Chapter 37: Vacay Baby

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"Sid can you help me?" I said standing on my luggage trying to zip it
"I don't know why your packing so much" he chuckled while zipping up my luggage
"This is just clothes" I giggled
"Well help me finish packing"
"I'll get toiletries and you pack clothes" I said walking into the bathroom. I grabbed my blow dryer, straightener, makeup bag and threw it in the luggage. I grabbed all the chargers, laptop and iPad and threw that in my carry on along with a small neck pillow.
"Were only gonna be gone for 2 weeks, what do you possibly have in here?" he said lifting my luggage
"Just hush and pack okay"
"Alright but we hafta be out of here by 5 tomorrow morning, Sutter is taking us"
"What happened to Neal?"
"Flew out to see Clarissa"
"Oh that's right she's moving here next month"
"Good, someone can keep you busy" he laughed while plopping in the bed. I crawled next to him and laid my head on his chest.
"This is like our first real vacation"
"I know, I can't wait to relax" he said playing with my hair
"Alright get up we gotta pack"
"But I don't want to" he pouted. I kissed him than got up
"Let's go, finish while I make dinner"

I headed downstairs and decided on making chicken cutlet. I took out all the ingredients and began cooking

"Wake up"
"When the sun comes up" mumbled Sid
"Yea well we don't have time for that" i said ripping the blanket off him. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and ties up my hair to only come back and find Sid still in bed. I jumped on top of him in hoped of waking him up.
"Your 120 lbs isn't gonna be hurt me"
"Come on butt, Sutter is gonna be here soon"
"Alright well get off of me!"
I got off of him and changed into running shorts and a penguins sweatshirt. I threw on my running sneakers and pulled my hair into a bun. I headed down to the kitchen and took out a bagel and quickly toasted it. By the time I finished my bagel, Sid was ready to go and Sutter was at the door.
"Hey Suttsy" I said walking out the front door with my carry on
"Hey you ready to go?" He yawned
"Yea, everything's packed, Sid is just locking up" I opened the car door, threw in my carry on and lied down on the back seat. Soon enough the guys came in the car and we headed to the airport. Since we didn't live far from the airport I didn't even get a chance to nap in the car which really sucked.

Sutter dropped us off, Sid headed to check in the luggage and went to Dunkin Donuts and got a large coffee to keep me awake. I met Sid by our terminal and we waited for our flight. I leaned on Sid's shoulder, closed my eye and rested. I ended up sleeping most of the plane ride and watching movies with Sid when I wasn't. When we finally landed I had to take off my hoodie because it was so hot. I loved this kind of weather because it was hot and not humid which made it a lot more enjoyable. We got off the plane and headed to baggage claim. We quickly found our bags and headed out to catch a cab to the hotel. I took out my phone and opened up the camera.
"Sid look" I said as I got his face in the shot. He smiled and I tweeted to let everyone know we had landed in Hawaii. I didn't even want to put my phone always because there was so many beautiful sights to take pictures of. The hotel we were staying at was right on the beach and I was excited to get there.

It didn't take long till we pulled up to the massive hotel. Sid payed the cab and we went inside to grab our room key.
"Room 187"
"So ironic, that's on the third floor"
"Good so we can take the stairs" I giggled
"You and your fear of elevators" Sid laughed
"I'll be the one laughing when you get stuck in one" I said opened the door to the stairs
"Well I have to carry up the luggage so I'll be taking the elevator" he said pushing on the cart of our bags
"I'll meet you upstairs" It was quick jog up 3 flights of stairs and our room was right across the stair case. I unlocked the door and was astonished by how beautiful the decor was. There was a king sized bed with white sheets that was centered in the room. A black nightstand on both sides with these beautiful lamps on them with colorful flowers spread around them. Directly across was a flat screen tv on the dresser. There was a door as soon as you walked in and it was the master bathroom. But none of that mattered because the best part was the view. I walked to the glass doors and moved the curtains. It revealed a beautiful view of the beach which was so peaceful and beautiful. I opened up the door and walked onto the balcony which had a little hammock set on it. I walked over to the rail and looked out, enjoying the nice breeze.

"Babe could you help me?" moaned Sid as he dragged in my luggage
"Yea I'll be right there" I said walking to the door. I grabbed the other luggage's and we set them down by the bed.
"Damn I did a pretty good job" he said admiring the room
"Alright well hurry I wanna get down to the beach!" I said unzipping my luggage. I grabbed my black bikini with fringes and headed to the bathroom to change. After I grabbed a tank to through in top and redid my bun.
"You ready to go?" Sid asked grabbing a beach bag
"What's in there?"
"Towels and some water"
"Well I'm ready to go, let me put on my flip flops"

The beach was absolutely beautiful. The sand was so soft and the water was so warm. I couldn't wait to tan and finally get some color. After an hour of lounging in the sun I got up and found a group of girls playing volleyball and joined in. All the girls were blonde and my hight. They were all sweet and eventually some guys made it into the game to. Soon enough Sid found me and everyone freaked a bit knowing he was here.
"Clair come on"
"But Sid this is fun"
"I know but I have something planned"
I followed him out by the water where there was paddle boats waiting.
"You rented these?"
"Yea I thought it would be fun. And I call the blue one"
"Whatever" I said pushing the board into the water.
"Alright I've never done this before" Sid said
"There's a first for everything" I began paddling out and watched Sid try to figure out how to move. After going in circles he finally got it and caught up to me. We went out pretty far and decided to rest out on the water. I pulled my board close to Sid and he pulled me in for a kiss.
"This is so nice, no hockey, nothing I have to do... Just you and me" I said leaning on his shoulder.
"Sometime I wish it was like this all the time" The sun began setting and we headed back to shore.
"Race ya!" I yelled paddling as fast as I could to get away from Sid.
"You wish!" he yelled from behind me. Once we got back to shore and returned the boats we headed up to the hotel room and showered.

"Let's go out to eat"
"I don't know, we'll find somewhere"
I changed into sandles, shorts and a blue crop top.
"That bums looks nice against your tan" joked Sid
"I didn't even get tan"
"Yes you did, have you looked in the mirror?"
I turned and looked at my red cheeks. It wasn't to noticeable but Sid was right, I was getting tan. For dinner we headed out to a little barbecue place and both got huge hamburgers, that of course Sid finished and I was lucky to even make a dent in.

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