Chapter 46: Its Gonna Be Alright

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It was 3 in the morning when the phone wouldn't stop ringing. With my eyes half open I moved my hand over the nightstand looking for my phone. I finally found it and squinted at the screen, the brightness was almost blinding.
"Who is that" mumbled Sid in annoyance
"James? Hello?" I said answering the phone
"Please tell me you've seen Clarissa" he cried into the phone
"What do you mean? I just saw her the other day"
"We were together the other night and I haven't seen her since, she's ignored all my phone calls and isn't answering the door"
"Alright calm down I'm on my way" I than hung up the phone and got out of bed
"Where are you going this late at night?" asked Sid
"I have to go to Clarissa's apartment, she's missing"
"Is it because of the baby?"
"I-I don't know" I quickly ran into the closet and found a robe to throw over my pajamas and than slipped on my ugh slippers. Running down stairs I quickly grabbed the keys and headed out the door. Once I arrived at her apartment James was sitting on her stairs.

"Move" I said walking around him frantically handling the keys, shakily I opened the door and walked inside with James close behind.
"Clarissa?" I called out, James than ran to her bedroom
"She's not here!" he called out. I frantically opened every door, the last one being her closet.
"J-j-James, she's g-gone" I said as I looked at the mostly empty closet, hangers lied on the floor, it was completely disheveled.
"Where did she go? Why would she leave? Why didn't she say something" James said, he couldn't stop spitting out questions.

"Calm down" I said holding his shoulders
"It's going to be okay, just calm down" I began pacing pack in forth trying to think what Clarissa did. I knew it had to be because of the baby, she was scare to tell James. Clarissa must have up and left but I knew she wouldn't leave without telling me something. Running my fingers through my hair I finally thought of something. I frantically pulled on her night table draw, there it was, a note.

James had walked out to the living room so I was able to read it in privacy.
"holy shit she headed back to Canada? I mumbled to myself. I walked into the living room where James was franticly typing away on his phone.
"Her laptop?" "What about it?" I opened the laptop and the screen came on to the ticket she bought,
"Shit she's already there" "already where?!" " Canada" Just than James ripped the laptop from my hands a purchased two tickets to Canada for 11 in the morning.
"Are you crazy?" I yelled at him
"I need to find her! Why? Why?" He just kept yelling "please come, please" he pleaded
"I'm coming but James you need to calm down okay?"
"Why did she leave? Did I do something"
"Sit" I said abruptly "huh" "sit"

He did so, with his sad eyes he looked up at me.
"Has Clarissa tried to ask you anything? Or tried to ask you to remember something?"
He sat there for a moment pondering my question.
"I-I.... Wait the other night she asked me about something" "what was it?"
"Something about wine, it was weird" I sat next to him and grabbed his hands, looking deep into his eyes
"She's going to kill me but you guys got drunk and now Clarissa-" he cut me off there and finished the sentence "Pregnant"

Sid had dropped us off at the airport, he wasn't to fond of the idea of my just leaving for Canada. But it had to be done, besides we wouldn't be here for long. James hadn't said a single word the entire ride, he looked lost in his thoughts.

Once we had arrived in Canada we quickly flagged down a taxi and headed up to Clarissa's mothers.
"Are you sure she's here" he said weakly
"I- I don't know" I said as we walked up the porch stairs. We knocked a few times but no answer, we scouted the house and peaked in the windows but it didn't even look like she was here.
"Where else could she be?" he said getting angrier
"Only one other place, come on!" I yelled as I began running, James struggled to keep up. After running a few blocks we arrived at this hockey rink, and old, close to closing one.
"She's got to be here"
"How-how do you know" he said gasping for air
"Only other place"
I pulled opened the door and James followed as we walked into the rink.
A pretty brunette sat behind the desk, her facial expression turned to excitement as she saw me.
"Clair?! Is that you?" she squealed
"Lean?! It's been so long" I said as I leaned over the desk trying to hug her
"What do you need? what are you doing here" she than peaked over my shoulder
"Is that James neal?" she whispered
"Yes, I'll explain later. By any chance has Clarissa been here"
"Ya she's at the second rink" she said pointing down the hall"
"Thanks!" I thank grabbed James' wrist and dragged him as I ran down the hall.

I stopped before the glass door, peaking in I saw Clarissa's long hair that landed on her shoulder's. She was sitting on top of a towel on the ice. She seemed so deep into thought that I almost didn't want to break her concentraion.
"James, please wait here"
"No" he said "James please okay? don't make things worse"

Slowly I opened the door but Clarissa didn't notice, I made my way to the entrance.
"Clarissa?" I called as I stepped on the ice, being carful not to slip. She was shocked, I almost scared her.
"What are you doing here?" She said while quickly getting up
"Why did you leave like that?"
"James can't find out about the baby, he can't okay"
"You can't hide from your problems Clarissa, you can't hide this baby from him"
"Yes I can!" she yelled back
"No you can't!" yelled another voice, James'.

Her eyes grew wide as he raced onto the ice, almost sliding into her her grabbed her wrists. Pulling them to his chest he forced her to look at him.
"No, no you can't. Why Clarissa? Why would you do this?"
"Because! Now I'm gonna go have your baby after 2 months of being with you? I am no puck slut!" She yelled "and besides I can't ruin your life like that" she mumbled
"Ruin my life? your the best thing to happen to me! I don't care how long we've been together, because us will never end. And besides I'm man enough to raise a child, if I got a women pregnant sure as hell I'm gonna raise that child!"
"James I just couldn't push this onto you, your not.... I'm not ready"
"Neither am i, but were gonna do this together now please come back home with me. We can raise this baby together, everything will be okay" he said pulling her in to his chest where she sobbed uncontrollably.

I couldn't help but smile just a bit at this heart warming moment.

September had rolled around, Sid was out of the house and out of my hair because of training camp. Clarissa has finally shown a bit of a baby bump, her and James couldn't be happier. As for my father, chemo was slowing him down. He now lost all his hair and strength, but still hanging in there. I spent every moment I could with him, I knew he didn't have much time left. Luckily he moved to an apartment complex not far from us so I could always see him.

I knew once hockey season stared up if be immensely busy with wedding deatils, most of which was done. All I had to worry about was dresses and some decore. The rehearsal dinner was set, food, dj, florist, cake, venues and all that was done to. I also got to send out all the invitations and got almost all R.S.V.P's.

Later that night I was sitting in bed with Sid. My head snuggled under his chin and my hand entangled with his as we watched Fast And Furious 6.
"Can you believe summer is almost over" I said
"It basically is over" he sighed
"Don't act like you didn't miss the hockey season"
"I can't wait to get back but I'm never gonna see you"
"You do realize we live together right?"
"I know but like quality time, like this" he said kissing my head
"I promise, we'll have time"
"I love you Clair"
"I love you to Sid" I said kissing him.

I turned off the light and rolled over on my side.
"Clair?" said Sid "yea?" I mumbled back "remember the first time we kissed?" I laughed a bit and the memory "ya, why?"
"I still feel that same spark every time we kiss"
"Aye now don't get all mushy on me" I giggled
"Love you"
"Love you to" I whispered back.

Early update! yay! But I didn't proof read this so sorry. I decided that for my 50th chapter update I'm gonna release the first chapter of the new Sidney Crosby fanfic I'm writing! Anyways, drop me a comment and don't forget to vote :) <3

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