Chapter 10: Game Day at Lemieux

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The first thing I did this morning was call Sid. I knew he was up, he was always up early on game days.

Sid: Hey Babe

"Good morning"

Sid: how was yesterday?

"Sid, You gave me the best birthday ever. You got my brothers to me, than the whole thing at the Consol energy center. I love you so much"

Sid: ill do anything to keep you happy.. You gonna watch the game later?

"Of coarse, Mario invited my brothers and I to come watch the game.. I can't believe there leaving tomorrow"

Sid: I know but ill be home tomorrow. I have to go babe"

"Alright good luck"

I hung up the phone and took a shower. I picked out one of my dresses Sid loved the most my Sow & Seed Dress in Indigo. The same dress I was wearing the first day I met Sid, in Starbucks.

After I finished my hair, I found my brothers sitting on the couch.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Waiting for you"

"We'll leave soon, but I wanna make brownies to bring over to Mario"

I went into the kitchen and took out the ingredients. The phone began ringing. Since it was Sid'a house I never really answered the phone. But since he wasn't here I answered it.


"Hi.. Um who is this?"

"This is Clair"

"Hi Clair is Sid around"

I felt anger pump through my veins. Who was this chick and why is she calling for Sid?"

" May I ask whose speaking?"

"Oh... This is Taylor.. Sid's sister"

"I'm Clair Sid's girlfriend, Sid is in New York for a game"

"That's right... Can you tell him to call I wanna set something up for Christmas, it's coming up"

"Maybe I can help you with that"

Taylor and I seemed to talk for hours. At the end of the conversation, I had my own surprise for Sid.

The week he got off for Christmas, we were going to Canada to celebrate Christmas with his family and Christmas Eve with my brothers.
After I finished the brownies, my brothers and I were off to Mario's house. The game was at 7 and it was already 5. Nathalie was probably cooking dinner.
We pulled up and parked at Mario's. Justin rang the doorbell, Nathalie opened it.

"Hey, come in dinner is almost ready"

My brothers found Mario in the living room and I followed Nathalie to the kitchen.

"Clair these are my kids, everytime your here there somewhere else" she began to chuckle

I said hello to her kids and they were on there way.

"Nathalie, these brownies are for you. I wanna tell you something"

I placed the brownies on the counter.
She pulled out the bar stools from under the counter and we sat. "What is it babe?'

"Sids sister called today. Long story short we planned a trip the week Sid is off for Christmas. We're going up to Canada. Christmas Eve were gonna spend with my brothers in Montreal. Christmas will be spent with Sid's family. We're staying at his parents house.. But now that I'm thinking about it.. Do you think I'm rushing things?"

"Hun, every relationship goes at a difference pace. I'm sure Sid is going to be so happy that he gets to be with you, and his family. But the first day their off the whole team comes here for a Christmas dinner"

"That's good cause we leave the next day after the dinner, so we can make it"

"I'm sure you guys will have a great time"

Nathalie finished cooking. I set the table and called my brothers, Mario and the kids to come eat.
Nathalie made casserole, my favorite thing that she cooks.
Mario began to speak up

"Justin and Max, when you guys come back to town, your more than welcome to visit"

"We would be delighted to Mario, thank you so much for having us over"

Once we were all finished with dinner
I told Nathalie that I would clean the dishes, but she told me to put them in dish washer. After it was all loaded up, it was game time. Everyone gathered in the living room, the boys were going inside from warm ups. I pulled out my phone and texted Sid "good luck babe". He read it but didn't have time respond. Everyone stood for the national anthem. Then the puck dropped, the game began.


It was the last minute in third period. The score was 1-1, everyone sat at the edge of there seat watching the game. The buzzer sounded, this game was going into a shoot out.

Malkin was first up, he came down the ice fast. He shot hard but was blocked by the goalies pad. Neal came down fast, shot, and right through the goalies 5 hole. Letang came up slow but mishandled the puck and missed. They were tied 2-2. The rangers missed, if we scored next we won the game.
The announcers voice came on
Sid came rushing down the ice, keeping complete control of the puck. He faked left than turned right. Right at the corner of the net he flicks in the puck. It went in, hit the top the net, sending the goalies Gatorade bottle flying. That's it IT WAS OVER! We broke out in cheers! Everyone was so happy the boys won after the long game.

I ran out of the room with my phone. I dialed Sid's number as fast as possible. It rang once before Sid answered


"YOU GUYS WON! I mean ya it was a shoot out but you still won"

"I know, I just can't wait to get home to see you babe. Ill be there tomorrow afternoon"

"See you tomorrow!"

I hung up my phone. It was late, my brothers and I said goodbye to Nathalie and Mario. Justin and Max still couldn't believe they spent a weekend with Mario Lemieux.

I was so tired, I almost fell asleep while driving. As soon as we got home I went straight to bed.

----- Sid POV

It was a long day. I'm glad we won against the Rangers, especially because Clair was home watching it with her brothers. The guys and I finished cleaning out the locker room. I sent Clair a goodnight text. I couldn't wait to see her tomorrow. It was the end of November, soon Christmas would be here what was I gonna get Clair?

AUTHORS NOTE: Just a reminder that none of this really did happen. I know the penguins went in a shoot out with the Rangers and won but Sid wasn't there. *everything is made up to go along with the story line*
Feedback much appreciated :)

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