Chapter 49: Im So Thankfull

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Today was the day, the start of a new hockey season. Celebrating the cup was over, we were now chasing it all over again. I was excited for the new season, but not as excited as Sid. A lot of things would be happening this year like Sochi, a stadium series game, bridal shower and a baby shower. I had my work cut out for me, but it was all worth it. I was over Nathalie's house in my Crosby sweatshirt with Clarissa in her Neal sweatshirt. We were all reading over to watch the game together.
"Are you going to sit with us?" Asked Mario
"You know Sid and his superstitions, I have to sit in my regular seat" I frowned
"Okay, you'll miss all the fun" he laughed
"If only it was up to me"

Once we headed to the arena I headed up to the box sets where all the players girlfriends and wives were seated, ready to watch the game.
"Clair'" squealed Kody, Dupuis son as he ran towards me. He embraced me with a hug and so did the rest of the kids.
"Get this" Said Carole as she pulled me aside "We actually have a visitor, Max Talbot is here for the home opener"
"Max? I have never met him"
"You don't remember him?"
"I do but i had never met him"
"Well after the game were brining him into to the locker room to greet the guys so meet us there after the game" With that I finished saying hello to everybody than went and found my usual seat.

The penguins won the game 3-0 and I couldn't be in a better mood. I met all the girls outside the locker room where they were waiting with Max.
"Who are you?" Laughed Max with a goofy voice
"I'm Clair, Sid's fiancé" I laughed as I shook his hand
"You? Really? Big lips and big ass got a beautiful girl like you?"he laughed
"Yes he actually did" I snapped back, for some reason I couldn't take his humor.

When we were let into the locker room we all greeted and congratulated the players, as for Max he waited outside.
"We actually have a surprise for you" I announced to the locker room
"And that is?" Responded Beau
"Well it's more for the older guys but we have a surprise visit" and with that Max walked into the room, everyone's eyes lit up as he walked in.

Flower was the first to charge straight out of his seat, wrapping his arms around Max the locker room laughed and joined in.
"Hey babe" I said to Sid when I was able to get him away from the group, he was staring at the group of guys around Max.
"Guys really like him huh?"
"Uh? Yea they do, we all miss him"
"Trades are a tuff part hockey"
"I know" he swallowed hard

"Come on" Laughed Clarissa as she pulled me out the door.
"I don't want to be late!" She exclaimed. I stopped dead in the middle of the driveway
"Can you wait!" I exclaimed as I fixed the high low white dress I was wearing, the big white wedges were killing my feet, but they looked good
"I don't even remember where were going" I said as I followed her to the car
"One of Mario's kids party"
"I still don't get why I had to get so dressed up"
"You always complain"

When we had pulled up to Mario's house, a couple cars were parked but it didn't look like much was going on. Clarissa kept smirking at me every five minutes, I had a suspicion that something was going to happen. Maybe an early birthday present? That couldn't be it, my birthday wasn't for a month. "Were gonna go through the back" "why?"
"There you to again!" She laughed, she took my hand and we began to walk to the backyard, as we reached the back there was a flower arch and pathway outlined by petals. My eyes followed the path that led to Sid standing there in a suit. Things in my mind weren't clicking, it looked like a wedding scene but why. Clarissa led me up to the arch, than she turned and looked at me.
"Clair, one of things I always hear you talk about is having your dad at your wedding, we unfortunately can not grantee that, but we can do this" she than moved away and I saw my father standing there in a tux and a smile plastered onto his face while tears streaming down both our eyes. With tearful eyes I took his arms and we walked up the pathway to Sid. Mario, Nathalie and the rest of the guys stood around and watched with watery eyes.

"I-I love you dad" I whispered to him as we walked
"I love you to, so did your mother"
"Who-who thought of this?"
"This lovely man" he said as we got to Sid.
"I have to give you away, and as I grow weaker I know you and Sid's love grows stronger. That makes me happy to leave you with him" he than let go off my arm and with weak knees I fell into Sid's arms.

At the moment I could care less who was watching, I cupped Sid's face and kissed him.
"Sid I'm so lucky to have you, I'm so happy that I'm becoming Mrs.Crosby"
"I love you so much Clair"

I could say I got what I wanted, my father to walk me down the isle. I couldn't tell you how many times I cried today, especially when we had went out for dinner. Sid was the perfect human being in my eyes, I don't know what id do with out him. I'm a better person because of him, I owed everything to Sid. I couldn't wait to have his kids and grow old with him. It was only a matter of time before the wedding aka the best day of my life.

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