Chapter 11: Sid's home

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It was the most bittersweet day for Sid was coming home, but my brothers were leaving me. I had spoken to them the night before about making plans to see each other again and we decided on Christmas. While that was only two weeks away, I knew I would miss them so much.

I awoke early this morning and got started in the kitchen, I wanted to do something sweet for my brothers. I began making pancakes, which I had a secret recipe for, than fried some bacon. The aroma from the food filled the house and lingered into my brothers rooms, awakening them. In no time the two were making their way into the kitchen.

"I want you to call as soon as you land" I instruct them

"Of coarse, I just can't wait to get home to Aerin" My brother smiles widely at the thought of being reunited with her.

"How many months pregnant is she now?"

"9 months"

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"We decided to keep it a surprise" Justin chuckled

"How about you Max how's your girlfriend?"

"We're uh not together anymore... The Montreal hockey team has taken up all my time"

"That sucks, the right girl will come along. You watch"

My brothers finished breakfast fast, leaving enough time to finish packing

"Before you guys go.. I wanna give you something"

I handed them each a small bag


They pulled out a picture frame of the 3 of us hugging at Sid and I's anniversary dinner.

"Clair this is beautiful"

We came into a huge group hug. I never wanted to let them go, but we had to get to the air port.
I let them finish cleaning, and I went into the garage. Sid had his truck parked in there, he rarely used it. The keys were hanging on the hook by the door. I grabbed them and turned the car on. I pulled the car out of the garage. Max and Justin walked out with all there luggages.

"What's with the truck?"

"It's so we can fit all your stuff and not be crammed in the car"

We loaded all the stuff in the back of the truck. We began driving to the airport and arrived at 1.

I helped my brothers lug their luggage over to security.

"Well this is goodbye" I hugged them both as tight as possible.

"See you in 2 weeks Clair"

"See ya, thanks for making my birthday amazing"

"Don't thank us,thank Sid" He laughs

And with that they were boarding there plane. There was no use in leaving the airport. The boys were landing in a half hour. I went to Dunkin Donuts and got my self a glazed donut. I was checking my twitter when I realized I had 20k followers. Where did they all come from? My mentions were blowing up

"OMG your so lucky"

"Is Sid a good kisser?"

"Have you met the team yet?"

A whole bunch of questions asking about Sid and I. Personally I don't want out relationship plastered everywhere. I closed out my twitter and waited for the plane to land.

"Flight 134 now arriving" the over head speaker announced

Sid was here, i'd be in his arms within 2 minutes. I saw the penguins get off the plane. Neal, Malkin, Cooke, Letang, Dupuis. Than finally Crosby.

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