Chapter 41: Daddy

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I was running around franticly looking for a dress for tonight. Tonight was the penguins ring ceremony and I still didn't have a dress to wear. I tore apart my closet looking for a dress,but nothing.
"Babe calm down" Sid said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"How about this one?" He said pulling a one shoulder black dress with a bedazzled belt around the waistline.
"This old thing?" I asked taking it from his hand, holding it up infront of me
"Yea with these blue heels and those pretty black sparkly bangles"
"I didn't know you payed attention to my wardrobe"
"Of course I do" he said brushing his lips against mine

I changed into the dress than pulled my hair to the side and curled it softly. I walked out of the bathroom to see Sid dressed In his all black tux and royal blue tie that matched my shoes.
"Aw you wanted to match" I said kissing him
"I though it would be cute, ready to get going?"
"Yep I'll meet you in the car"
I quickly put my phone and money into my clutch and than headed out for the car
"How excited are you?"
"I'm so excited to see the ring" he paused "but I have to tell you something"
"What is it?"
"I'm gonna be going to Canada towards the start of September"
"Why? That means less time for me and you before you head to training camp"
"I know but it's important, it's about the Olympics"
"I completely forgot about that" I sighed
"Why sigh? Your coming to Russia with me"
"Why wouldn't you?"
"I don't know, I'm just gonna be so busy, the wedding is in a year"
"I know but we have a venue, you just have to do the little details now"
"Sid a wedding dress isn't a small detail"
"You could wear sweats and hoodie, I could care less as long as I get to say I do"
"Awe Sid" I said kissing his cheek as he pulled up into the Consol Energy Center.

Our hands entangled as we walked into the rink. I was completely speechless when I saw the inside. The tables were set up with beautiful center pieces and a stage was set up on the far left of the floor.
"They did really good with decorations" I laughed
"They really did, let's go find our seat" We walked over to the table where names were set up, I picked up Sid's name and read the table number.
"Table 8 with Kunitz" I smiled
We walked over and Sid pulled out the chair for me to sit. I took a seat and so did he as we waited for the rest of the team to arrive. Once everyone had filled in Shero took the stage and began his speech.

"You know, a couple weeks ago I was sitting in my office sketching the ring your all gonna be presented with tonight. And I was sitting there I thought to myself 'we actually won a Stanley cup' after all the injuries we suffered and all the pain we endured, we were THAT team that over came everything and won the ultimate prize. This team and it's staff is the ideal imagine of what it means to be a team, and I'm so happy to be part of this team" he laughed than handed the microphone to Mario who gave a cute little speech on how proud he was of the team. After Mario was done we were aloud to eat so waiters filled in replacing our empty plates with meals.

After dinner we were able to get up and mingle among ourselves and found myself with Clarissa and Neal.
"I absolutely love your dress" exclaimed Clarissa
"Thanks I picked it out" smiled Sid as he hugged me from behind than placed his chin in the crook of my neck
"I picked out Neal's outfit" giggled Clarissa
"Makes sense, we all know he can't dress himself"
"I do a find job eh" he snapped back
"Coming from the man who still doesn't know how to put a button down shirt on correctly"
"Both of you stop" I laughed
"Can we go dance now Sid?" He took my hand and led me to the space they left for us to dance. I placed my hand on Sid's shoulder and his hands rested around my waist as we swayed back and forth to the music.

"Can I have your attention?" Asked Jacques, an assistant coach.
The music stopped and we all turned our attention to him
"If we could all have a seat so we can began the ring ceremony and players please head to the locker room now" I headed back to my seat with Kunitz's wife Maureen.
"So when are wedding invitations going out?" She whispered as we took out seats
"Next week, so excited!"
"Kunitz was so excited when Sid told him, were really happy for you guys" she smiled
"Awe thanks" I blushed

