Chapter 26: Bling Bling

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The penguins skated right by the isles winning the series 4-2. Sid and I decided I still wouldn't travel with the team when it came time to vs the senators. I had a lot of faith in the team that they would make it farther so it was okay to not travel.

Today Clarissa would be coming for a month and half to stay in Pittsburgh with Sid and I. Sid was gone for an early morning practice and I had began cleaning up around the house for her arrival. I grabbed new sheets from the hallway closet and stripped the guest bed of its old sheets. I placed the old sheets in the hall and began making the bed.

After that was done I began running the washing machine and dusting some furniture. With playoffs I really wasn't able to be home as much and clean because I was always at the game. After the laundry was done and I went back to the guest bedroom and put hangers in the closet and toiletries in the guest bathroom.

After everything in the house was clean, it was time to go get Clarissa.
I quickly ran up to the bedroom and grabbed shorts and t shirt to put on. I slipped on my sandals and grabbed the keys for the truck and was on my way.
When I got to the airport I waited at her terminal until she arrived.

"Flight 18 now arriving" announced the speaker. People began walking off the plain and that's when Clarissa spotted me. She came running in my direction and jumped on me for a hug.
"How was the flight?"
"It was good but omg I'm so excited to be here, I get to watch playoff hockey and I get to be with you and I need a moment to take it all in" she gasped for air as she finished

"Alright well come on lets go get your luggage" We headed over to baggage claim and Clarissa grabbed the three luggage's that were hers.
"Have enough there?" I ask smirking at all her bags
"Hey I don't know what were gonna be doing for a month and a half so I brought a lot okay"

We each grabbed a bag or two and began walking out to the car. I opened the trunk and we put all her bags in.
"Alright so how about we go get some lunch?"
"Sounds great.. So uh where's Sid?"
"There at practice and tomorrow were all going to Nathalie's house for a little to celebrate playoffs"
"We as in me?"
"Yes you to"
"Did you really think you were gonna stay for a month and half during playoffs and not meet them?"
"Well not this soon!"

I pulled up to the drive through of Burger King as we ordered our lunch than headed back home. I parked in the driveway and unlocked the front door while Clarissa began taking the bags out of the car. Star came running when he herd the door open and he greeted me with kisses. He was almost full grown now so he was a pretty big dog.

I went back outside and helped bring the bags into the guest bedroom.
"It's so beautiful here, I can't believe this is your house"
"It's Sid's house but I'll take the compliment. This will be your bedroom, I've put things you might need in the closet like extra pillows blankets and things for the bathroom. Feel free to hang up your clothes since you'll be here a while. Make yourself feel at home"
"Alright now how about the house tour?"
"Alright come on"

We began walking around the house and I showed her all the rooms until we came outside by the pool. Star had just jumped in to cool of and was soaked.
"Your basically living the life eh?"
"Uh yea I guess.. the most important thing to me is being with Sid.. This is all just an added bonus"

We went inside to each lunch and I towel dried star before letting him into the air conditioned house.

---- Sid's POV

The guys and I had just wrapped up
practice and were in the locker room getting ready to head out because tomorrow we had dinner at Nathalie's. But before I headed home I need to go do something.
"Yo Duper, Nealsy!.. You coming or what?"
"Yea lets go"
The guys and I got into the car and I drove to a jewelry shop in the city. I parked the car on the street and we walked in. What I'm going to be doing soon was gonna change my life forever.
"Hi What can I help you with today?" asked the lady behind the glass case.

"This old man here is planning on proposing to his girl friend and we need to find a ring" James said while squeezing my shoulder.

"Least I got a girl friend" I said smirking at him
"Okay follow me over here"

I looked down into the glass encasement and was amazed by how many different rings there was. A diamond could be cut so many ways and a ring could hold so many diamonds. Dupuis and Nealer told me the ones Clair would probably like best but I wasn't so sure. We left empty handed and I was kinda bummed. I dropped off the guys and headed home.

How was I even gonna propose to her?
Maybe on our anniversary. But I didn't want it to be cheesy like at dinner, it needed to be something meaningful.

----- Clair's POV

Clarissa and I had made our way back outside again and were enjoying the beautiful weather. That's when I herd the beep from inside the house notifying me a door had just been open.

