Chapter 17: Friends forever

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I woke up the next morning in Sid's clothes. He was still sound asleep and I got up and let Star out. I clipped on his leash and slipped out of the house. I began walking down the block when I herd my name called. I looked around and the only person I saw was a girl sitting on her porch.

"Uh yes?"



"The one and only"

I tugged on Stars leash and we walked up to Clarissa's house and took a seat on her porch.

"So this is your house?"

" Yea I live here by myself cause its only a block away from my moms house"

"Your not gonna believe this but Sid's house is up the block"


"You know Sidney Crosby"

"YOUR KIDING! How do you know?"

"I'm his girlfriend and were visiting for the week"

"WHAT?!?! You didn't tell me this"

"Well you asked me a million questions on Monday so I didn't get to answer them"

I began to shiver, I forgot to grab a jacket before leaving the house.

"Come inside we'll talk in there, it's warm"

I sat and chatted with Clarissa and we bonded over a cup of coffee. I glanced over at the clock and realized Sid must be worrying where I am.

"Clarissa I got to go but let's get together and go get starbucks later?

"Yea sounds good ill pick you up"

I picked up Star and began walking back up to the house. I opened the side door and walked into the kitchen.

"Where have you've been?!" Asked Sid

"My bestfriend lives down the street and we were talking and I didn't realize what time it was"

"Oh okay.. I was worried about you"

Sid walked over and picked me up over his shoulder.
"Where are you taking me!"

Sid didnt answer and kept walking. He opened the back door and walked over to the garage. He put me down and I fixed my self. He unlocked the garage door and let me in. The sofa was covered with pillows and blankets. The coffee table had two hot chocolates and "The Notebook" was just starting.

"Well come on sit" demanded Sid
We both got under the blankets. I grabbed my hot coco and Sid put his arm around me. I snuggled into him letting my ears hear the sound of his heartbeat. The movie began playing, about 40 min I looked up and saw Sid was sleeping. I laid there snuggled up to him and I just watched his stomach puff in and out from his breathing. I loved the way his hair curled, the way his arms felt around me, the way I felt safe when I was with him. Being with Sid always felt right.
I slowly slipped out of his arms, being careful not to wake him up. I walked into the house and saw no one was home except Taylor. I went upstairs and changed into my jeans with a t shirt and infinity scarf. I grabbed a pen and paper a wrote Sid a little note.

"Went out for a bit, ill be home soon"

I placed the note on the table and grabbed my boots and jacket. I waited on the porch till I saw Clarissa pull up in her corvette.

"Nice ride" I said as I climbed into the passenger seat

"Thanks took me a while to get it"

"Alright well lets go"

"I was thinking starbucks, than maybe go up to the mall?"

"Ya we can eat dinner up there"

Clarissa and I went and got out lattes from Starbucks and began making our way to the mall. It took a while but we finally found parking. We began walking through the parking lot, towards the mall. As we were walking I saw a Range Rover parked. It looked just like the one Sid's family owned. Maybe it was just my imagination, cause Sid nor Taylor liked coming up to the mall all this time.

"So, you won't believe who also lives next to me?" Said Clarissa as we walked by one the shops.

"Lets go in here... And who?" I said as I pointed to the little shop. My eyes scanned the shelves as I saw all the little nix knacks.


I almost choked on my latte "RYAN!?!" I screamed across the store

"Shhh and yea but we haven really talked"

"How is he? What have you guys talked about. How did he end up in Canada?"

"Well all he asked is how your doing, but I didn't have an answer at the time.. And he actually has a house on the block that he comes to visit every once and a while"

"When does he come?"

" he's here now..."


Ryan was an ex of mine. We dated for months but finally broke it off because it wasn't working. We kept I'm touch for a bit but after a while talking to him broke my heart. Ryan was the first guy I ever liked but now I have Sid.
My eyes continued scanning the shelves until I came over a little key chain. Written inside was the same date Sid and I got together. I paid for the keychain and walked out of the store.
The mall was closing early so Clarissa and I decided to swing by the food court real quick to grab a little snack. Clarissa went to get her own food and I took my drink and found a seat to wait for Clarissa. Just as I was about to sit a tall man with dark hair bumped into me causing me to almost spill my drink. I looked up into his crystal blue eyes and right I front of me was a man who i haven't crossed paths with in any years. My throat became dry, it was as if time had froze. I opened my mouth but no words came out. Finally uttered the words "Ryan"

"Clarissa its really you"
He hugged me but I didn't hug back I was in complete utter shock.
I felt his body relax against mine as he hugged me, it was if we was relieved to see me.
Slowly he unwrapped his arms from around me.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered

"Oh uh I'm here visiting family" I said through a fake smile

"I can't believe your here, it's been so long, perhaps to long. I've waited my whole life to see you again"

"What are you talking about Ryan?"

"Don't you see Clair? Forgot what our past says.. We're destined to be together. Why else would we run into each other? Here? Of all places? Come on Clair you know it as much as I do! No one else has had my heart but you, what do you say Clair. Can we have another chance?"

I was in complete utter shock, was this really happening right now?
"No Ryan," I stopped and took a deep breath "this isn't right" I whispered

I still had no words to say, he made me freeze in my tracks. I couldn't think straight, my mind was in such shock.
"Ryan stop this isn---" I was cut off and before I knew it Ryan had his hands pulling my face in and kissing me passionately. He pulled out of the kiss and stood back. "Clair, you can't tell me you felt nothing"

I backed up from him, standing right behind him was Clarissa and Sid. I could see it in Sid's eyes he was hurt. I looked at Clarissa, she was shocked, her face portrayed it. Tears began rushing down my face. I pushed through Sid and Clarissa and began running out of the mall.

Clarissa's POV

I found Sid while I was getting my food. I told him I was with Clair and he followed me to go see her. But when we got there Ryan and her where locking lips. But she wasn't kissing back, her face expression showed shock. Sid was fuming. After Ryan pulled away from the kiss Clair didn't say anything or change facial expression . But she looked right at Sid and I . Tears began rushing down her face as she pushed through Sid and I.

"Sid I'm sure she has a good explanation"

Sid ignored my comment and got up. He punched Ryan in the jaw. Ryan fell over and the whole food court was looking at Sid.

"Sid we have to get out of here" I whispered to him. Sid was now endangered with his NHL career.

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