Chapter 32: Chi Town

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"Sid let's go we gotta get to the air port!" I yelled at him while heading out to the car with the last bag
We had our first game against Chicago, and it was an early flight. I had my dark blue shorts on with a white tank that was tucked into the shorts. The back was lacy and than I just threw on some converse, my hair was in a bun and I had my ray bands on because it was to early to do any makeup. I climbed into the passenger seat, Clarissa was sleeping in the back seat and Sid finally got into the car. We got to the airport rather quick and boarded our flight. We weren't flying with the team because we were getting there earlier than the rest of the team.

Me nor Clarissa had ever been to Chicago so we wanted to get there early to go sight seeing.
We landed around 9 in the morning than drove to the hotel that the guys would be staying at. The room had a beautiful view of Chicago that I couldn't pass up taking a picture of it.
I came in from our little balcony than sat on the bed.
"Hey Clair, can you go ask the front desk for more towels?"
"Uh yea, be right back"

I took the elevator down and the front desk handed me a couple towels to take up. I stood in the elevator and took out my phone to upload the picture while waiting for the elevator door to close. Just as it was closing a guy put his foot in to stop it than stepped in. I didn't look up because I was to involved on whether or not to put a filter on the photo.
"You've got a lot of towels"
"There not all for me" I said while looking up at the blonde haired, blue eyed Patrick Kane.
"Your Patrick Kane"
"Haha yea, you are?"
"Clair" I said while lifting up my sunglasses onto my head. Just than the elevator stopped than made a beeping sound
"Oh crap that didn't sound good" mumbled Patrick
"You have got to be kidding me!"

The intercom came on telling us it would be a while because they were working on a circuit and something went wrong. I slid down the elevator wall and sat on the floor
"This sucks!"
"Looks like were gonna be a while, but at least you have towels for us to nap on" laughed Patrick
"Haha you have jokes, why are you here anyway?"
"I live in this building, you?"
"I'm here with the penguins"
"How? Not trying to be rude or anything. And that's funny, they would book a room in my building"
"I'm Sidney Crosby's girlfriend so I'm traveling with the team"
"Oh so your the girl my sister talks about? She's always going on about how Sid has a beautiful girlfriend and she wants to meet you and Sid"
"Awe that's so sweet, and yea that's me"
"Well she was right about the gorgeous part"
I blushed a bit, it's not everyday you get complimented by Patrick Kane
"Coach Q told me the penguins weren't coming in till 2, why are you here?"
"Well I wanted to go see Chicago but I'm kinda stuck here"
"Well when we get out of here, would you want to come see the UC? Free tour on me"
"That sounds like fun but I have a friend here with me"
"She can tag along, my sister Erika will be there to so you can meet her"
Just than the elevator started to move and the door opened to my floor.
"Alright I'll be there"
"Meet me in the lobby in like 20 minutes?"

I got off the elevator and walked into our room.
"There you are, you've been gone for a half an hour!"
"I got stuck in the stupid elevator! Anyways get ready were gonna go somewhere"
"The united center"
Just than Sid chimed in "Uh practice isn't till 3"
"I know but I bumped into Patrick Kane and got stuck with him in the elevator and he invited us for a tour"
"Alright well you two can go, I'll meet you there"
"Are you sure you don't wanna go?"
"Yea I'm sure"
"Alright, Clarissa get ready we have 15 minutes"

I ran to the bathroom to put on some mascara and let my hair down. I grabbed my bag and was out the door. Clarissa and I waited patiently in the lobby for Patrick to come down. He finally came down with a huge hockey bag.
"Hey ready to go ladies?"
"Sure are"
"Oh and I'm sorry I didn't get your friends name"
"I'm Clarissa, very nice to meet you"
"Alright well let's go so you can get the tour of the place"

It didn't take long to get to the UC , it was unreal experience. It's weird because I'm in the Consol energy center everyday and I've been to a lot of rinks because of Sid, but I never got to tour them. I've only toured the Consol, all the other ones I've only been in the visitors locker room so this was cool for me and even more for Clarissa.

"Alright let's start with the locker room" We followed him into the hawks locker room where the famous Indian head lied on the floor. Jonathan Toews was in there tapping his sticks.
"Hey Johnny your here early"
"Hahaha no Kaner it's more like your here early, who do you have with you?"
"I bumped into Sidney Crosby's girlfriend, thought id take her and her friend for a tour of the place"

He got up and walked over towards us.
"Well I hope you have a good time, see you at puck drop"
With that he left the room and Patrick showed us what happened off the ice.
"Hey can we see the visitors locker room?"
"I wasn't going to show you considering you would be in there later tonight but yea I can show you"
We walked over and there was the penguins crew getting things ready.
They all gave me a worm welcome as I said hi to them. I wanted to go in just to say hi before practice.