"Babe I'm home"
"Back here"

Sid pulled open the sliding door and walked out onto the patio and Star ran up to greet him.
"You remember Clarissa right?"
"Yea but I don't think we were formally introduced last time"
"Hi well I'm Clarissa thanks for letting me stay, really means a lot"
"No problem, a friend of Clair is a friend of mine"
"Babe what do you want for dinner?"
"Eh nothing order for you and Clarissa I'll leave money on the counter.

After a while we ended up back inside and I asked Clarissa what we should order.
"How about a pj party and Chinese food like old times?"
"Yes I wanna feel like in 13 again" I said giggling
I placed the order for Chinese and changed into PINK shorts and a tanktop. I left my necklace on that had Sid's initial on it. I brought 2 big blankets into the movie room and we pigged out all night joking and remembered old times from when I had stayed in Canada.

Everything was going good until she decided to ask me a question I had tried to run from all my life. It's the main reason I moved to Pittsburgh.
She got real quiet "Have you talked to your dad?"
Images of him flashed through my mind, his dark hair and blue eyes.
"You.... you know I don't.. I haven't.
I haven't talked to him since the big fight broke out when I was 18"
"I know but Clair, you know you are gonna need someone to walk you down the isle one day"
I grabbed a twix and began coming on it
"Maybe you should reconcile with your dad ya know? You've both matured.... your bothers are fine with him... maybe you could give it a try"
I patted her leg "yea maybe one day,I'm gonna head up to bed... See ya in the moring"

I walked up to the bedroom and found Sid sound asleep in the bed. I climbed in next to him and lied on my back staring at the ceiling. Maybe I did need to reconcile with my dad. It's been a long time since I've seen him. Does he even want anything to do with me? I pondered thoughts and ran through memories of him in my head. Once my mother passed everything had went down hill from there. He couldn't handle her being gone and I couldn't take him.


"Get up sleeping beauty...
Clair get up!" Sid said before throwing a pillow at me.
"Alright I'm up!"
"Come down and have breakfast it's already 10"
I pulled the sheets off me and got up while running my hand through my hair.
"Babe your rocking the bed hair"
"Shut up you goof" I said while smacking his arm. He picked me up and kissed my lips. "now hurry up downstairs"

I pulled my hair into a bun and made my way to the kitchen. A whole stack of pancakes and eggs were waiting on the counter.
"Sid you cooked all of this?"
"You know I can't cook pancakes"
Jus than Clarissa walked in with an apron on.
"You cooked all of this?"
"Yea that it was the least I could do since I'm staying your house"
"Awe that's so sweet"

We sat down out the counter devouring the amazing pancakes Clarissa had made. The food went quickly and when we were done Sid and Clarissa had went to their rooms leaving me to clean the dishes. I washed off each dish than loaded the dishwasher. Any piece of food that fell, Star made sure he got.

Eventually they both made there way to the front door looking like they were about to leave.
"Um were are you two going?"
"Oh Im gonna take Clarissa with me to practice to meet the guys... It's a public practice today so she can come watch"
"We'll be home soon, besides we have that party you were telling me about"

With that they left leaving me home alone. I went up stairs and took a quick shower than made it over the closet. Sid had recently had the closet redone so it was a now a walk-in one. I was a bit skeptical about it but Sid said I could consider it an early birthday present. I walked over to my dresses and pulled out a high low light pink dress with white wedges.

I made my way back to the the bathroom and began curling my hair. I did my mascara and eyeliner than threw on some lipgloss. I still had an hour to kill so I didn't change yet. I went downstairs into the back room. It was a really big room but it wasn't used. Together we had 5 bedrooms in the house alone. This was just an extra and always had the door closed because it had no use. Maybe for Sid's birthday id turn it into something for him.

I was gonna make it a man cave type thing but that's what we had the movie room or the basement for. As I made my way back to the living room I herd the garage door open.
"Hey were back!"
"How was meeting the guys?" I shouted back
"I didn't get to, it was to hectic and crazy"
"Awe well you can meet them tonight"
"Babe I'm gonna shower" called Sid as he ran up the staircase

--------Clarissa's POV

I made me way to my guest room. The view was absolutely the best. I could open up the sliding door and tan on the patio. But I had to get ready, heading over to the closet I grabbed a flowy light purple dress with spaghetti straps.
I didn't have much time to do my hair so I quickly curled a few pieces.

