Chapter 56: Baby I Do

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The rehearsal dinner went so well. I wore a gorgeous high low dress with white heels. My hair was straightened and it was just a fun night with amazing people, no better way to have it.

Tomorrow was the big day, Sid was out of the house and all the girls were at mine. I headed up to my bedroom and unfolded a small piece of paper I hid in my jewelry box. I reread it one more time before locking it up again, my wedding vows to Sid. I crawled into my bed and looked over at my wedding dress. I couldn't wait to see the look on Sid's face tomorrow. I snuggled my head onto his pillow, his cologne lingered on the sheets. I hated not sleeping with him, I didn't feel safe without his arms around me. But tonight, it would be worth it.


I woke up in the happiest mood, I couldn't wait for this day to speed up. After a good breakfast with the girls, the makeup and hair artists were here. I rolled out the bridesmaid dress' that were all hanging on customized hangers with the girls names painted on them. The photographer was great, I couldn't wait to see all the photos. The videographer was brilliant, he was making a small video for me and Sid where we read our wedding vows to each other as were getting ready for he wedding. I couldn't wait to see the finished product.

I sat up in my room infront of the Mirror, a white robe hung around my body. On the back it read 'Mrs.Crosby' a small gift from the girls. The makeup artist kept everything simple, a nude lip with a smokey eye. I was most excited for my hair, I wanted that simple to. After an hour of curling and hair spaying the look was finally done. Pieces were pulled to the back and the curls landed softly on my back and shoulder.

Once that was all I done I headed to closet where Clarissa helped me get changed. My something blue was my undergarments and on the inside of the dress was the wedding date stitched in blue. Something new was the heels, something borrowed was a diamond ankle bracelet I borrowed from Aerin. As I slipped on the dress and looked in the mirror I couldn't help but cry. Luckily, my makeup was waterproof.

"Hey where is your something old?" questioned Clarissa as she zipped up my wedding dress

"I almost forgot" I walked over to my jewelry box, it was were my moms earring's have been put away for a while. Sitting inside the jewelry box was a small note. I unfolded it as began to tear up again as I read threw it.

I had no where else to put this and I figured you might find it here. Before your dad passed he wanted me to do one thing, and that was give you this note on our wedding day, see you in a few beautiful ~Sid

Clair, Oh my beautiful Clair . I've written this so many times and I just can't seem to get it right. I've done so much wrong in my life, but you will always be my right. I'm sorry I couldn't give you the life you truly deserved after your mother passed. But I'm not sad any longer, you've found someone who can finally take care of you the right way. I'm so proud to give you up to Sid, I know he'll protect you in every way I never could. Clair your gorgeous, smart and overall just an amazing person. You take after your mother, we are both so very proud of you. Clair, I love you so much that you'll never know. But now I pass you to Sid, I love you baby girl... ~Daddy

Sniffles began to set in as I held the note to my chest. "Please be with me today" I whispered. I than tucked the note in my drawer and slowly put on the earings.

"Here she comes!" I herd Clarissa squeal from the bottom of the stair case. The was my que, slowly I made my way to the bottom of the stair case. Gasps, and 'she looks gorgeous' escaped from everyone's mouth as I made my way down.

"Will Sid be able to pick up his jaw?" laughed Taylor as she admired the dress

"You look stunning" laughed Aerin who was holding Sophia by the hand. Her little white dress just made it to the floor and a royal blue flower clip held back a piece of her short blonde hair.

"Alright come on, the limo will be here any second!"

We gathered outside the house where the photographer captured more pictures. I couldn't stop shaking the whole ride, could you blame me? My head swirled with memories of Sid, our first kiss, our first night sleeping together, I even recalled the moment I knew I was in love.

We pulled up to the church, each bridesmaid clutched their flowers and were lead into the church. I waited behind the doors as the bridesmaid and groomsmen walked down the isle, hyperventilating, I didn't want to screw anything up. I finally herd the church music playing and waited for my que. Butterflies filled my stomach as the doors opened. I spotted Sid right away, his face was priceless. He had his crooked smile and I could tell he was trying not to put his hands in his pant pockets. His eyes grew wide as he looked me up and down.

As I slowly made my way to the beginning of the isle my oldest brother greeted me.

"Hey, I know Dad already gave you away but-" I cut him off "You can walk me down the isle" I smiled at him, Our arms interlocked as we made our way down the isle that was covered in royal blue rosepedals.

I finally reached Sid, both our eyes were teary. I handed my royal blue flower bouquet to my Maid of Honor.

To keep things short, I'll get to my favorite part, the reading of our vows.

"Now I understand that the couple has written their own vows" said the Pastor. I was going first, I was handed the piece of paper and quickly unfolded it. I took a deep breath and began.

"When I met you, I had no idea how much my life was about to be changed. You were a godsend to me, the one who was everything I ever hoped for, the one who only existed in my imagination. When you came into my life, I realized that what I always thought was happiness couldn't compare to the joy you brought me. You are part of anything I think and do and feel, with you by my side I am invincible. Because of you, I laugh, smile and dare to dream again. Sid, you are the love of my life and today I give myself to you in marriage. I will support and comfort you through life's joys and sorrows. I will stand by your side, forever. If it wasn't for you i would have lost myself, but you found me, you always have. Sid, every time we touch It still feels like magic, I wanna spend my every minute with you. I love the way you get excited like a child on Christmas morning over hockey. I love the way I catch you looking at me and I just love you and your genteelness and soft spoken way. I can't wait to raise a family together and i can't wait to grow old with you. I can't wait to start this new chapter in our lives"

Sid than opened his paper and began reading.

"I can't promise you dark clouds will never hover over our lives, or that our future will bring us many rainbows. I can't promise you that tomorrow will be perfect or life will be easy. I can give you my everlasting devotion, loyalty, respect, and my unconditional love for a life time. I will always be here for you, i'll always listen, and do my best to make you happy. I will be your protector, your counselor, your friend, Clair, I'll be your everything. I love the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about something you like, the way you squeeze my hand tighter without ever knowing. Clair I can't wait to start my life with you because there is no better thing than seeing you as soon as I wake up or kissing your coffee tasting lips in the morning. Clair, there is nothing thing than you"

We both had to refrain from crashing onto each other's lips. It was only 48 hours since I last embraced Sid's arms. I couldn't remember much of what the paster said but I was snapped out of my daze when he began saying "and do you Clair, take Sid to be your loftily wedded husband?"

"I do" I replied, he than turned to Sid,

"Do you, Sidney take Clair to be your loftily wedded wife?"

"I do"

He says a few words, than I here the ones I had been waiting for

"You may now kiss the bride"

Sid's lips come close to mine and they crash on top of each other for quick kiss.

"I love you Sid"

"I love you to Clair" he said as he hugged me tighter. Clarissa handed me my bouquet, than Sid and I exited down the aisle.

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