Chapter 19: Scared

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"SPIN ARAMA HE SHOOTS... HE SCORES" I yelled in my head. I began lining up pucks and slapshoting them into the net when my phone began to ring. At first I dint want to answer, I wanted to ignore the world. But my phone just kept ringing and ringing, Whoever was calling really wanted to get a hold of me. I skated over to the bench and pulled out my phone. I never saw this number before but something told me to answer. I clicked the answer button and brought the phone up to my ear.


"Uh yes is this Mr.Crosby?"

"Uh yes.. May I ask who's speaking?"

"Hi yes this is Nurse Nancy... Clair Parker has just been emitted into the emergency room after a car crash about an hour ago"

I froze, my stick dropped and her words encoded in my head.

"Okay I'm on my way"

I clicked the end button ripped off
my skates. I left everything on the ice and slipped on my shoes before running out to the car. I turned on the ignition and began driving to the hospital. But what car did she possibly take? I had this truck and my parents had the other car. The only other car was my old run down one. Oh Clair why would you be so stupid and take that one. I sped in and out of lanes, I needed to see Clair. I finally pulled up to the hospital , and parked the car. I ran inside and up to the teller.

"How May I help you?"

"Clair Parker please and hurry"

"She's just been taken for X-rays I'll call you when she's back in her room. You can take a seat until then"

I took a seat next to an older man. The sides of his hair were turning grey, his under eyes showed lack of sleep.

"What are you here for?"

"My girlfriend was in a car crash, you?"

"My daughter broke her arm cheering"

"I'm sorry"

"Why do you seem so sad?"

I don't know why the man cared so much.

"It's nothing"

"Ha I'm older but not stupid. Now tell me"

"My girlfriend and I got into a fight, now she's hurt"

"Ahh young love, stupid and foolish... Why were you fighting?

I told him the whole story, for some reason I trusted him

"See love will always find a way, if it's real. She's hurt and you responded, that means you care for her. Sometimes bad things like the man showing up or this car accident are meant to drive you closer together. Even If it makes you distance at a certain point, it will drive you closer in the end"

"Thank you, I'll take it into consideration"

Just than the nurse came in and told me Clair was just put into her room. I got up and waved bye to the man.

"Oh, and one more thing.... Listen before you speak"

Listen? What did he mean. I ignored it and walked with the nurse to the room. She left me standing outside the door way. The curtains were closed so I couldn't see Clair. I took a deep breath and just as I was about to enter the doctor came.

"And you are?"

"I'm her boyfriend"

"Okay well sit and I'll explain what has happened"

I took a seat and began explaining "Clair got cut off by a tractor trailer and lost control of the car. About 2 other cars banged into her. So far from the X-rays alone we found she has a broken leg, and some bad bruises. She was cut above the eye and it's been stitched, it will heal fine with no scar. However she does have a mild concussion. We estimated that she'll be let out Sunday"

"Okay... What time Sunday?"

"Whatever time"

"Will she be okay to fly?"

"Uh yea it might be a bit uncomfortable tho"

"Okay thanks"

I shook the doctors hand and opened the curtain. Clair was fast asleep, she was hooked to the IV and a breathing tube. I could see where the stitched above her eye and her leg had a soft cast on. I knew the pain of concussions, now I had to help her get over hers. I walked to the side of her bed a caressed her cheek, I planted a kiss on her head. Her eyes fluttered a bit and she looked at me. Her eyes were glassy as if holding back tears. Her mouth opens and she mumbled something "Sid" "yea?" "I-I'm sorry" "no I'm sorry" "I love you" before I could say another word she was fast asleep again. I held her hand in mine and kissed it. She deserved none of this, it was all my fault. Why did I have to be a dick and not listen to her. I walked out of the hospital and drove back to the house. I called Clair's brothers and told them what happened. They told me they were on there way to go see her. My parents were gonna go see her later. I went up to the room and grabbed a bunch of my sweatpants and t shirts. I grabbed a couple more things and placed them in a bag for Clair. I got back into the car and drove back to the hospital. I walked into the room and saw Justin with a huge teddy bear and get well balloons for Clair in his hand. I walked in and dropped the bag on the floor.

"She still sleeping eh?"

"Yea, let her rest"

Justin left the teddy bear at the side of the bed and tied the balloons to the chair.

"Call me in the morning on an update for her"

"I will Justin"

He left and it was late. I reclined the chair back and fell fast asleep

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