Chapter 16: Christmas Day

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The light from outside began to peek in from the blinds. I slowly opened my eyes and stretched. Sid had already gotten up early this morning. I picked my phone of the night table and sent a text to my brothers checking up on the baby. I got out of bed and began to make my way downstairs. The whole Crosby family was waiting in the living room. Sid got up grabbed my hand and sat with me on the couch. I was still so sleepy so I rested my head on Sid's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'll give out my presents first" claimed Taylor

She pulled out a small red box and handed it to her mother. Her mother slowly opened it. She gasped at what was before her. A beautiful diamond necklace in the shape of the name "Crosby".

"Taylor you didn't have to"

"But I did, because I have the best mother ever"

Next she pulled a big Christmas present bag and handed it to me and Sid. I opened it and pulled out a Pittsburgh penguins pillow pet. I couldn't help but chuckle, Sid did to when he saw it.

"There's something else in there"

I bent down and moved the tissue paper around. A huge Crosby wall sticker was inside.

"You say how much you miss him when he's gone. Now he'll always be there" winked Taylor

"Thank you Taylor"

"Alright last from me is this"
She went into the other room and dragged in a big box.

"For you dad"

"For me?"

He began to tear the red wrapping paper. It was a hockey fooseball table of the Montreal Canadians vs The Pittsburgh Penguins.

"Taylor this is amazing, thank you" he said while giving Taylor a big bear hug.

I whispered in Sid's ear to go get the bag of presents from upstairs. He went and got it and I gave out the presents to Trina and Troy. I reached into the bag and pulled out the last box.

"This is for you babe"

" you didn't have to"

"Yea I did, now open it"

Sid undid the ribbon and pulled open the box. Enclosed was a Sterling Original Men's 396.331X2 Tourbillon Limited Edition Imperium Mechanical Stainless Steel Watch.
Lets just say that's where my past couple of pay checks have gone to.
Sid's eyes widen as he saw it. He turned and looked me right in the eye and whispered "I love you"

Trina and Troy gave me and Sid our present. Taylor sat on the couch a little upset that she hadn't received a present yet.

"Now if Ms Taylor Crosby and all of you could follow me"
We all got up and followed Sid's dad to the patio. On the patio lied a brand new set of goalie pads. Taylor completely freaked when she saw them.

"OMG NO YOU GUYS DID NOT" were the first words out of her mouth. She ran over and looked at the pads in astonishment. When she was done checking them out she ran to her parents and sqeezed them, thanking them over and over again.

"Well it wasnt just us that got you these" said Trina

"Well than who else did?"

"Sid and Clair got them to"

Just than Taylor was hugging me and Sid as tight as possible.
Sid backed up and told me to sit on the patio chair. Sid ran inside the garage and Taylor couldn't stop giggling.

"What's going on?"

"Oh it's nothing " giggled Taylor.

Just than I herd the garage door open. Sid was holding a box with a red bow onto. He came over to me and placed it on the floor.

"Go ahead open it"

I slowly opened the box. Inside was a collar, leash, and bowls.

"Sid what do I need this stuff for?"

"Well you might need it for him"


Just than Sid whistled and the most adorable puppy in the entire world came running from the garage.
I quickly picked up the small little pup and nestled him.

"Do you like him?"

"Sid, this is the best present ever"

I stood with the puppy in my arm and kissed Sid.

"I've always wanted a dog"

"I know, I listen when you speak" giggled Sid

Sid bent down and picked up the royal blue collar from the box and slipped it over the dogs head.

"What should we name him Sid?"

"Whatever you want babe"

I looked at the small grey dog with small black spots and beautiful blue eyes.

"Hmm" I thought to my self

"What about Star?" Whispered Taylor


"Yea Star as in Starbucks the place you and Sid first met. He told me that's the first time he ever saw you"

"I like that we'll call you Star. Do you like that name?" I said in a cute up beat voice.
The dog gave a little bark for his approval

"Well lets get inside before we catch a cold"

The family went inside and began eating breakfast. Sid and I stayed on the patio.

"Thank you Sid"

We began kissing till all of a sudden I felt a wet tongue licking my face. Sid and I both looked down to Star licking away at our faces. We both began to laugh.

"Well go upstairs and get ready because were going to my cousins house tonight for dinner"

"Okay" I walked inside and grabbed a plain waffle than made my way to the bathroom. I took a quick shower than changed into my blue high low dress. I let my hair air dry so it would curl naturally. Than I just applied mascara and lip balm. I herd a knock on the door.
I opened It and saw Sid standing there at a loss for words.


"Oh uh Taylor was wondering if you could do her hair"

"Yea sure... Where's Star?"

