Chapter 9: Family is Forever

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I woke up in morning to find Sid and his suit case were gone, all there was a sticky note on my night table.


I had to get going and I didn't want to wake you. You and your brothers are going to the Consol energy center at 6. Tell them who you are, and they'll take it from there. I love you, I'll be home soon. happy birthday babe ~Sid

I put the note in the draw and went down stairs. I took out the pan and began making pancake batter. The aroma from the pancakes traveled to the guest bedrooms and my brothers woke up.

"Happy Birthday Clair.. Where's Sid? Justin asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"He left for New York this morning, he has a game against the Rangers tomorrow. Now hurry up and eat breakfast I wanna take you some place, and Sid arranged something for us tonight."

"How are we dressing?"

"Fairly warm, it's a little chilly outside. I mean its already November"

I ran up stairs and changed into my legging and an oversized sweater.

Once we were all dressed, I grabbed Sids car keys. I had a surprise for my brothers. I began driving to Mario's house. I asked him in the morning if I could bring my brothers over.

"Where are we going?" Max asked

"It's a surprise duh"

I pulled up into Mario's gates, rolled down the window and hit the speaker button.

"Hey it's Clair buzz me in"

The gates opend and I parked the car.

"Come on now boys, and don't freak out"

I rang the doorbell and Mario opened the door.

"Hi Mario"

"Hey Clair. Happy Birthday,come in, Nathalie's making lunch"

My brothers began freaking out.

"Hi Mr. Lemieux"

"No please call me Mario" Mario held out his hand for Max and Justin to shake. At first Justin just stood there in shock. His hand came up slowly than shook Mario's. Justin was still mesmerized that Mario Lemieux was standing in front of him. Max on the other hand was more calm. He shook hands with Mario but didn't believe that his life long idol was standing in front of him.

We walked into the living room.

Justin: "Mr.Lemieux uh I mean Mario.

It is such an honor to meet you. I remember watching you as kid, you were my idol"

Max: "I remember we would all get together in the living room yelling 'look its Mario'. I can't believe I'm meeting you in person..

Justin: "but what I can't believe is Clair, our little sister met you first"

"Well you boys have fun, I'm gonna go help Nathalie cook lunch"

I walked over to the kitchen, I could here my brothers taking to Mario about hockey.

"Hey Nathalie.. Can I help you with anything"

"Hey babe happy birthday, and can you take these plates and set them on the table"

I picked up the stack of plates and placed them neatly around the table. My phone vibrated.

Sid: Hey babe. Just got out of practice what are you doing?

Me: I brought my brothers to meet Mario and Nathalie is making lunch

Sid: she makes the best lunch. Don't forget be at the energy center by 6. G2g love you babe

We all took our seats around the table. Nathalie made sandwiches for everyone. Mario looked at me

"So how is Sid.. Since you've come along he hasn't been here as often.. But that's a good thing" he winked

"He's good, he such a goofball and loves to surprise me. He just got out of practice"

"Tomorrow is gonna be a good game. Why don't you and your brothers come over to watch it?"

Justin: "we would be delighted"

After lunch I helped Nathalie clean up and wash dishes

"So how are you and Sid doing?"

"To be honest Nathalie, I would love to spend my whole life with him. Raise a family, grow old together. I know that sounds crazy especially since we've been together 5 months. But the spark that everyone says you feel, I never believed it until I met Sid. Just him being with him makes all my worries go away"

"I know what it feels like to be the in love, I still am. When I'm with Mario I feel sparks fly, I'm so lucky to have him. I can tell Sid likes you a lot to. He was telling me how perfect you were the other day"

I looked at the time,

"I'm sorry Nathalie we have to go Sid planned something for us at 6. But ill see you tomorrow'

I kissed Nathalie and Mario on the cheek. My brothers shook there hands and thanked them for having them over. We were on our way to Sid's surprise.

We arrived at the Consol Energy Center at exactly 6. I did exactly what Sid told me to.

"Follow me" said the security guard.

He led my brothers and I down the tunnel Sid and I went down our first date. The security guard told us to pick out skates and put them on.

Justin tied my skates and I waited for Max to finish tying his.

We walked onto the ice. White lights were strung all around, the security man gave a signal.

The whole arena went dark, the only light was from the white Christmas lights. The score bored began to light up. Projected on the ice where pictures of me and Sid. My eyes were glued onto the score bored as a video started playing.

"Well my beautiful Clair.

Today is your birthday, I didn't forget. I'm sorry I can't be with you on this important day, so I thought this might be the next best thing"

Sid began signing happy birthday and my brothers chimed in. The security guard brought out a small cake. Sid finished singing "make a wish princess" I blew out the candles, I had nothing to wish for, I already had the best person ever in my life.

"Well did you make a wish? Happy Birthday Clair. Ill be home soon until than have fun playing this game of hockey with your brothers"

I closed my eyes for a second, tears began flooding in. My hand slid over my mouth. I can't believe Sid did this all for me. My phone buzzed. I unlocked it

I had over 50 texts wishing me happy brith day

Sid : happy birthday beautiful from the whole team

Attached was a picture of the whole team wishing me happy birthday.

The security guard gave my brothers and I hockey gear. We changed and spent the rest of the nice goofing around. Max played goalie and Justin and I went head to head in a shoot out. Of coarse I won, I've always had the best slap shot and the ability to trick the goalie.

----- Sid POV

Today was Clair's birthday. I hope she really liked her surprise, it was the only thing I could do since I wasn't there with her in person. Clair deserved anything and everything.

The whole team got together to take a picture to send to Clair. Once I get home I have one last surprise for her, something small.

I finished sending the message when Neal came up to me.

"Get off your phone will ya? The boys and I are going out for a drink. You coming?"

"Uh nah I'm gonna rest up. Go ahead without me"

"Alright, your loss"

Neal and Dupuis left the hotel room and I turned off the lamp. I wanted to rest up for the game tomorrow. Clair was gonna be watching with her brothers.

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