Sid had come to me this morning asking if I could help him do something. He wanted me to come give his opinion on wedding rings. The moment he told me I wanted to scream but I couldnt wake Clair up, let alone give her a hint on what's coming. Sid ended up picking a Tiffany&co ring. Together the ring was 3 ct without the wedding band. Basically one big stone with little stones around it and than skinny band with diamonds. The center stone with the little ones around it was elevated on the band and boy did it sparkle.
Sid still didn't know when he was gonna do it but I was so happy for them.

-----Clair's POV

I had finished changing ad waited at the front door for Clarissa and Sid.
"Come on guys!" Finally they had came down and we got into the car quickly making our way to Mario's house. When we got there, there was about 2 other cars parked. One was James' and the other one was Pascal's.

We walked up the stairs and Sid rang the doorbell. I could here all of Dupers kids running around scrambling to unlock the door. Once it was open there stood a very bearded Duper.
"Hi Duper" I said while kissing him on the cheek hello. We walked in and I introduce him and his wife to Clairissa.

"Sid I'm gonna go find Nathalie ok"
Clarissa followed close behind taking in the beauty of the house.
We walked into the Kitchen and there was Nathalie pulling out hamburgers and hotdogs out of the freezer.
"There you are! and who is this lovely lady?"
"This is my best friend Clairssa.
Clarissa this is Nathalie"
"Very nice to meet you now Clair come quickly I want I give you something"

I signaled for Clarissa to follow and we walked upstairs into Nathalie's closet. In the middle was a clothes pile full of dresses and shirts. "it's some stuff from my daughters that they no longer want, you two can help yourselves"
"Thanks Nathalie your the best"

We both picked out a dress and some shirts and made our way to the back room when we were done. There was James watching some movie that was on TV. "Hey James" I yelled at him. He got up and kissed my cheek hello "And who is this beautiful girl?"
" This is Clarissa"
She was mesmerized and was reluctant to say anything until she finally snapped out of it and uttered 'hello'
They had begun a conversation and I went and waited for the rest of the team.

Eventually the whole team showed up and we were outside around the barbaque. The little kids were all in the pool enjoying themswlves. Mario and Geno were barbecuing and the rest of us were sitting at the table talking. Neal and Clarissa had sat next to each other and I was seated next to Sid and Beau.
The whole team felt pretty confident in the playoffs this year and we were all so excited.

Shero and Bylsma even showed up to relax a little bit. We tried to keep away from the subject of hockey. Eventually one of Duper's kids asked if I would play with them so I followed her to the driveway where hockey sticks lied. Two nets had been set up and the kids had drawn face off circles, the blue line and goalie crease with chalk on the driveway. I was handed a hockey stick and the kids asked me if I knew how to shoot. I lined up the on one of the face off circle and went top shelf.

I placed the stick back on the ground and began watching. But when of the kids came up to me insisting that I should play. I didn't want to because I was in a dress but Nathalie's daughter brought me out a pair of shorts and tank to change it to for the time being.

----- Sid's POV

We were all hanging in the back yard talking about family stuff and that's when I looked over and saw Clair still wasn't back. I excused myself from the table and made my way to the driveway. I stopped and watch her playing with the little kids. She was teaching one of them how to pick up the puck with the stick. She was so sweet and gentle with them, I felt a smile creep onto my face. Just than as I was admiring her I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Mario patting my shoulder. "She fits in so well with the team doesn't she?"
"You got pretty lucky on that deal" he said while punching my arm
"I know, I got myself one hell of a wife"
"Don't tell anybody but I just picked out the ring today"
"Well congrats"

----- Clair's POV
Eventually the night came to an end and we left Nathalie's at 1 in the morning. I sat in the back seat with Clarissa and that's when she turned to me. She was all smiley and that's when she busted out saying Neal had given her his number and was gonna take her on a date.
"I'm so happy for you! Neal is a great guy"
Sid interrupted with "how would you know"
He's a nice friend and a couple months ago I helped him pick out a gift for his ex-girlfriend and we talked" I turned to Clarissa "he's a good guy"

We finally got home and I went straight to bed quickly falling asleep.

Omg Neal and Clarissa oooo
But I wrote a pretty long chapter because I didn't wanna split it into two chapters so I hope you guys like it. And Sid got the engagement ring! I can't wait to keep writing don't forget to leave feed back xox

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