each question the blurted out of my mouth came out louder and louder till finally Clarissa placed her hand over my mouth.
"Gosh your going crazier than me" she said
"I took a pregnancy test, I missed a period" she whispered
"How-how are you going to tell James?"
"I mean first I wanna go to the doctor and get everything confirmed"
"This week" I said shakily "James leaves tomorrow for Canada because of the olympics"
"I-I completely forgot" she said with sadness "why did Sid leave so early?"
"Charity event"
"Okay so you'll take me tomorrow after James leaves?"
"Yea, can we get out of the closet now?" I said laughing

I was nervous, I felt bad for her. James and her had only been together for about 2 months and for her to now be pregnant..I just couldn't comprehend. My brain began thinking of a million things, the baby would be delivered a few months before my wedding. My biggest fear was Clarissa not being able to do her duties as Matron of Honor because of the pregnancy. I said goodbye to James and wished him luck than walked out of the house with Beau.
"Hey, I haven't seen you around much" I laughed as I walked the door of my car.
"I've been visiting family, being a cup champion makes your whole family need to see you" he laughed as he swung his car keys around
"Well enjoy it, it's almost september" I laughed as I got into the car.

"Ready to go?" asked Clarissa as she pulled her hair into a bun.
"Um yea" I responded as I fixed my black and white maxi dress in the mirror. I bent down and strapped on my wedges than placed a pair of sunglasses on my head.
"Let's go"

When we got to the doctors office I helped Clarissa fill out all the papers than we patiently waited for the nurse to call us in. I looked over at Clarissa who was staring at the floor deep in thought, if I knew anything about her she probably thought she was a failure at life and whole bunch of other crap that's not true.

The door flung open and behind it was the nurse and her clipboard.
"That's us" We followed the nurse into the room where they examined Clarissa just like a normal checkup.
"Okay you can wait here, I'm just going to take her for some blood work said the nurse. I nodded in response, taking a seat in the room I stared at the poster board about pregnancy. How my best friend managed to get pregnant before I did was beyond me. I want a family life with Sid but that would have to wait till after the wedding.

After 10 minutes of waiting Clarissa came back with a bandaged arm and we waited some more for the doctor to come in. He walked in with the clip board in his hand and a worried expression on his face.
"Okay so let's not beat around the bush" he laughed "you are pregnant"
It felt the whole world had stopped moving and came to a screeching stop. I looked over at Clarissa who looked devastated, but she knew it was coming from when she took the pregnancy test.

"Now what?" she mumbled
"Well we start regular check ups.Do you know anything about pregnancies?"
"I mean yea, I just I'm in shock" she laughed forcefully
"Okay well if you ask at the front desk they'll have a pan flit for you. You'll need to make your next appointment, if you have any questions call. Also I was looking at blood work and you have iron deficiency so were gonna give you some pills and you can pick up that subscription at the front to" he smiled
"Thank you doctor" we shook his hand, collected the stuff from the front and left.

"Clair" Clarissa said as I walked into the living room.
"Here take this" I said handing her a vitamin
"What am I going to do?" She sobbed "James isn't ready for a baby, I'm not even ready"
"Hey" I said lifting up her chin "it's going to be okay, you and James have a great relationship, he won't leave you because your pregnant"
"How do you know? He's not ready" she cried
"Who's ever ready for a baby? I mean really? If James really loves you than this will be fine"
"Love me? It's been 2 months!" She sobbed again
"I've got nothing for you there, but trust me, you will NOT raise this baby on your own" I said hugging her
"I've got to tell him, as soon as he gets back"
"And Clarissa , you know you love him. If you didn't really like him you would've stayed in Canada" I laughed and she smiled a bit.

"Guess whose home" I herd Sid yell from downstairs. Star and I ran down the stairs to find Sid standing at the front door, throwing myself into his arms I kissed his lips.
"I missed you babe" I said as he picked me up
"I missed you to" he said kissing my neck
"How was Canada? Did you see your family?"
"Yea, it was good" he laughed
"So when are they announcing rosters?"
"Slow down" he laughed "probably not until sometime after the winter classic"
"Any talk of whose going to be Captain" I said raising my eyebrows and he set me down own the counter
"I don't know, it's not up to me" he said opening the fridge
"Did you see James?"
"What is this 20 questions?" He laughed "and yes I did"
"I just wanted to know jeez!" I said pouting
"I'm sorry" he kissed my forehead. "Did you guys talk?"
"Of coarse" "anything about Clarissa"
"Nope" he than opened the fridge again in search for Gatorade.
"She's pregnant" I said quickly and under my voice, somewhat hoping Sid hadn't herd that. He than dropped the water bottle in his hand.
"What?!" He yelled "shhhh it's late"
"She's what?" He said readjusting his voice. "James knocked up Clarissa" this time his eyes widened.
"Yea" I said softly. "How? They just started dating!"
"A couple weeks ago, they got a bit drunk and did the dirty and now she's pregnant"
"But does James know?"
"No and you can't tell him!"
"When is she gonna tell him?"
"Soon, she's so worried"
"I mean James will defiantly raise the baby, I'm just scared they might not work out"
"Whys that?" "Well I mean they've been dating on the offseason really, will she be able to handle it when he's gone all the time because of hockey? She's gonna be without him for a lot of the pregnancy"
"I-I never thought of that" I sighed realizing that my pregnancy could end up the same, Sid not always being there. "But I'll always be here for you" he kissed me "and besides your use to the regular season" he said this time kissing my neck after. I sat there and moaned in pleasure as he sucked my neck.
"So when do I get to knock you up" he said with a devious look
"Easier there tiger" I laughed


It was the day after James had gotten home and we were back at my apartment watching a movie. James began getting closer and our lips were crashing into each other's. I realized in between kisses that he needed to know, it was his baby.
"James" I said while trying to catch my breath "Yea?" He said kissing me again
"Do you remember a couple weeks ago?.. When we opened the nice bottle of wine" I smiled
"No why? What are you talking about"
"You don't remember?"
"No why? What's wrong?" He said looking at me. I smiled, trying to hold back the tears I cuddled into his chest. "Nothing" He didn't even remember, he didn't even remember what we did. How could I tell him if he doesn't even remember?
After James had left I opened up my closet and pulled out the luggage. Throwing in clothes, I quickly checked for the next flight to Canada. I couldn't stay here, James couldn't know I was pregnant with his baby especially because he doesn't even remember. Before leaning for the airport I began to write a note.

Clair, if your reading this I've already headed back home. I can't stay here, he doesn't even remember what we did, he can't know. I'll be fine in Canada don't worry, we'll be in touch soon. Please whatever you do don't tell James.

I hid the note in the dresser, the only place Clair would think to look if she really knew me. I screwed up my life now,a I wasn't going to ruin James'.

-------Authors note
Whoops! Another cliffhanger, I know I'm horrible. But I did update a day early! If you read my message board I moved updates to Saturday, they might get moved back to Friday sometime in June when my practice schedule changes. But until than it will remain a Saturday. Anyways drop me a comment, I love hearing from you guys!

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