Chapter 51: Yes To The Dress!

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I normally liked shopping, I just didn't like being under pressure as I shopped. I had no clue what I was looking for in a dress today, but I knew it which would be the one once my eyes saw it. I had done research on a few dresses, but trying them on in person was always better. My whole bridal party had flown out for today so we could go pick dresses. Since I'm Sidney Crosby's wife not a single dress place said anything about me bringing a whole bunch of people. Now as for how much I was gonna spend, I guess sky was the limit considering the fact I was marrying thee Sidney Crosby but I decided 2,500 should be the maximum.

Nathalie was tagging along to, to me she was a second mother. We were all at my house waiting for everyone to show up. I straightened my hair for today and wore jeans and a red flannel, it was comfortable for me.

"Who are we waiting for now?" Asked Aerin as she took a seat in between Clarissa and Taylor

"My cousin and my old team mate" Just than there was a honk in the driveway

"That's them I exclaimed, lets go!"

When we got to the first appointment I had my bridal party search the store and pick a dress they liked, their picking would stay secret. The lady who was helping me picked a few dresses of her own, I had told her I was looking into a mermaid type dress, with rihnstones. Once everyone had picked a dress I gathered them in the back room with the help of the lady, her name was Rose. She helped me into the first dress, a very elegant mermaid dress. This dress wasn't very tight, the top was a corset and the bottom was flowey. The corset part went down to my butt before it stopped, than there was beautiful rhinestones around it. It was a very simple dress but I really liked it. I was helped out to the viewing room and onto the platform where I showcased the dress to my bridal party.

"I love it, but I don't think it's the one" said Clarissa

"Same here" said Taylor and Nathalie, so I went to try on more dresses.

Now the next dress was mermaid two, with gorgeous beading around the top. The back opened up into a heart, another simple dress. The bridal party approved but I still didn't believe this was the one. There was two more dresses to try on, the next was a ballroom style one with a christal like belt around the waist. The top part was bedazzled two and the back of the dress was longer, I would need someone to hold it during the wedding. Once I tried it on I realized I would be sticking with mermaid. The last dress was something I had eyed the whole time we were there.

It was a mermaid dress, the top part was tighter but on the right side it extended downward a bit more, on the left the tightness stopped just below my hip. From the tighter part of the dress "ruffles" came outward, giving the dress a bigger feel. The ruffles came out all around the bottom of the dress, perfectly layering on top of each other. The ruffles shined with the beautiful hand sown crystals they had on them and the top tighter part of the dress had the fabrics weave in different ways, some went left while others went under while going right. When I walked into the showcase room everyone held their breath a little, so did I when I looked into the mirror. The dress encased every curve in the right way, it hugged me beautifully. I had tears in my eyes as I turned around and looked at the back, I knew right away this was the dress.

"This is the one" laughed my cousin

"I think it is" said Nathalie

"So is this the dress?" Asked Rose, my helper

My hands came over my mouth as I looked into the mirror with disbelief. I couldn't fathom who I was looking at, I had never thought I would be seeing myself in such a gorgeous wedding dress.

"This is it" I said with a shaky voice, my face had become bright red as I started to cry.

"Don't cry yet we have to take pictures!" Laughed Taylor, she than pulled out a medium canvas from her bag.

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