"Attention again" laughed Dan
"Were gonna begin the ceremony, could we move lord Stanley to the stage please?"
I watched as Sid walked from the the black curtains to the stage, placing the cup on its table. He was followed by another man who had a heavy looking wooden case with the rings in them. He placed it on the table and swung open the glass top, pulling out the first ring he handed it to Mario. Mario than held the microphone to his face and began
"Our first ring goes to a man, who without him we wouldn't be here today. That man is Shero" he than handed the ring to Shero who opened the box and slipped the ring on.
After Shero they started bringing our player by player.
"First we have our Captain Sidney Crosby, whose leadership in the locker room helps push all of our players to their absolute best"
He than walked over to Sid and handed him the ring. He looked at it with a beaming face, even tho it wasn't the same way he looks at the cup It was still pretty special.
As I watched him slide the ring onto his finger I felt like the proudest fiancé in the world. After we finished handing out all the rings to players and staff they began coming around to tables handed girlfriends and wives a box. When I received mine I quickly untied the ribbon, revealing a pendant of the what the top of their rings look like. It read Stanley Cup champs, than a penguins logo over the cup that was decked with diamonds in the background. I hung the necklace around my neck which was surprisingly light.

After rings were handed out Sid made his way back to the table.
"Let me see" I said taking his hand into mine, admiring the ring
"Your necklace matches it" he laughed
"So sweet that they did something like this"

As soon as we walked into the house the phone rang and I ran to get it, loosing my shoes on the way, I got their just in time before the last ring.
"Are you doing anything right now?"
"Just got home why?"
"You need to head up to the hospital"
"Something happened with dad"
"Okay I'm gonna go now" I said closing the phone than running upstairs.
I dug out a pair of Victoria secret yoga pants and my penguins hoodie. I quickly changed and threw my hair back into a bun,
"Where are you going?" Ask Sid as he strolled into our bedroom
"My.. My dad is in the hospital"
"How? Why?"
" I didn't ask Justin, I just have to go"
"Let me get ready, I'll come"
"No you stay here with the dog, I'll go"
"Are you sure" he said cupping my face
"I'm sure" I said kissing him

I quickly ran downstairs, grabbed the keys and headed out.
"I'm here for Mr.Parker"
"Um yes room 205 here's a pass" said the nurse. I grabbed the pass and quickly rushed up to his room. It didn't take long to find it, I collected myself outside before heading in.
"Clair?" Stuttered my dad
"Dad what's happening?" I asked taking a seat next to his bed. As I took a seat the nurse walked in and with worried eyes she looked at me.
"Are you his daughter?"
"Um yea can you explain what's happening? Why does he have a million wires on him"
"Yes but can we step outside the room?"

I followed her into the hallway, nervously biting my nails.
"Your father came in this morning after a bad pain in his lower side. We brought him in for an MRI and Cat-scan.....Both showing a mass over his liver. We believe he has liver cancer" as the words escaped her mouth my heart broke into pieces. It took everyone I had not to break down crying in front of her.
"What stage? How long?"
"I can't correctly answer these until we get a special doctor in tomorrow but from a few tests it looks like stage 4"
"But how? No one in my family has ever had that"
"It's not always genetic but were thinking it's over consumption of alcohol" when the last word spit out of her mouth, I knew exactly what she was talking about. Flashbacks from when I was younger right after my mother died came rushing back to my head. Beer cans and wine bottles all over the floor flashed through my mind.
"Um again we won't have all the details till tomorrow" she said as she turned on heal and walked out.

I walked back into the room and looked at my dad sleeping on his bed with multiple wires hooked up to him. Waves of tears came and I couldn't stop them as the poured out of my eyes. My only hope was the doctor tomorrow telling me he could pull through this. But somehow when she told me it was liver cancer I knew it was over. He was such an alcoholic that I knew it was to late. I slumped over in the chair next to the bed, grabbing his hand I began rubbing it with my thumb.
"I love you dad" I whispered as I kissed his hand

-----Authors note
Early update! I promise you won't have to wait a week for the next update because I'm gonna be writing a lot tomorrow! So an update for both stories will be out Saturday, than I'll be off for a week so no updates :( but don't forget to vote and comment.

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