Chapter 42: Vent

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"Come on Clair" I mumbled at my phone. I finally gave up and threw it across the room in frustration. I glanced over at the clock, 3 in the morning and Clair still wasn't home. I finally got out of bed and threw on a shirt, I made my way downstairs and out to the car. The first place I had to check was the hospital.

"I'm looking for a Parker? Not sure of his name"
"Okay give me a second" said the lady behind the reception desk
"Your actually in luck, we have one Parker in room 205. Here's a visitor pass" I grabbed the pass and quietly walked through the halls before finding the room. I walked into the room and when my eyes lied on Clair I suddenly became relived. She was slumped over I'm the chair with her dad's hand entangled with hers. I walked over to her and moved her hair from her face, slowly her eyes fluttered open.
"Hu?" She mumbled
"Shhh babe" I said as I took her in my arms. I walked her over to the other bed that wasn't occupied and laid her down. I crawled in next to her and began drifting.

My eyes opened up to see Sid's face next to mine, slowly I lifted my head to look at my surroundings. I looked,around the hospital room and began to remember what had happened last night, I just couldn't remember Sid getting here.
"Morning babe" he whispered, startling me a bit
"When did you get here" I mumbled
"I woke up at 3 in the morning and you still weren't home so I came to find you"
I lifted up my head once more and looked over at my dad sound asleep on his bed.

I finally got up off the bed and stretched, as I finished tying my hair the nurse walked in.
"Oh he's still not up?" She asked checking his monitor
"Nope, do you know when the doctor will be coming in?"
"In about 20 minutes" she's smiled than walked out
I walked over to my dad and shook his arm causing him to startle a bit.
"Dad come on wake up" I whispered
"Hu?" He mumbled
"The doctor is coming, you need to wake up"
His eyes began opening and he adjusted himself. I sat back on the bed wrapped in Sid's arms as we patiently waited for the doctor. When he finally came in I was relived but yet really worried. My dad was an alcoholic, so I could understand why he would liver cancer or kidney failure. I prepared myself mentally for what the doctor might say, because truth is, I already know what it was.

"Hi I'm Doctor Blexing" he said shaking both Sid and I's hand
"I got all of your fathers results in last night, and after studying everything closely we can say this is liver cancer that's already developed into stage 4 just a short while ago. But what also concerned me is his heart, were gonna put him on a monitor for the next couple of days. I was looking at the catscans and it looks like he has a weak heart, probably from aggressive alcohol consumption"
"What about treatment? How long does he have?"
"Well because it is stage 4 it's gonna be hard but we can give him chemo that will help stop the cancer from spreading but we'd have to see if his heart could take it" I took a deep breath and squeezed Sid's hand.
"So were gonna keep him for a couple more days to monitor his heart but as of now he's gonna be okay" the doctor finished up checking my dad than left. My gaze shifted to Sid who had a worried look on his face.
"Let's step outside" he said leading me to the door
"Sid" I weeped falling into his arms
"Listen, it's gonna be okay" he said rubbing my back
"I just got him back! He can't leave me again"
"I know babe but there's nothing you can do"
"I feel so bad" I mumbled
"How about you say goodbye to your dad, we'll head back to the house and come back later"
I did as Sid said and went and hugged my dad goodbye, holding in all my tears. When we reached home I dragged myself up to bed and buried my face in the white sheets. After 20 minutes of staining the pillow sheets with my mascara Sid came upstairs.
"Babe I made your favorite tea" he said as he sat on the edge of the bed but I didn't move
"Come on babe it's your favorite"
"Green tea?" I mumbled
"Yep, just like you like it to" I moved the sheets from my face and moved to the edge of the bed, taking the tea from Sid's hand I laid against his body.
"Can you talk about him with me?" He asked while playing with my hair
"Talk about what?"
"How about we start with your mom" he smiled
"Well she had beautiful blue eyes like mine and long dark hair. She was the best mom in then entire world, I wish she was still here. She supported me through everything and always had the best advice"
"How was her personality?"
"It was bubbly, she was friend with everyone she met. She made everyone feel comfortable and always new had to spark a conversation. She was also a big hockey mom because of my brothers"
"She sounds just like you" he said kissing my head "so why did you quit hockey?"
"I've told you that answer before. It's not something I wanted to pursue, especially after my mother died. It didn't feel right to keep playing without her being there. I love hockey so much tho, when ever I was stressed skating at the rink always made me feel better"
"Hockey is the best therapy" he laughed "so how about your dad?"
"Well after my mom" he cut me off there "no start with before your mother passed" he said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
"My dad? He was easy going, very involved with my brothers career. We were pretty close, I mean as close as you can get to a dad working two jobs and coaching a hockey team I guess"
"He coached?"
"Yep, my brothers team.. I use to help but eventually my brothers moved to different teams after my mom passed so he didn't coach anymore"
"Okay now how was he after your mom passed?"
"It was bad, at first he was really depressed about it for a couple months. He barley moved from his room. My brothers and I were all convinced that he would eventually cope with it but he didn't. Once I told him I wasn't going to play he lost it. I guess the only way he thought he could help ease the pain of my mother was by drinking. He drank about 5 cans a night, sometimes he would down a couple wine bottles to. My brothers and I tried to stop him but he wouldn't, and when we tried to get him help he denied he had a problem...
Last night when the nurse told me lived cancer I knew it was because of how much he drank"
"How come you separated from your dad?"
"I couldn't take his drinking habits anymore... You know how they say drunken words are sober thoughts? Well my dad thought I was a failure because I wouldn't play hockey. I couldn't take the negative comments anymore and one night it got out of control... Long story short I left but now I'm close to him again"
"I'm glad your close with him, he makes you happy" Sid said smiling

"I wish I had more time" I mumbled
"People come and go in our lives, maybe it's just his time to rejoin your mother"
"I know... Do you think he will be there to walk me down the isle?"
"I don't know babe, that's not up to us"
"I hope he is"
"I know, I know.. How about you get some rest and finish your tea" I crawled back into bed and watched as Sid turned the door knob to leave the bedroom.
"Yea?" He said turning his head
"Thanks for letting me talk"
"That's what I'm here for babe, now get some sleep.

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