Chapter 33: Have you thought about it?

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The next morning I woke up on my own bed and rolled over to see Sid was already gone. I got up and retied my hair into a messy bun and headed down stairs.
"Clair is that you?" Called Sid from the kitchen
I walked over the kitchen and he kissed my forehead, I could smell the eggs cooking.
"Your brother keeps calling, you might wanna call him back"
I grabbed my cell phone from the table and dialed his number
"Yea Justin, you keep calling?"
"Yea it wanna talk to you about something"
"Alright lay it on me"
"Well Aerin and I want to plan our first trip with the baby and we were thinking about heading to pittsburgh to see you and possible catch a penguins game"
"Justin please come! I miss you so much. We have another bedroom you guys could stay in"
"I'll tell Aerin, I don't want to push anything on you but we booked the flight for tomorrow"
"I'm totally fine with it, it's not everyday I get to see my brother or goddaughter. And tomorrow the penguins play the hawks here, you and dad can all come to the game"
"Alright I'll see you tomorrow"
I ended the phone call than turned to Sid.
"It's okay if my brother comes to stay for a bit?"
"It's my house as much as it is yours"
"Sid it's your house"
"Whatever but my parents and sister are flying in today to"
"When were you going to tell me this?"
"This morning"

I'm gonna go get the bedrooms ready, thanks for the notice. I went to the hallway closet and got fresh sheets and made the beds. I had to get Clarissa to move so I could clean her sheets to. After I set up everything in the bathrooms to make sure everyone would have what they needed. Taylor would have her own room, my brother and his wife in one room and Sid's parents in another. That was 4 guest rooms taken up including Clarissa. I quickly ate the scrambled eggs Sid made me than headed upstairs to change. I needed to go food shopping to accommodate all the people we would have staying over. The supermarket wasn't far from the house and I got dinner food and whole bunch of breakfast. I imagine we all wouldn't be staying in the house all day so I didn't worry to much about lunch. After when I got back home I found Sid cleaning the house.
"Awe look who's being a good boy"
"Only for my mom"
"I clean most of this house anyway" I glared at him
"Whatever, do you wanna come pick them up with me?"
"Yea let's go"

I told Clarissa we would be back than got in the car with Sid. I rolled down the window and let my hair out of its ponytail. I turned up the radio to Taylor swifts "red".
"Come on Sid sing it"
"No way"
"You know you want to" I teased him than started humming along until finally I started singing
"Loosing him was blue like id never know, missing him was dark grey all alone"
Finally I got Sid to chime in "Forgetting him was like trying to know someone you've never met" he said while rolling his eyes. I began making a beat on the middle console "But loving him was red, loving him was red"

We kept switching lines until we got to the airport and pulled up to the curb where his family was waiting for us. I got out of the car than hugged his parents hello.
"Hey guys"
"Hey Clair, nice to see you" said Mr.Crosby
Than Mrs.Crosby gave me a hug and told me how much she missed me
"Sid come one help your parents with the luggage" I yelled at him while he was checking his phone.
"Hi mom and dad"
I walked over to Taylor who greeted me with a hug
"How's everything going?" I said hinting at the boy she told me she liked
She pulled out her phone than hit the home screen to show me that wallpaper of him and her together at her prom
"Congrats babe" I said while hugging her again
"Couldn't have done it without you" she said

Sid loaded up all the luggage and his parents and Taylor sat in the back.
My hand interlocked with Sid as we began driving home.
"So anything planned for today?" Asked Taylor
"Taylor! We just got here"
Ha"It's okay ma" said Sid "You guys can use the pool, it's relaxing day before tomorrow's game"
"It's gonna be very busy these next couple weeks"
"Whys that?" Asked Sid's dad
"My brother and his wife will be staying with us to and my friend has been staying with us for a while
"Sounds like a full house" giggled Taylor

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