Chapter 35: Its only the begining

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Sid's POV

I signaled Clair's brother and wife to come take a picture. Clarissa and my family joined in to. I had my arm around Clair and Taylor which was a bit awkward with height difference.

The photographer snapped the picture and I looked over and James caught my eye. He smirked than gave me a little nod. Geno skated up behind him, placed his hand on Neal's shoulder than gave me a big thumbs up.
I turned so I was standing infront of Clair. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and than lifted her chin so she was looking at my eyes. I could feel the family and guy looking at us.

"Clair I gotta tell you something"
"What is it?" She looking at me with her beautiful eyes
"Next week is our 1 year anniversary. One year ago I had decided to go Starbucks and I'm so lucky I did. If I hadn't gone than you wouldn't be standing here in front of me. You've changed me for the better. I've now realized there's a life outside of hockey. You've put up with my crazy busy schedual and I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend." Tears were forming in her eyes and a cute smile appeared

"Clair I know it's only been a year but it's felt like a life time. You've made me the man I am today. Your smart, outgoing, your smile lights up the room and when you giggle it's like music to my ears and your the most beautiful girl in the world" I said.
I lifted up my jersey and grabbed the ring box than bent down on one knee. I looked up at Clair who now had her hand over her mouth

"Babe, will you marry me?"
"Y-y-yes" she stuttered to say. She held out her left hand and I slipped the ring onto her finger. I slowly got off one knee and hugged her.

"She said yes!" I screamed to everyone on the ice. I pulled back from the hug and looked at Clair. Tears were falling from her face.
"I love you so much Sid" she whispered. I hug her one last time and spun her before setting her on the ice.

-----Clair's POV
I finally found Sid and all the commotion. I couldn't help but cry a little at how proud I was for him. We got a group picture together white everyone which came out really cute. I couldn't wait to frame it, I already knew where it was gonna go in the house. But then something felt weird. I caught Sid nodding to James and Geno and Geno had a smirk on his, face. Sid stood in front of me and lifted my chin so I was gazing into his eyes. His big brown eyes looked into mine and he began talking about our one year anniversary. But when he got down on one knee it was than I knew what was happening. Its funny, we've never talked about marriage but the one time I did it was to Clarissa.

I looked at the gorgeous ring on my finger than looked at everyone around clapping for Sid and I. I hugged him tightly than whispered I love you.
"I love you to Clair"
My lips brushed against his than we finally let go of each other.
Sid left to go take a group picture with Stanley and Clarissa walked over to me.
I kept staring at the ring on my finger, I still was in shock.

"Congrats!" she squealed while hugging me
"Why don't you seem so surprise?" I said to her while cocking my eyebrow
"I knew for a while, I helped pick out the ring"
"You didn't even bother dropping hints!"
"Nope, I wanted to keep it a surprise"
I hugged Clarissa and thanked her. Sid out did himself with this ring. It was Tiffany&Co so I could only imagine how much it could've costed him. I hugged her one last time before my brother came over.
"Congrats Clair"he said while hugging me. And just like old times he wrapped his arm around my and squeezed me real tight. Aerin walked over and handed me the baby. I took her in my arms and he head rested on my shoulder.
"Congrats" she told me "can't wait to see your stomach blow up" she giggled
"Whoa, slow down there" I said jokingly

I handed the baby back to Justin who took her off the ice. I found Taylor who was watching the guys pose for pictures. She turned and hugged me.
"Congrats babe!"
"Awe thank you"
"So were flying back to PA tonight?"
"Yea but the guys are gonna go out when we get back"
His parents congratulated me and after I could see them talking to Sid with big smiles on their faces. I'm glad they were happy for Sid and I. Eventually the guys went into the locker room with the cup and I could only imagine what was happening in there. Sid said he would meet me back in PA so we all headed to the airport to get on our plane and head home. The airport wasn't to far and we made it just in time. Unfortunately because we bought tickets last minute, I had to sit by myself. Sid had my stuff so I had to sit in my uncomfortable clothes.

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