Chapter 28: Travel

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Shorts, shirts, nice dresses, a jersey and shoes. I'm pretty sure I'm all packed as I sat on my luggage trying to zip it up. I dragged the luggage outside to the car and loaded it up. Clarissa handed me her luggage and I stuffed it in the truck.

"I think were all packed"
"I think we are, now we have to pick up Sid?"
"Yea they had an early morning practice before our flight"

Clarissa went to the passenger seat and I locked up the house. We made our way to the rink and the boys were in the middle of practice. We waited around enjoying the Consol energy center without anybody. It was quiet and peaceful. Eventually practice ended and the boys headed to the locker room to shower up and finish up some interviews with the media.

Clarissa left to go to the bathrooms and I found myself sitting on the penguins bench staring at the ice. Freshly cut ice was on of the best things ever especially if your use to playing pond hockey. I noticed a pair of hockey skates sitting at by the extra sticks that have yet to be put back. I longed to get back on the ice. I mean no one would be out here for a while so why not?

I grabbed the skates that were a little roomy and tied them tight. I slipped on Sid's gloves and grabbed a left stick and stepped onto the ice. It sent chills up my spine as I closed my eyes and envisioned the fans. I took a few laps letting the wind I made flow right through my hair. I grabbed a puck from the bench and began playing around with it.

I began juggling the puck and than set it on the blue line. coast to coast picking up the puck and getting speed, Spin-o-Rama and it was in the back of the net. Than a no look Spin-o-Rama right into the net hitting the back bar making a clunking sound.

The pure sound of the puck hitting a crossbar sends chills through your body. I wonder what would've happened if I took up a hockey career. After my mom passed hockey was the last thing on my mind. Id have my days that I spent out on the pond all day trying to shoot from impossible angles. Just as I was getting into a deep thought Flower showed up out of no where.

"How long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough to see that no look
spin-o-Rama goal. Let me get in the net and see what your made of"
"What about our flight"
"We have 2 hours now let's go because I don't wanna be in my gear much longer"

He skated out and took his place between the pipes. I took the puck and began skating down the ice, as I got closer I slowed down and tried to do stick handling like I had seen Patrick Kane do. I faked the shot causing Flower to go down and than launched it in the back of the net.

"Aye beginners luck okay" he shouted at me
"Beginners luck eh? Alright let me get another shot"

This time is came down the face picking up speed. I let my slap shot do the work sending the puck topshelf past Flower. His face was priceless, not believing I had scored on him again.
Eventually the whole Penguins bench was filled with players as they watch me put a couple more pucks past Flower. He saved a couple but you could see the guys were really impressed.

Eventually I knew it was time to call it quits and start getting ready for the plane ride. I skated back to the bench and the guys kept staring at me, not saying a word.

"What never seen a girl play hockey before?"
"Not like that, no one beats flower like that" muttered Sutter

I unlaced the skates and placed the stick back and watched a much angry Flower head to the locker room to change. The guys headed outside to bus, but Sid stayed in the bench.
"Remember when we had our first date?" He said while looking out onto the ice

"Yea it was here and I fell on top of you right there" I said while pointing at the spot. We both let out a chuckle and he moved over closer to me on the bench. He lifted my chin up and looked into my eyes.
"Is there something wrong babe?"
"No everything's okay"
"Alright just making sure"

His lips brushed against mine and that's when he grabbed my hands walking me out to the bus. Clarissa was seated by James and I sat next to Sid. We got to the airport rather quick and got right into the pens plane and were on our way. I snuggled up onto Sid's shoulder and feel asleep the whole ride.


The boys were up early and left the hotel for practice before the first game against the bruins. Clarissa and I decided we would get the extra hour of sleep and just get a cab to drop us of at the TD Garden.

I got up before Clarissa and showered and got dressed. Shorts and penguins shirt was what the rink called for. We didn't get tickets from any seats because we would be watching from the locker room tonight. Eventually Clarissa got up and was ready and when I looked at the clock we had an hour to kill.

"Wanna just walk to TD Garden? It's not far"
"Alright sure"

I slipped on my sandals and we began walking. As we were waking, a man bumped into me causing his keys to fall. I bent down to grab them and when I looked up, I saw non other than Tyler Seguin.

"Hey Clair, funny running into you"
"Yea, what are you doing out here?"
"I thought about walking today to get some exercise before the bruins have practice, what are you doing way out here?"
"Oh I'm traveling with the Penguins, after we beat the bruins were headed to finals and I wanna be there to support the team"
"Ha so confident that your gonna win, alright well I'll see you at the game. Nice running into you"

I said my goodbye to Tyler and that's when Clarissa joined in.
"How do you know Tyler?"
"Clarissa, I'm at almost every home game the pens have.. Do you really think I'm not gonna meet any of the players?"

We got into TD Garden and went to the locker room. Bruins had started their practice and the boys were getting ready to grab a quick lunch.
"Hey Dan can I talk to you?"
"yea sure what's up?"
"I was talking to Katy before the flight and I think we should pick a couple lucky pens fans in the crowed to come to the locker room after the game. I think it will make great publicity and some of the film crew is here to capture it"
"Alright, sounds like something fun to do but you have to pick the fans"
"Alright we got a deal"

He handed me the locker room passes and he boys headed out to lunch. As for Clarissa and I, we found a seat and the bruins practice until the guys got back. Most of the guys came back and found some place to nap before the game. It's crazy, because last year I was home watching the penguins sv the bruibs. The swept us and the pens didn't even have a chance. But this year felt diffrent, the team had more confidence. I believe that they won't go down without a fight


Boy was I right about not going down without a fight. James was able to put in the game winner with 20 seconds left in the 3rd period, final score 4-3. if there's one thing the bruins got, its their goal horn. I hafta admit it sounded pretty good. Now that the game was done, the two families I handed locker room passes to were waiting down by the ice.

I walked up to great them. the one family was pretty young like Sid and I. They had just had their first baby 4 months ago and had their niece with them. The other family was a dad and his 2 boys that were about 15 or 16.
"Hey guys, are you ready to meet the Pittsburgh Penguins?"
"Yes" they all shouted together
"Alright well follow me. Now we normally don't do this at away games but we have such supportive fans no matter where we are and we wanted to pay it foward"

We walked down the tunnel into the locker room and the guys were still in some gear. The families were so amazed that the players were right in front of them. First Sid came over and introduced himself and thanked them for supporting them tonight. Each player introduced themselves and signed everyone's jersey.

After all the players introduced themselves we noticed that the young couples niece was missing. We began frantically looking for her and that's when I saw her sitting on Sid's lap in his stall. He was holding his stick and showing her how he tapped it. He looked so good with kids, so kind and gentile. Eventually I went to go get her and picked her up.

"Did you have fun with Sidney Crosby?"
"Yes I did" she squealed
The players began saying goodbye to the team and that's when Sid came over handed the little girl his stick and a roll of tape and wished her goodluck.
She had the biggest smile on her face and everyone in the locker room couldn't help but smile either.

I walked the family outside and that's when I surprised them with one last thing.
"Alright guys I have on more surprise for you. I wanna give each of tickets to the next bruins vs pens game right behind the penguin bench"

The whole family kept thanking us and it felt good to give back. After the family left the boys headed out to dinner but me and Clarissa headed back to the hotel to catch up on some much needed sleep

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