Chapter 36: All Of Me

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"Clair wake up" yelled Sid
I mumbled and kept my eyes closed
"Clair wake up!" He yelled again this time tossing a pillow at me
"You forced me to" he said, I herd the door open and the next minute Star was on top of me licking my face.
"Alright, alright I'm up"
"Now come on Princess, follow me" he extended his hand I took it. He led me to the stair case than slipped on my robe and walked me downstairs to the kitchen.
"Every Princess has to start off their day just right" he said while seating me at the counter. I couldn't help but giggle as brought over a plate of pancakes and bacon for me.

"Thank you Sid" I said kissing him
"Happy one year anniversary"
"I love you"
He opened the door and handed me a knife and fork so I could eat my breakfast, slipping Star a piece of bacon every one in a while. After I finished breakfast I went to the back room and pulled out Sid's present. It was a couple new t-shirts, tailored jeans to accommodate his butt and an xbox 1. I figured the Xbox was appropriate because now I can get him out of my hair for the rest of the summer and It would be something fun for the guys to do. Everything was put in a box wrapped in pittsburgh penguins wrapping paper.

"Babe?" I called out
"In the dinning room" he called out
I walked over and Sid was placing the engagement cards in the china cabinet. I placed the box on the table than walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind.
"That looks really pretty" I said
"It's getting pretty full" he said while turning around and picking up a jar that was filled with all the money from the cards. Sid and I decided that we were saving that money and using it towards the wedding.
"Do you want to open your gift now?"
"I thought we agreed on something small" he said looking over at the box
"We both know that was a load if crap" I giggled "open it"
He began ripping the paper and pulled out the shirts first,
"Like them?"
"I love them babe" he said kissing my head
Than he pulled out the jeans and chuckled.
"You know I don't" I cut him off there
"I got them from your tailor" I laughed. He than found the Xbox and it was like a little kid on Christmas.
"Babe you didn't have too" he said as his eyes widened looking at the box
"Oh I did it for me, not you" I giggled
"I figured when the boys were over this summer it would be something to get you out of my hair"
"Wow, thanks?" He kissing my lips than hugged me

"Alright well, I'm gotta go get ready"
"I uh gotta head up to the rink to finish cleaning my locker out"
"Hurry home?"
"I'll try" he kissed me than headed up stairs, got ready than left. I was left alone on our anniversary day. There was no point into staying home by myself so I might as well go visit Nathalie. I headed to my closet to change and when I opened the door a dress was laid out on the love seat. It was my dark blue queen of hearts dress with a heart cut out in the back. I'm sure I didn't leave it out the other day while cleaning my closet. I picked it up and hung it back up. As I placed it on the hanger a note fluttered to the floor. I put the dress back than bent over an picked up the paper. I unfolded the paper and skinned the words.

Hahahah sucker! I wasn't really gonna leave you on our one year anniversary silly. Remember about a year ago? When I did the same thing? It's gonna be kind of like that, but I think I stepped up my game. First, it's only this note, second wear this dress and be ready by 7"
I should've known, Sid always had tricks up his sleeve. I brought the dress into the master bathroom where there was a warm bath with rose pedals scattered all over and a bouquet of roses on the sink. When did he do all of this? I though to myself. I took the roses and put them in the dinning room upstairs. I had plenty of time and that bath looked relaxing. I took of my clothes and slipped into the warm water. I turned the jets on and it created bubbles. It's been a long time since I was able to just sit and relax for a while. With the whole playoff run, I barley had any time for myself.

* it was 6:45 on the clock and I had the dress on with silver rhinestone shoes and my hair pulled to the side. I found a clutch that Aerin had left when she went back to Canada with Justin. It was kind of nice to have the house all quiet and back to just Sid, Star and I. I placed my phone and money in the clutch and herd the car horn honk. I headed out the front door and Sid was standing there in his dress pants, a dark blue shirt and a black tie.
"You look absolutely gorgeous" he said looking at me
"You look so handsome" I said kissing him. He opened the passenger door for me and we took off.
"So I bet your not gonna tell me where were going"
"You know me so well" he laughed
"Ugh I hate when you do this"
"No you don't"

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