Chpater 53: Nashville

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Playoffs.... It was not something that we mentioned around the house at this point, especially not around Sid. Things were looking so great for us, the defending Stanley cup champions. We had the series 3-1 and than we watched it crumble before our eyes.

The loss, it brought new change. The coaching staff and roster were going to be deeply affected. Dan and Shero were long gone, Rutherford came in as replacement. I had nothing against the guy but I don't like change.

But never the less, I was onto Clarissa's little secret for today, my bridal shower. I forgot the story she had made to get me out of the house but I did my hair and makeup all nice and wore a white strapless dress with a sweatheart neckline. I waited outside for Clarissa to roll up in James' car.

"Hey baby doll" I said as I got in the passanger seat

"Your all dressed up"

"Do you think its to much?"

"Nope not at all" She laughed

"Where's the baby?"

"James is watching him, i dont know if i trust him" she giggled

"He cant be that bad"

We pulled up to the venue and had the car parked. I followed behind Clarissa, once we reached the door I took the lead and pulled it open.

"Suprise!" rang out in every direction

I must say, Clarissa did amazing with the whole set up. Everything was white, presents stacked along the side, a long table for the bride and bridal party. Across from the present table, sat everyone and towards the back of the room was a candy bar filled with white candy.

"Thank you so much babe" I said as I pulled Clarissa in for a hug

"It's the least I could do for my bestfriend!" she squeals. I make my way around and say hello to everybody, mostly relatives and all of the penguins girlfriends and wives. After I join Clarissa onto the "dance floor" where she begins her speech.

"First off I'd like to thank everyone for coming out today" she than took a deep breath and looked at me "Clair, your amazing, beautiful, spontaneous and just overall an amazing friend and person. You've helped me through so much and now I've watched you fall in love with the love of your life. Even tho I'll always be your best friend, I'm glad that if I can't be there I know Sid will be. I love you so much Clair, thank you"

I pulled her in for another hug, the best part is hugging her without her stomach getting in the way anymore.

"Alright the buffet is open, after were gonna open some presents and play some games" she said.

The whole day was perfect, I couldn't imagine it being any better than it was. Clarissa and I waited for Sid to pull up in the truck. He had just gotten home from the NHL awards, with his sister. I couldn't be prouder of him, he won three awards.

We loaded a whole bunch of presents in the back and than we parted ways.

"How was it babe?" asked Sid as I climbed into the passenger seat

"It was perfect" I giggled


Draft day, normally I would watch it with Clarissa but today her and James were out in Minnesota for Nisky's wedding.

"Can't wait to see the kid we pick" said Sid as he took a seat next to me on the sofa. As he sat Star made his way over and laid his head on Sid's lap.

"Some kid from Finland right? that's who they were looking at"

"Yep, the kid looks like Maatta" he laughed

"I hate draft day, I hate trades"

"Eh, I herd were loosing a lot of people at free agency"

"See this is why I'm marrying you, because you can't get traded" I joked

"I can't imagine what it would be like to have to just pack up and move somewhere else like that"

"Well I mean most players who have like a one year contract just have an apartment so it's not that bad"

"I know but still you gotta make new friends with a team that you've played against. Just seems like to much" I joked.

The draft continued, we picked up the finish kid.

"Do you see that?" motioned Sid as he pointed to the penguins table

"What's all that commotion?" The table was now frantic looking. Just than the announcer came on "it looks like a trade is about to happen with the penguins"

Sid and I looked at each other with worry in our eyes, we than gazed at the tv. "There has been a trade, The Pittsburgh penguins trade winger James Neal.." I blocked out everything else that he said, James was gone. No, that couldn't be! How could he leave? Clarissa, the baby... No

"Sid" I managed to say "Shhh" he said as he pulled me into his chest as I began to cry.

"Where-where is James going?"

"He's going to Nashville" I weeped harder into his chest. "Please tell me this is a joke! Clarissa can't be leaving again"

"Geno isn't gonna take this well" he said as he ran his hand through my hair.

We gazed at the tv until my phone began to ring, it was Clarissa.

"H-hey?" I said shakily as I breathed hard into the phone

"Clair" was all she managed to say

"W-what is gonna happen now?"

"I guess I'm moving to Nashville for the year"

"But the wedding, the bachelorette party, us.."

"Hey listen we can talk more when i get back into Pittsburgh but everything is gonna be fine. I've got to go, were about to cut cake" she said, the line went dead.

"She seems to be taking it so well" I said to Sid

"Maybe she doesn't really realize what's happened.... Believe me babe, everything happens for a reason" he than pressed his lips into my temple.

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