Chapter 43: Mommy dearist

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It was an early morning for Sid and I, since the wedding was in just about a year and Sid wouldn't have much time because of hockey season I wanted to get everything that I would need him to be there for done before October.

"Are we stopping at the hospital?" Sid asked while running gel through his hair
"Yea I need to hear what the doctor said" I said while trying to put on my mascara with Sid in the way.
"What else are we doing today?"
"Meeting with the photographer, Dj, and caterer than next week we have a photoshoot so I can start making invitations"
"What else do we have to do?"
"Book a florist, get decorations, purchase dresses and tuxes, book rehearsal dinner and a million other things" I laughed

We headed out to the hospital were Sid let me go into the room by myself.
"Hey dad, how are you feeling?" I asked as I took a seat next to his bed.
"I'm okay, the doctor just left"
"I'll get the nurse in a few minutes"
"How long are you staying?"
"Another 20 minutes" I said glancing at my watch "Sid and I have a lot of appointments today"
"Clair?" "Yea dad?" "Can we talk about your wedding?"
"What about it?"
"When your mother began getting sick, she left me something for you for your wedding day. Now I know you'll need something old so if you go to my house and into the basement and pull open the closet there is a whole box just for you.... I saved everything for you" he said coughing
"mom really left me stuff?"
"Yea so I want you to go get it before you go to your appointments"
"Than I gotta leave now" I laughed
"I'll be okay, now get on out okay?"
I hugged him and than waited with Sid for the nurse to come.
"Hi your his daughter?" Asked the nurse as she shook my hand
"Yea, can we get the reports on what the doctor said?"
"Okay so you already know his cancer and what stage it is but this morning we put him in a PET scan and his whole lower abdomen lit up like a Christmas tree. The cancer has spread and because of your dad's heart condition we can't give him strong chemo. The only chemo we can give him is very weak"
"So what does that mean?" I said squeezing Sid's hand, I didn't want to hear the next few words out of her mouth but I knew I had to
"It means he has about a year, the cancer will start taking over and make him very sick"
"Will... Will he make it to my wedding next year?"
"The chances are slim even if he does he'll be very week and sick"
"So let's do the weak chemo to hold him over and maybe we can get a nurse to watch him while he's home? I'd imagine he can't stay home by hisself"
"We can discuss it when the doctor comes back late tonight"
"Okay, thank you" I said shaking her hand

Sid and I walked out to the car so we could head over to my dad's house.
"Why are we hear again?"
"He said my mother left me something for my wedding and I needed it before our appointments" I unlocked the door to the house that desperately needed to get fixed.
"What are you gonna do about your dad?" Asked Sid as we walked down the basement stairs
"I don't want to talk about it right now" I said yanking the closet door.
"It's stuck" I mumbled Sid than pulled on it, yanking it open. A whole bunch of dust came flying out
"When was the last time this thing was opened?" Laughed Sid
"I don't know but help me heave this box out" I giggled
Sid pulled the clear box with a blue top out of the closet, it was larger than I expected.
I blew off some dust before prying it open. Lying on top was a folded up note with my name written on it. I unfolded it and read it aloud

"Dear Clair,
Clair you are my most prized possession besides your brothers. I remember for your first cry, your first laugh, your first steps and your first words. I treasured every single moment I have with you, in case it's my last. I fear my last moment will be coming soon, a little to soon for my liking. Clair your so very special, you were destined for greatness... I fear I won't be there for your wedding because of my condition so I'm leaving you this stuff for you. I've told your father to keep it from you but if your reading this note than I guess the time is coming huh? I hope than man your marrying is everything you've ever wanted, I hope he brings out the good in you and makes you smile all the time, because Clair I love your smile. You reading this note also means I'm no longer around in the physical sense but I promise you Clair I'm in your heart, and I'll stay there forever." " I love you Clair" I whispered the word as a tear slipped down my cheek.

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