"I put him in the crate in your room"

"Okay well take a shower"

I grabbed my makeup bag and as I left the bathroom I could feel Sid checking me out. I walked down the hall and took Star out and cradled him in my arms. I walked to Taylor's door and knocked.

"It's open"

I opened the door to find clothes flung around the room. So many clothes I couldn't see where the bed was. I walked in and placed Star on the loud of clothes. I turned only to find a dress in my face. I took the skirt and flung it into the pile of clothes.

"Taylor what are you doing?"

"Searching for something to where"

"All these clothes and you can't find something"

"You don't understand! My cousin I having his really hot friend over for Christmas dinner! I have to make a good impression"

"That's what this is about.. Wait what happened to the other boy who took you out on a date?"

"Eh he wasn't for me"

I walked over to the closest and what was left of the clothes Taylor hadn't flung. I found a black high low skirt and placed it on the side. I began going through the mountain of clothes. I came across a red crop top. I put the two pieces of clothes and told Taylor to follow me. I walked her into Sid and I's room.

"Here put these on"

Than as Taylor was changing I grabbed my black wedges and handed them to her. She looked stunning.

"Alright now sit lets do your makeup"

"How are you gonna do it?"

"Natural but with a pop"

"Uh okay"

I grabbed my makeup bag and did a light Smokey eye with a little bit of mascara.

"Alright finishing touch" I did red lipstick to tie her whole outfit
together. Than for her hair I did a fishtail to the side and straightened her bangs.

"Now go look at yourself" She got up and pulled the mirror from the closet. Her hand slipped over her mouth and before I knew it she was hugging me.

"Thank you so much I look so amazing"

"No problem baby girl"

Just than Sid walked in all spiffy in his jeans and polo shirt.

"You guys ready to go?"

"Yea let me just get star a leave him in the crate"

After putting Star in his crate I met the family in the range rover outside. I let my head rest on Sid and listened to his heartbeat most of the car ride.
We pulled up to the big tan house with beautiful bushes with double door and a balcony. There were about 7 other cars parked around the house. We parked in the driveway and Sid entangled his hand with mine as we began up the pathway to the house. Taylor rang the doorbell and Sid's aunt Angela opened the door. Sid introduced me to her and all his cousins who were gathered in the living room. Just than we were all called for dinner. Sid and I sat together with Taylor on the other side of me. I could tell she was nervous because her little crush was right across from us. The family began talking about future plans and how Sid was doing in his hockey career. I don't really know what I ate because Sid just plopped food on my plate and told me to try it. After dinner we all hung out in the living room.
I leaned in and whispered into Taylor's eat for her to follow me.


"Take this tray of brownies and offer it to people... If you know what I mean"


Taylor took her tray of brownies and began offering it to her family. Sid grabbed my hand and began waking with me.

"Where are we going?"

"Youll see"

He opened the back door and led me outside. Little snowflakes where beginning to come down.
It was freezing and I began shivering. Sid slipped of his jacket and wrapped it around me.

"So cliche"

"Yep well this always seems to win a girl over" he said with a grin

"Maybe it does"

"Yep and when you pull her in and let her chest rest upon your heart and sway back and forth like this.. That really wins them over"

"Well your pretty dumb for trying to win this girl over"

"And why's that?"

"Because you've already won her a while ago. Shes madly in love with you"

"I love you Clair"

Before I had a chance to answer Sid was placing a gentle kiss on my lips. We pulled out and he tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Now lets get inside before you get sick"

I followed Sid inside and found Taylor in deep conversation with her crush. How cute, young love.

It was begging to get late and it was time to leave. I said my goodbyes to all of Sid's family and went to wait in the car.

---------- Sid's POV

Clair went outside to the car and I began talking to my uncle.

"Clair, she's very pretty"

"Yea but that's not why I love her"

"So than why do you love her?"

"Because she's so pure at heart, and loves me for me. Not because I'm the face of the NHL"

"Well I wish you to the best"

With that I called Taylor and my mother and we were on our way back home. Clair had fallen asleep in the car and I lifted her bridal style. I woke her up to the room and placed her on the bed. I don't know where she put her clothes so I pulled a pair of my shirt and shorts out. I began to un strap her heals. Than I slid off her dress. Her body was perfect. I couldn't help but stair at her. After I snapped out of it I put the shorts on her. I slipped the shirt over her leaving her with her bra on. I didn't wanna touch it even tho it looked so uncomfortable. I changed quickly than slipped under the covers with her. I pulled her body close to mine and wrapped my arms around her. The smell of her perfume lingered on her body. The smell was
intoxicating. I stayed up half the night thinking till I finally fell alsleep.


Heyy guys :)

It's taken me a long time to update because this weekend was my birthday:)
and school has been kicking my butt with all the homework I get :(

But I just wrote 5 chapters to the story and boiiii do they get interesting
Thanks for reading guys xoxo

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