Chapter 18: Memories are all that's left

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So this I what I get? I went to the mall to get Clair to get Chinese food and I stumble in on her and this random dude kissing. When I saw her locking lips with him anger and rage came over myself. My hand made a fist and before I knew it, my fist made contact with this guys jaw. Was this what Clair had been doing? When she said she was going out with her friend was she with this dude? Maybe when I was away for games he kept her busy. Nothing made sense as scenarios came in and out of my head. I kept trying to get answers for all of this.

Clair's POV---

I don't know what happened, one second I was saying something to Ryan and the next his lips were all over mine. When he finished kissing me I was in such shock and the first thing I saw was Sid. His face expression showed shock. I didn't know what to do with myself. I saw Sid was mad and tears began rushing down my cheeks. When Ryan kissed me it lit a fire to all memories I had with him. Than seeing Sid's face... I just don't know. I couldn't think, my mind needed to be cleared. I ran out of the mall, into the empty parking lot. I stopped and tears were continuing to rush down my face. Nothing made sense right now, I broke down. Tears began bursting down my face, my hand ran through my hair and my knees trembled. They buckled and before I knew it I was on my knees crying my heart out. My heart told me Sid but my mind reminded me of Ryan. The kiss just brought back all the amazing memories with Ryan. But it also sparked all the bad memories, and the hurtful nights. I sat there in the parking lot till I finally collected my self. I didn't know what was gonna happen up but I had to talk to Sid.

I walked back to the house and saw fresh paw prints in the snow going towards the garage. I walked to the side door and heisted to knock. I lifted my hand to the door and let it rest there until I finally knocked.

"Come in" called a groggy voice

I slowly turned the knob to the door and opened it. There was Sid wrapped in a blanket with the dog.

"Sid can we please talk"

"What is there to talk about?"

"Please Sid, there's so much you don't understand"

"I understand that you were locking lips in the mall" he shouted at me as began standing up off the sofa.

"Sid you don't understand" I shouted back holding in all the tears

"I know what I saw!"

"But it's not what it looked like!"

"Fine than explain"

"He's uh someone I've know for a while. But he kissed me, I didn't kiss him. I haven't seen him since years ago"

"So the kiss meant nothing?"

I stud there staring into Sid's hurt eyes. No words came to mind.'i don't what the kiss meant. I didn't wanna kiss Ryan, but something about this kiss still lingered in my mind.

"So It did mean something"

"Sid.. It"

"Just leave me alone!" He shouted at me

I turned around and ran out of the garage. I pulled my phone out and saw I had a text from Justin

Justin: Coming home with the baby today :)

I locked my phone and slipped it back into my pocket. I calmed my self and thought I should take a walk. I began walking down the road as the sun began to set. I don't know where I stood with Sid, but i don't know what I even want. A million question ran through my mind as I walked up the road to my brothers house. I need to stop thinking for a while, I needed to calm myself. I stood in the pathway of my brothers house, and took a deep breath. I walked to the door and let my hand rest on the doorbell for a second. I finally knocked and Justin's wife greeted me at the door. She looked pretty good for a girl who just had a baby.

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