Chapter 55: We Are Ready To Partay!

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I sat on the front stoop of James' porch with Clarissa. I sighed deeply than dug my chin harder into the palm of my hand.

"You know, this really sucks" She mumbles

"I know, what is even in Nashville?" I laughed, trying to lighten the mood

"Nothing! I don't get why James is excited."

"Well it's a new beginning for him, I'm sure he's going to kill it in Nashville"

"He may do better as a player, but as for the team..." she just rolled her eyes and laughed

"That was the last moving truck" smiled James as he walked up the walkway.

"You have a flight to catch to Nashville"

"I'll be back before you know it, take good care of her and the little one" smirked James

"Have you talked to Geno?" I blurted out, the question had been lingering in my mind.

"I can't, he's out in Russia" he sighed

"That better be the first thing you do when he gets back!"

Later that day I got Clarissa settled in the guest bedroom with the baby, luckily for the whole house, he was quiet.


Weeks of the summer past, Sid and I didn't get around to doing much at all except last minute wedding details. I had to keep going in to get fit for my wedding dress, which was finally completed. Sid was another year older, we went up to Canada to celebrate it this year. Clarissa was moved into their new apartment in Nashville but won't be officially moving down there till after the wedding. As for James, he really didn't have a choice. We where in the third week of September. Camp started up so Sid was out of the house, as usual.

The wedding was at the end of this week! I couldn't believe it was here so soon. These past few days had been so hectic, I had to make sure everything was in order. But as for tonight, I knew I could let loose at my Bachelorette party.

All the girls were at my house and were getting ready for a night on the town.

"Well I've got everyone's dresses" laughs Clarissa as she held black dresses in her hands.

"Were all going with the little black dress tonight, this is why ya'll needed the black heels!"

The girls helped me change in my black sleeveless dress. My hair was topped with a crown that read "Bride to be" and a sash, that wouldn't last the whole night. After the club we planned to crash at my house and Sid was out at his bachelor party tonight to.

"Alright, I was gonna give them to you on the wedding day but I think it's better if I give them to you now"

I opened up the box and inside were white zip up jackets, in the back they read 'Bridesmaid #1, Bridesmaid #2' and so on, Clarissa's just read 'Maid of Honor"

"There so cute" the girls squealed

"There's plenty more for you guys!"

The night was full of laugher and tons of Jell-O shots. No one got to drunk because we all wanted to remember the fun night. One of the many perks of marrying the best player in the world was the VIP section of the club was closed off just for my bachelorette party. The girls also surprised me with a party bus, which was really fun to ride in. We cut a cake shaped into a bra, I found it a little more fun the traditional bachelorette party cakes.

Bye the end of the night no one had their heels on as we got into the party bus. I lost the sash and my crown was clinging to my hair. My cousin had lost her earring and Taylor's foot had a million bandaid's because of all the blisters her shoe gave her. We spent the rest of night in the movie room surrounded by pillows and blanket, there was tons of giggles. I don't think many of us got sleep that night.

Everyone says my life would completely change at the end of this week. To me it was id have a wedding band to go along with my engagement ring and I'd be officially stuck to my bestfriend, Sid. I couldn't wait to be called "Mrs.Crosby" even though that would take some getting use to. But other than that life would remain the same, a new season would start and it would be the same old same old.


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