Chapter 12: packing

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Tomorrow is Nathalie's Christmas dinner for the team and today I had to tell Sid about going to Canada. I waited in bed until Sid finally woke up. He smiled at me as his eyes fluttered open.


"Yea babe?"

"I uh wanna tell you something"

"What is it?"

"Well I talked to your Sister 2 weeks ago.. And uh we planned a little something"

"Really? What would that little something be?"

" We planned for us to go to Canada the day after the teams Christmas party. Christmas at your parent, Christmas Eve with my brothers."

Sid gazed straight into my eyes.

" I'm going to see my family with you?


His hand grabbed my chin

"I can't wait to show them the love of my life. To show them the best girl in the world. I can't believe you planned all this"

"I know you missed your family and home. And I wanna see where 'Sid the Kid' started his love for hockey."

"Shit! We gotta start packing"

"For a whole week"

"I love you Clair"

"I love you Sid, but it's 8 in the morning on a Saturday. I'm going back to sleep."

-------Sid's POV

I can't believe Clair did all this. For us, so we could be together. What was I gonna do with her in Canada? Maybe take her to my old ice rink, pond skating. Show her around the neighborhood. I don't even care, as long as I was with Clair is all that mattered. I swung open my closet and started grabbing all my winter clothes. I looked over at Clair. There she was her beautiful down to earth self sleeping. She looked like and angel. I often wonder if it was fate that brought us together. Something inside of me told me to never let her go.
I began rummaging through drawers looking for sweats pants, all the noise eventually woke Clair up.

"Babe, your literally pulling out clothes left and right. You didn't even put outfits together" she mumbled

"Could you do it for me?"

Clair began to put shirts with pants.
I left Clair sorting clothes. I went into the kitchen and began making scrambled eggs. After that was done I left them on the stove for her to eat. I took a pen and paper

"be back soon. Enjoy the eggs"

I went out the back door so Clair couldn't here me. I knew exactly what I was gonna get her for Christmas. I took out the range rover and drove away from the house. I pulled up to 'Dogs R Us"
I pulled open the door that had puppies painted on them. The smell of fancy dog shampoo lingered.

"Hi Sir how may I help you?" Asked the girl at the reception desk.

"I'm looking to get my girlfriend a dog. I just don't know what breed"

"Size of dog, and certain features?"

"Uh.. Big fluffy, energetic but not to energetic, and loyal"

She lead me to a whole bunch of different dogs and began telling me about them.

This one dog stuck out the most to me. His eyes were blue, his fur was grey with dark spots. His belly was white. He kept looking at me. The other dogs were interacting with each other. But this dog, his eyes never lost sight of me.

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