Chapter 21: Home

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Saturday night crept upon me. I was sitting at the window sill watching the sun begin to set. I fumbled with my fingers as my mind raced with thoughts. This vacation didn't turn out at all how i wanted it. Don't get me wrong I loved seeing my goddaughter and getting Star. But Sid and I were so mixed up. I hadn't seen him since the first night in the hospital and the only one that has visited me was Justin. It's my third day here I believe. I don't know when I was gonna see Sid, but I just wanted to get home. Justin told me he would give me a ride to SId's house. My bags were packed and I was ready to leave. The nurse came in and took down my regular doctors number so I could get treatment for my concussion. After she got the information she released me. I grabbed my bag and went to wait in the lobby. Justin pulled up in his trunk and assisted me into the car and put my crutches in the back. We began driving back to Sids house and I stared at the window.

When we finally reached the house a hugged Justin as tight as I possibly could.

"I'll call you when I land home....okay?"

"Alright have a safe flight... Love you"

I got out of the car and Justin placed the bag on the porch. I stood there ok the crutches and watch Justin get in the truck and drive away.
I turned and rang the doorbell and Taylor opened it.

"Who dropped you off?"

"My brother.. We gotta pack the flight is early in the morning"

"Okay well my parents aren't home... Apparently there at some Christmas party....I don't even know"

At the same time we asked "Where is Sid?"

"What do you mean where's Sid?"

"Hasn't he been at the hospital with you?"

"No hasn't he been here with you guys?"

My body began to shake, I tightened my grip on my crutches.

"Where could he possibly be?"

"I don't know I haven't seen him since the first night in the hospital"

"He come home the night but left and hasn't come back"

I walked out of the kitchen and slowly made my way back upstairs. I walked into Sid's room, all the bags were here. I fumbled through the draws. I pulled open the night table and found Sid's phone. It was dead, nothing else was left for clues to where Sid has gone. I yelled for Taylor and she came running up the stairs.

"Get the car ready were gonna take a ride"

I walked back down stairs and to the basement, a couple of Sid's sticks were gone. The old figure skates lied on the floor but the others were gone. I met Taylor in the car and gave her directions to the rink. She parked outside and waited. I walked up to the door and pulled but it was locked. I walked around back, still all the doors were closed. All the lights were off, no one was here. I jumped backed in the car. Think Clair think.

"Taylor were else does your brother like to be when he visits?"

"I don't know"

I tried to recall everything Sid had rambled on about on the flight to Canada. He wanted to take me to the rink, he wanted to go pond skating and stare at the stars..

"THATS IT" I buttered out

"Whats it?"

"We're did your brother go pond skating"

"On the out skirts of town"

"Hurry we have to get there"

The drive was quick and Taylor stayed in the car again as I went up the pathway. The pathway was dark but at the end I could see twinkling lights. I reached the end and looked out, a huge pond. Big lights were all around the pond and strung around the lights were little Christmas lights. The sound of a puck hitting the back bar of a net echoed through my ears. Slowly I began walking toward the pond were I spotted Sid taking slap shots. All he had on was jeans and a shirt. His cheeks were red and his hands dry from the cold, his eyes looked glassy. I opened my mouth and I could see my breath.

"Sid" I whispered

Suddenly his head turned and his eyes locked on me

"How did you find me?"

"I just did now please let's get home"

He skated up to the edge of the bond, his eyes looked dead straight into mine. I gazed back seeing my reflection. I could see the stitches above my eye and the bruise on my head.
He turned again and avoided looking at me this time.

"No Clair i ruined this vacation, I caused you harm"

"Sid bruises and bumps can be healed, all I want is you home and safe"

"Clair just go, i.... Can't see you like this! Forget any of this happened! Forget this vacation, it was a disaster I wish it never happened!"

Tears began rolling down my eyes "fine Sid. I wanted to plan something for us. I thought this trip was great, but you obviously didn't!"

