Chapter 29: Daddy's princess?

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After the first win against Boston, the guys and I had a fun day in the hotel. They let us use a spare room and set up x-boxes with COD. Since I grew up with brothers, I had a little bit of an experience with video games.

But I didn't let the guys in on that little secret. Clarissa sat on the sofa next to James with he legs onto of his lap as she lunged back and read some gossip magazine. As for me I grabbed a controller, which surprised most of the guys.
Sutter: "I don't mean to be rude or anything, but you sure you wanna play?"
"What are you saying I can't play because I'm a girl?"
"It's just uh"he scratched his head looking to the guys for answers
"I can handle myself, now start the game"

I had got the first kill of the game, it was me Neal, Tanger, Flower, Duper, Pauly, Geno against the rest of the guys. My team was doing pretty good and I had the 2nd most kills in the game. The guys could've sworn I had been cheating which makes no sense to me. After a long day of video games and team bonding we literally ordered a feast. It's funny because a hockey player can eat for 3 people and we had no left overs whatsoever.

Eventually we called it and night and headed back to our rooms. About 5 minutes of being in my room there was a knock on the door. I opened it up to see Neal and Geno.
"We wanna prank Sid, you in?"
"Yea, sure why not?"
"Alright so we got a key to his room and later tonight were gonna pour a bucket of ice cold water on him"
"Alright I'm in, just wake me up when it's time"

I closed the door and got ready for bed. Sid was a night owl except on game nights. He would be out pretty early and I was kinda tired myself. I slipped into the covers and quickly fell asleep.

------ SID'S POV
We gotta have a little fun in the road right? The guys and I were gonna prank the girls with ice buckets. Clair was suppose to come prank me, but we were gonna get her. It was about 2 in the morning when the boys and I set out for the prank. Niski had a bucket of ice cold water and Neal had one two. We waited patiently as Sutter knocked on the door. The guys and I stood down the hallway waiting.

Clair walked out with the bucket in her hand while Sutter tried to open my room. That was the q and I took the bucket from Niski and ran up to Clair dumping it on her and Neal ran for Clarissa. Clair dropped her bucket sending the water all over the carpet in the hallway.
Boy was she mad, her face was red as an apple but she looked cute when she was mad.

"What's the matter babe?" I said mockingly
Just than I herd Clarissa scream, that meant they had got her to. The boys and I were laughing so hard until we saw Neal running out of their room and Clarissa following with a can of whip cream. She was so mad, she was spraying everyone. Neal freaked the most because of his precious hair.

----- Clair's POV
I was freezing, practically shaking in my clothes. During all the mayhem, I happened to grab and Ice cube and slipped down Sid's pants which sent him freaking out. Eventually it all ended and half the team needed to shower to her rid of whip cream in their hair. I went and change my clothes. Clarissa's bed was soaked so I let her sleep in mine and I went with Sid to sleep in his.
"Just because I'm sleeping with you, doesn't mean I forgive you"
"I'm sorry babe" he pouted
"Nope your a jerk"
"Oh really? would a jerk do this?"
He grabbed my but and pulled me in forcing me to kiss him.
"Alright well you got me on that, now goodnight"


The next game in Boston didn't go to well. The boys lost 2-1 in OT and were pretty bummed about it. The flight home was rather quit as the guys rested up because in 2 days they would be playing again. We got home pretty late and just went straight to bed.

The next morning I woke up around 9 and Sid was still sound a sleep. The poor guy deserved to sleep for a bit. I got up and showered quickly than threw my hair in a bun and put on some mascara. I grabbed jean shirts and floral strapless top and paired it with dark brown sandals.
Clarissa had also gotten up and was ready to leave. I quickly made some waffles for us to eat.

"So what are we doing today?"
"I'm gonna... Uh... Go see my dad today"
"Do you want me to come with?"
"Yea, we just gotta pick up star from Nathalie's"
"Alright meet you in the car in 10 minutes?"

I grabbed my phone and car keys. I walked out to the car and stared the engine. I took a deep breath, today I was gonna find out. I was gonna find out if my father loved me or not.
Clarissa was out shortly after me and we drove Nathalie's house and got Star. I thanked her a billion times for watching him while we were on the road trip. Since he was a big boy I put down the back seats and he lounged out in the back as we drove to my dads.

We pulled up into his driveway and waited for like what had seemed like forever.
"Are you ready for this?"
"Yea I think I could do it"
"I know you can, I'll be right here waiting"
I unbuckled my seatbelt and went up to the door. He still hadn't moved from the house I grew up in. It was falling apart on the outside and the doorbell no longer worked. I knocked twice and then took a deep breath.

Not long did the door open and I could see my aged father. He must have been in his late 50 by now.

He stuttered trying to get my name to come out
"C..c.. Clair?"
"Yea dad it's me" I said on the verge of tears
"What are you doing here?"
"I needed to talk to you dad"
"Come in"
He opened the door wider than lead me to the kitchen where we both took a seat.
"Before you start I just wanna say how much I missed you Clair"
"I missed you to daddy, that's why I came to talk to you. I feel we need to fix everything"
"Clair after your mom died, I couldn't handle it. I look back and see how crazy I was and it destroyed me inside. I pushed you to do things you didn't want to do, it was wrong of me. I pushed you away when you needed me most"
"Dad after mom died hockey was great and all but it's not what I wanted to do. I understand that I had great potential but there was to much pressure and than to see you drunk all the time, it tore be apart inside. How do you think I felt? It was like you were throwing your life away"
"I realize that now. I should've been there as a father after your mother died and I wasn't. But she did a heck of a job raising you as long as she could. You've gotten even more beautiful"
"Thanks dad" a tear began trickling down my cheek and that's when we went in for a hug. He rubbed back and my arms wrapped tightly around him.

"Now tell me what's going on with you?"
"I'm living in Pitsburgh, and I just came back from Boston and I assume Justin told you about the baby"
"He did but he never talked about you. And what were you doing in Boston?"
"Playoffs, traveling with the penguins"
"The penguins"
"Dad you've missed out on a lot. Sidney Crosby is my boyfriend"
I told the story of how I met Mario and other great hockey players. I told him how I went to Canada to see my brothers after they surprised me for my birthday. I told him everything and it felt so good. Eventually it was time to go and we hugged for what seemed like forever.

"Dad before I go, do you want to come to dinner tomorrow night?"
"I would love to, where at"
"Crosby manner, I'll be cooking"
"See you tomorrow Clair"

I walked out to the car wear a very eager Clarissa was waiting. Than I told her how my father and I were working things out and she was so happy for me. When we got home Sid was so curious were I was for 3 hours.

"Sid can we talk outside?"
He followed me to the patio, leaving Clarissa in the kitchen
"Clarissa and I went to go see my dad"
"But I thought you didn't talk to him"
"I didn't but Clarissa made a point the other night. What about at my wedding? When I get married I need someone to walk me down the isle and we've both matured and were settling differences"
"I'm happy for you babe but I wish you would've told me and let me help"
"Alright well I promise next time you can help" I said sarcastically

I stood on my tippy toes and kissed Sid. I had a real winner, someone who cared about me. I don't know what my life would be without Sid.

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