Chapter 5: Dissapointment

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It's been 3 weeks since Sidney and I have been daiting. The penguins were swept by the Bruins. The penguins were now on off season. I could tell Sid was really depressed about it. There's only so much I could do.

I was talking to Mario before press conferences, since the whole team was down in the dumps we decided we would have a party at Sids house for the whole team. I asked Sid for the keys and told him I wasn't feeling good and would wait for him at the house.

Mario met me at Sids place.
He brought Nathalie to help set up.
Nathalie went to the kitchen to start cooking. Sid made me tag along with him last week to go food shopping so the fridge was full of food. Just about a week ago I started sleeping over his house. We haven't done anything of the sort and I've been sleeping in the guest bedroom.

Mario went out to the back and hung up balloons. It was was the Penguins first week back to Pittsburgh after they lost. I had a cake made with the writing saying "welcome home, it was a great season, we'll get em next year"

After everything was set up. Mario sent texts to all the guys and there family's to come to Sids house after press conferences. " they all needed to be there" is all Mario said in the text.

I went in the kitchen to help Nathalie clean up.

"So how are you and Sid coming along"

"Really good, the past week I've been spending the nights and next week will be out 1 month anniversary"

"That's great. Sid talks about you all the time. He told me about how he asked you out"

"It was one of the most romantic things ever. He gave me this charm bracelet and I wear it everyday" I say as i proudly hold up my wrist and show off the bracelet. 

The door bell rang and behind the door stood a very confused team. 
"What is it?"
"What happened!?"
"What's the emergency" rang out from every direction

"Guys calm down" I say

"Nathalie, Mario and I wanted to celebrate your amazing season, even tho it ended a little short."

I lead them to the backyard where Nathaie and Mario where barbecuing. I slipped back into the house and into the kitchen where Sid was standing there, his back leaning on the stainless steal fridge. 

"You really did all this for the team?" he asks

"With the help of Mario and Nathalie.. I thought it was the least I could do, everyone was so bummed about loosing"

He came close to me and cupped my face before kissing it "this is why you are the best girlfriend ever"

The whole night all the guys just talked and played with the kids. I played soccer with Dupuis' kids until Sid brought out the game of mini sticks.

"They gotta learn young eh" he laughs while he blocks a shot from one of the kids 

The whole night was nothing but laughs with good people. 

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