Chapter 33: So Close

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The next day at the zoo went really well. Sid was able to get us to in the back and they let us meet baby animals. I got cute pictures of the family with a baby tiger.
The next game against the hawks didn't end so well. The penguins lost 2-0, it was a tuff loss but we were still leading the series by 1 so it wasn't that bad.

We headed out to Chicago for the 4th game of the series. Our flight wasn't to early in the morning so that felt really good. Everyone was traveling with Sid and I to chicago so we had to book our own flight because there was no room for us on the team plane. But Sid made sure we would be flying first class. I could have really cared less because I was going out to Chicago for hockey.

Unfortunately the plane ride was actually the highlight of the whole trip because it rained the whole day we were there so we couldn't leave the hotel, and we suffered another loss to the hawks. The series was now tied 2-2 and we were all back in Pittsburgh for the 5th game of the series. Two straight wins would get us the Stanley Cup. The guys were getting pounded on in practice because we all really wanted that cup.

Everyone was ready for this game tonight, but we wouldn't be sitting in box seats. Everyone had gotten tickets around my seat. My father however wouldn't be coming tonight. Sid was already at the Consol Energy Center and I told him I would come down to the locker room to see him before the game. We got their rather early and everyone went to find their seats. I headed down to the locker room and found Sid in his gear all ready to go.

"Hey babe" he said while pulling me in for a hug
"You gotta win this tonight"
"Were gonna try"
"No you guys can do it, I believe in you"
I gave him one last hug which was rather awkward because I felt really small when he was in skates.

I got to my seat just in time for puck drop. I took my normal seat right next Clarissa.
"Where have you been?" she asked while sipping her soda
"I was talking to Sid"
"So I wanna talk to you about something"
"What about"
"So you know how you said maybe I should move here?"
"I've been thinking about it. I have about one more week so while I'm in Canada I'm gonna try to apply for a job down here and than we'll take it from there"
"So your staying?"
"Yea, well at least here in PA"
"That's a huge step, what made you wanna stay?"
"I've been thinking about it and it's been a lot of fun out here and I think a life out here will be a lot more fun than my small town in Canada"
"I'm so happy for you!"

We celebrated the rest of the night with a 3-1 victory over the hawks. 2 goals by Sid and a sick goal from Kuntiz. We all went out for a small dinner after the game and Sid and I's hands were interlocked all night. I was so proud him being able to come over the 2 loses, especially after he was so bummed.

We had one last day before leaving for game 6 in Chicago. It's pretty insane to think about it. The cup will be in the building tomorrow night and could possibly be awarded to the penguins. Aerin and Justin left early this morning to go see around Pittsburgh, Sid's parents left for a little picnic in a park near by and Clarissa went out for a day with James. Sid and I had the whole house to our selves which was nice for a change.

We were kinda bummy all day except around 5. Sid came upstairs and wrapped his arms around me.
"Let's do something"
"Like what?"
He got up and walked into my closet and pulled out my dark blue skater dress.
"How about you put this on, brush your beautiful hair and we can go do something"
"I don't know what your planning, but I guess I hafta change"

I got up and walked into the closet and changed into the dress. I grabbed silver sparkly pumps and a chunky
blue/silver necklace. I walked into the bathroom and let down my hair. As my curling iorn warmed up I did my makeup. I did some simple eyeliner, mascara and a light pink lipstick. After I threw in some curls to make my hair look nicer. I found my silver clutch and put my phone and wallet in it.

I found Sid downstairs in his jeans and dress shirt. It was a vibrant blue, which was my favorite color on him. He was fumbling to get his watch in until I came over and helped him.
"Are you ready to go?"
"Yea lets go, you look really beautiful"
"And you look really handsome" I said while kissing his cheek. His hand entangled with mine as we walked out to the car. Sid wouldn't tell me where exactly we were going, but what else would I expect with Sid?

We finally pulled up to the really fancy quiet resturant. Sid snaked his arm around my hip as we walked in.
"Reservation under Crosby"
"Right this way Mr.Crosby"
The lady led us to a small table in the back. A candle was lit right in the middle that was next to a bottle of wine. Sid pulled out my seat for me to sit than pushed me in.

He took a seat across from me, he seemed gittery, it was weird.
"So what made you take me out?"
"What I can't take you out?"
"No it's just we haven't really done this in a while"
"I promise when summer comes it will be diffrent"
"Sid, it is summer"
"I meant after hockey ends"
"Why do I feel like there's something your not telling me?"
"What are you talking about" he said while fumbling with his hands

The waiter came over and took our orders than opened up our wine.
"This alone time is really nice"
"I know, with our full house it's hard to get some alone time"
He grabbed my hands than looked me in the eyes
"I love you Clair" he whispered
"I love you too"
Just than we broke apart because the waiter came back with our food.

Dinner was quiet for the most part, just some small talk. Sid covered dinner tonight and I covered the tip because that's Sid wouldn't have it any other way.
"I'm ready to head home" I said while letting out a yawn
"Not yet"
He grabbed my hand and walked me out to the park 2 blocks down.
He rented a little horse and carriage to take us around. I snuggled into him for warmth as the horse pulled us around.
Eventually Sid took off his jacket and put it around me. It began to drizzle as we finished our little carriage ride. The man let us off at a little gazebo in the park.

Sid and I walked over to it for protection from the rain. He kissed me there and it was perfect. The sound of the little rain drops made it even better.
He pulled out of the kiss and I looked up at him.
"You wanna know something Id love to do?"
"Dance in the rain"

Sid looked at me like I was insane.
I slipped off the jacket and left it in the gazebo and Sid followed me to the cobble stone path.
"I don't really know what I'm suppose to do here" he said
"I'll take the lead than"
I placed his hand on my hips and I placed mine his shoulders.
"Follow me"
I began sawing back and forth and Sid followed. I pulled him in closer than he spun me.

I flung my head back laughing as the rain fell on both of us. Eventually it began to poor so we had to run to the car. I grabbed his jacket and put it over me as we rushed to the car.
I opened up the little mirror and looked at the mascara that smeared on my face. I wiped it and looked over and Sid who was focused on the road. The rain really started coming down, we both couldn't see the rode.

Eventually we got home and his parents were sleeping along with my brother. Clarissa was still out with Neal so the house was pretty quiet.
Sid and I went upstairs to change and get into bed. I put on sweats and a tank than lied in bed waiting for Sid. He came out from the bathroom with just shorts on. He got in bed with me and pulled me into his chest.

"No shirt tonight?"
"Nah, I like it like this"
I laughed and rolled my eyes at him
"Night Sid"
"Night Clair he said while kissing my forehead
We had an early morning tomorrow, Chicago bound.

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