Chapter 23: Game Plan

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The next morning I woke up in Sid's clothes. I pulled open the night table draw and grabbed the pain medication. I swallowed two pills and got up to look for Sid. Nothing was in the kitchen and he wasn't in the house. I looked in the garage and saw the car was gone along with Sid's hockey bag. It was about 11 Sid probably had practice because they were playing
the flyers tonight. I decieded to make some breakfast and get ready because I was gonna go to the game tonight. I quickly made French toast and than went up stairs. I unpacked my luggage and made the bed. Doing things was harder because of the boot on my leg. I decided I would lie down for a bit and plopped myself on the bed. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. A new text message from an unknown number.

"Oh its Ryan" in reply to me pervious text

I decided not to answer and opened twitter. I almost dropped my phone when I totally forgot Sid is getting suspension from the NHL. Maybe I could be the only person who would be able to save Sid from a suspension. I ran to the closet and grabbed a black dress from my closet. I quickly touched up some curls and did light makeup. I through on the new jacket Nathalie bought me and got in the car. I drove to the consol energy center and arrived just in time.

One of the equipment guys gave me a ride on the golf cart up to the meeting room. My hand wrapped around the doors handle and heisted before yanking it open. Bettmen was sitting there with Shero and Sid. Sid's eyes focused on my when I entered the room.

"I can vow that the man Sid hit is completely fine and was out of protection for me" I blurted out

Shero got up and grabbed hold of my hand. He pulled me out of the room.

"Clair were are you going with this?"
"if there's any hope of Sid not getting suspended it's me"
"You better hope so"

Calmly we walked back into the room.
"And how exactly would I know that the man in the video is fine?"
"I know him and I can get him to fly down from Canada and show you he's fine & why Sid had punched him in the first place"
"That man better be here by Friday.. If not Sid will have an almost 2 month suspension"

Shero and Bettmen left the room and I looked at Sid.
"You didn't have to do that.. I would've take the suspension"
"No your not now get back to practice"
Sid got up kissed my forehead and made his way back to the ice. I walked up to the nose bleed section of the Consol engery center and took a seat.
The boys began working on the power play. To me there is nothing more calming than the sound of skates on the ice or the puck getting passed to someone's stick. But the best is the sound the net makes when the puck makes it in. New Years Eve was tomorrow and we would probably be going over Nathalie's house. Practice ended and Sid and I went to go grab something to eat before the game.

"So how are you gonna get Ryan to come say I'm innocent"
"I .... I don't know but it's gonna happen"
We went to a steak house and lunch was quit. A couple girls came up to Sid and asked for his autograph. Sid and I didn't really talk. My mind was racing with thoughts on how I was gonna get Ryan to save Sid. Sid looked concentrated and focused. I could see he was deep in thought. We finished lunch and went back to the rink. It went into one of the office rooms and took out my phone. I called Ryans number and waited for someone to answer. It rang about twice before he answered.

"I need your help it's really important"
"Yea anything"
"Alright well I'm flying you into pittsburgh"
"Your doing what?"
"Your plane departs at 2:15 tomorrow, you'll only be staying for a day and a night"
"Alright I uh guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

I ended the call, if Ryan knew what he was coming down here for I don't think he would come. After the phone call I went out to one of the little shops and got a crosby jersey. I slipped on the jersey and ran out to the car to grab yoga pants. I changed quickly and went to the entrance of the Consol energy center and went to the entrance. A couple fans greeted me and took pictures with me. The game was gonna start soon so I took a seat behind the penguins bench. It felt good to be back home, it felt good to return to some normality.
The boys took the ice for warmups and Sid took a bit longer before making it onto the ice. Fans crowded around the glass banging and cheering for there home team. Flower's wife came and sat with the baby. Before we knew it the puck dropped and the game was under way. The first 5 seconds of the game and Sid got a breakaway. It was just him and the goalie. Sid switched to a back hand but Emery gloved it. The whole crowd gasped because there captain had just been denied a breakaway goal. I could see the smirk on the flyers faces.

1st period was pretty intense, it was defiantly a physical game. It was scoreless and you could tell each team wanted to win this. After intermission 2nd period started and Duper got called for hooking. We killed off the penalty and as soon as he got out of the box he received a pass from Kunitz. Duper passed it to Sid who was at the face off circle and he just let the puck go flying off his stick. It went right over Emery's shoulder and into the net. Happiness exploded through the crowd as everyone jumped to there feet. 20 seconds later Neal was able to get a quick release on a pass from Geno and went top shelf on Emery. The crowd was bursting in excitement. The rest of the game died down and the flyers were getting tired. 3rd period eventually began and that's when Neal passed to Geno on a breakaway and he went 5 hole on Emery. The game ended and Flower got another shutout.

I was gonna wait for Sid but decided not to and went home. I jumped onto bed with the dog and passed out. Tomorrow was gonna be a long day


Small update :) I promise the story is gonna get a lot more interesting after Sid and his suspension.
Feedback is always appreciated I can't believe this book has over 1k reads like whaatttt. Hope your enjoying it and happy holidays :)

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