Chapter 6: Sink or Swim

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The whole night the team spent outside around the bonfire. We all talked and shared funny stories. It was getting late and kids were falling asleep on top of there parents so we decided to call it a night. After all the guys left I found Sid in the kitchen cleaning some plates.

"So you wanna do something fun?" He asked
I cocked my eyebrow "It depends"
"Go take of all your jewelry and put those on"Sid through shorts and a tank top at me
"Where did you get these?"
"They where my cousins when she was visiting that states 5 months ago. She left them here"
I walked to the bathroom and changed
"Meet me in the back" I herd Sid yell from the other side of the door.

I took off all my jewelry and left it on the sink. I slipped the tank on and changed my shorts. I opened the back door and walked onto the porch but Sid wasn't there. Where could he have gone? Just than I felt his muscular hands around my waist picking me up.

"SID PUT ME DOWN" I was giggling uncontrollably

He walked me over to the pool

"Sid you better not throw me in"

He threw me in anyway. I surfaced to the water and grabbed the spray gun sitting at the edge of the pool. I began aiming at him and fired away. Just than he ran over to the diving board. He front flipped right into the pool, making a huge splash. He swam under water towards me. He pulled me under and held me close. His hand pulled my face in. He kissed me underwater, our lips moving together. After making out we both surfaced gasping for air.

"Damn can you kiss well"

"I kiss even better above water"

Sid was just about to lean in when I grabbed the water gun from behind me and squirted him in the face.

"Oh now you've asked for it"

I began to swim as fast as I could to the other side of the pool but Sid grabbed my foot and pulled me back. I couldn't break free of his grip.He lifted me up over his shoulders and threw me across the pool. I surfaced, and turned to him.

"Oh really?"

I splashed him as hard as I could.

"Alright I surrender"

He swam over to me and kissed me on the cheek. He gently moved the hair out of my face.

"Think we should get inside now.. I don't want the neighbors complaining that were making to much noise"

Sid carried me up to his room. He opened the draw and pulled a Pens t-shirt with the same sweatpants he gave me the first time I slept at his house. I walked to the bathroom and changed. When I came back to the room Sid was underneath the covers. He patted the spot next to him signaling for me to come lie next to him. I lifted the covers and lied down. I turned towards him. His arms can around me. When he held me close I felt so safe, like nothing could hurt me. His body heat warmed me. I played with his hair as he closed his eyes.I began drifting to sleep in his arms.

-----Sid POV

I looked down at Clair who had began drifting asleep. I moved her hair from her face and admired her. Her cute button nose, long eye lashes and perfect full lips. She was perfect and I had her. It's insane to think if I never walked into Starbucks I might have never met her. I promised myself I would never let her go because I believe she is the one

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