I began walking back to the car. Taylor sensed something was wrong and just began driving back to the house. I ran inside and grabbed my bag,I kissed the dog and walked out of the house. I called a taxi and waited in the cold. He finally showed up and I gave him directions to the air port.he helped me with my bags when we got there and I grabbed the cash in my purse and handed it to him. I looked at the ticket, I had both and didn't bother leaving one for Sid. I went through security and walked up to the terminal.

"Flight 87 to pittsburgh now boarding"

I picked up my bag and walked onto the plain. I placed the crutches on the floor and took a head swung back as I looked out of the planes window. We began taking off... "Bye Canada, just another sad ending again"
Most of the team would be waiting at the air port for Sid and I, but it would only be me arriving. I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep.

-------- I was awoken by the sound of the plain landing. It was about 4 in the morning and I grabbed my stuff and hobbled off the plain. I took a deep breath before walking through through the terminal. Slowly I made my way through and there they all were,Geno,Neal, Kunitz, and Duper. I faked a smile on my face but there smile disappeared. They eyed my stitched and cast, Neal's eyes scanned over each bruise. My hair was a mess, and right now my whole life was a mess. I got off the terminal and Neal ran to me, he grabbed the bag from my hand and I was able to get a better grip on my crutch.

"What happened?" Whispered Geno
Before I could answer Neal picked me up bridal style.

"We can talk at the house, right now your in no condition to walk"

Neal carried me out to the truck and sat me in the passenger seat. The guys piled in the back and Geno through my bag in the back. No one talked the whole car ride. My eyes struggled to stay open as we pulled up into Sid's drive way. We got out and I instructed Duper to get the spars key hidden in the backyard. He got and unlocked the door, the smell of the Christmas candles Sid had lingered through the house. Neal lied me on the sofa and the guys sat around.


Each of their eyes locked on me, I could no longer contain my tears. A couple drop trickled down my face.. I must've had a cut because it began to sting. Neal lifted me up again and brought me to the bedroom. He lied me down on the bed and wrapped the blanket around me. He sat at the edge of my bed, tears still trickling down my face.

"Clair don't cry, come on talk to me"

I opened my mouth but I couldn't talk, till finally I uttered Sid's name.

"He... He did this to you?"

I blinked hard holding back the waterfall of tears I felt coming, I'm stronger than this I whispered to myself

"We got into a fight, I was in the car to talk to Sid. A tractor trailer tried coming into my lane... The rest is a blur but I have a mild concussion, broken leg, and bad bruises. Sid and I aren't... at peace with each other you could say"

"Clair you deserve none of this.... Now get some rest, we will figure this out tomorrow"

Neal left the room and pulled my phone from my pocket. I clicked the home screen and stared at the picture of me and Sid. I unlocked it and opened twitter. I scrolled down and saw headlines everywhere.

"Sidney Crosby possible on suspension from the NHL?"

What have I done I whispered as I flung my head back into the pillow. I might have put Sid's career in jeopardy, I might have just ruined his life. I pulled out the night table draw and popped two advils to kill the pain. My eye lids became heavy and slowly they became closed.

------- Neal's POV

I walked down stairs, the guys were all crowded around the kitchen with a worried look on their faces. There heads turned as I entered, all looking for an answer.

I looked down at my phone and saw a text from Sid. I slipped the phone back into my pocket and looked up at the guys.

"Clair got into a car accident, and her and Sid aren't on good term with each other right now. I don't know where Sid is, but right now she has no one here so we hafta to take care of her. I'll spend the night here, you all go home and get some rest"

Geno volunteered to come visit in the morning and the rest of the guys said they would be back tomorrow. My heart ached for Clair, she deserved none of this, she was so sweet and gentle. I never saw her not happy, a lot must have happened with her and Sid. I opened the closet it the hallway and grabbed a blanket from the top shelf and headed to the sofa. I rested my eyes, listening just In case Clair called for something.

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