Last Patrick walked us out to the hawks bench.
"You guys can stay for practice since the penguins practice after us"
"Sounds good, there's no point in us leaving if were just gonna come right back"
"Alright well you can go sit where ever, I've got to get ready for practice"

Clarissa and I made out way to seats directly across the bench. I snapped a pic than uploaded it to Instagram with the caption "behind the scenes with the hawks" My Instagram was private because I got all different types of followers because I was dating Sid. Practice went by really fast and I could tell the hawks were bringing there all into this game tonight.

After they went in the ice got resurfaced and the penguins came on to start there practice. Clarissa stayed to watch but I left to go sit on the bench. Sid came up to me and asked me how it went and I told him I had fun. Penguins practice was pretty easy going. Dan didn't want to tired the boys out for the game tonight. After practice was over I waited in the lobby for Sid to come out but Patrick ended up walking through
"Hey did you have a good time?"
"I did, thanks for everything"
"Do you mind if I got your number,you know just in case, since you'll be in and out of Chicago for the time being"
"Yea sure"
He pulled out his phone and I typed my phone number in than hugged him goodbye. After he left Sid came with a Neal whose arm was wrapped around Clarissa's waist.
I kissed him softly
"You wanna go get food before the game?"
"Babe it's okay, I don't want to cut into your pre game nap, Clarissa and I will go get something from the Wendy's down the street"
"Alright I'll see you later, come on Clarissa"

It was a pretty quick walk down to Wendy's and we sat up on the little stools and I took out my phone.
"You looked so pretty in that dress last night"
"The blue one with the bedazzled top?"
"Did you wear more than one dress last night?"
"No but I had to dress Neal to, he was gonna go in like plaid pants"
"How was his family?"
"Oh Clair there so sweet... His brother looks just like James and his sister is beautiful"
"Awe well I'm glad you had a great time"

We spent 2 hours in Wendy's till we decided to head back. I walked into the locker room and grabbed the Crosby jersey Sid had brought with him and put it on. We found our seats pretty quickly and I could just feel the nerves. Blackhawks fans everywhere cheering on their team. Winning the 1st game was all important, it already puts you up a point in the series. I was so nervous because I know Chicago is a really good team but if the boys win this I think it would be a real confident booster. Our seats were right on the glass but on the same side as Crawford. The hawks were out first and Patrick waved at me from the bench than came the penguins. Sid would be taking the first face off against Toews. I took deep breath, this was gonna be a nerve wracking game.

3rd period down by one, score 3-2. We had 2 minutes to score a goal and send it into overtime and win the first game. The put Sid's line out and I smiled at him. He won the face off, passed it back to Kunitz who one timed it right through Crow. I never jumped out of my seat so fast, except at the last game against the bruins. But it wasn't over yet, we were now headed into overtime. Bonus hockey was always great but right now I was wondering if my heart would even be able to handle it.
3 minutes left in overtime and there's a scramble in front of the net, I watched as Olli Maatta waited before coming in back door and scoring. A huge wait lifted from my shoulder, we just won the first game of the series. Disappointed hawks fans left the stadium as I ran down to the locker rooms. We waited for press to hurry up and I hugged all the guys
"God I'm so proud of you guys!"
Olli was the cutest because he couldn't stop smiling that he just scored the OT goal.

"Alright boys nice win, I'll see you tomorrow in Pittsburgh for optional skate" with that Dan left and locker room began to clear. We headed back to the hotel and I spotted Patrick in the lobby.
"Hey you guys head up I'm gonna go do something"
I walked over to Patrick who was slumped over at the front desk
"Hey, waiting for something?"
"Hey.... Uh yea I broke my key, now I need a new one,
"Okay just wanted to say good game tonight, you guys put up a nice fight"
"Thanks means a lot, we'll get you next time"
"Alright good luck with that" I said while walking back to the elevator.

I opened the door and Sid had already begun packing up his bag.
"Are we flying out tonight?"
"Yea we have and hour to get to the airport so hurry up"
I threw my clothes in my luggage and locked it up
Clarissa headed down to wait in the lobby for the team bus to pick us up. I helped Sid grab the rest of his clothes.
"How about the game?"
"I don't know how about you tell me"
"You make no sense"
He came over and tackled me onto the bed
"Sid get off" I giggled
"Fight me"
His response to everything I said was "fight me" until finally I just kissed him. He slowly released his arms and my hands grabbed his face pulling it towards mine as I kissed him. Just than there was a knock at the door. We broke off and I caught some air
"Come.... In"
"Let's go bus is here" yelled Sutter

Sid grabbed the luggage than grabbed me and flung me over his shoulder
"Would you put me down!"
"Fight me"
"Lord help me if you say that one more time"
We got on the bus and I cuddled up to Sid and fell asleep on the way to the airport

--- Authors Note
Hey guys, if you haven't check out my new book "A Little Drunk On Love" and I just wanted to say you guys are the best. I always see the same people voting for my stories and it makes me so happy people are reading my story and keeping up with it :) Couple updates next week because I'm off and that's about it. Love you guys, don't forget to vote and comment

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