Chapter 4: Surprise Surprise

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I woke up to an unfamiliar surrounding. I had baggy clothes on and the smell of eggs lingered in the house. I groggily followed the scent to the kitchen where there was a note plastered to the counter.

Sleeping Beauty,
I had to get to practice this morning and I didn't wanna wake you. I cooked eggs, help yourself. You can take one of the cars out if you need to get home."

I tried to remember what happened last night. I fell asleep in Sid's car and he must have brought me here. I read over the note on more time before my growling stomach interrupted me. I opened his stainless steel fridge where another note was plastered to the carton of orange juice.

You probably read my first note, now walk down the hallway and open the first door on the right.

Was he trying to play mind games here? I walked down the hallway and opened the door.I guess this was the guest bedroom. Another note was plastered on the door.

Clair, this is my last note.. Pick one of the 3 dresses and ill meet you at your house tonight at 8 for a special surprise.

I put the note down and walked over to the dresses. The first dress was royal blue, and it had slits on the side. The second dress was a light pink, high low dress, with a brown braided belt. The third dress was white on top with a belt and the bottom was flower print.

I decided I would go with the second dress. I made my way back to the kitchen and cleaned the plates. After I cleaned up I got Sid's car keys and was off to my house. It was already 4, I took a quick shower and spent a whole hour doing my hair. By 5 I began makeup, I put on light pink eye shadow, mascara and a pinkish red lipstick. I walked over to the dresser and picked out a gold ring with gold bangles. I slipped on the dress and looked in the mirror. The dress fit perfectly. I walked over to the closet and found nude heels.

I checked the mirror one last time than herd a knock at the door.

"Come in" I yelled while I was putting my wallet into one of my small clutches.

"You look beautiful.. Are you ready?"

"Yea.. I love the dress Sid, thank you"

We got into the car and began driving off into the more suburban area of Pittsburgh. The sky was full of stars, I felt as if we were in the country side. We pulled up to this fancy restaurant on top of the hill.

"Hi.. Uhh I have reservations under Sidney Crosby"

"Oh yes right this way"

We followed the waiter into the back deck. There was a canopy over it and the sides were closed in with a netting so no bugs could get inside. There was a table with candles and two chairs. Sid pulled my chair out for me. Beautiful white lights were strung all around, just like on our first date. It was perfect weather to be outside.

"Sid this is so beautiful"

"But it's not as beautiful as you"

I blushed hard

"Thank you Sid, this is just spectacular"

I ordered a plate of pasta and Sid got a steak. After dinner the waiter brought us ice cream, we seemed to end dates with ice cream all the time.

"Clair, I have a surprise for you"

"But isn't this whole thing a surprise?"

"It is, but this surprise might be a little better. He pulled out a small box red box tied in a golden bow.

"Clair, these past few dates with you have been amazing. When we hold hands sparks fly, you've made me so happy. I don't want you to slip away, because a girl like you doesn't come around often. Will you please be my girlfriend"

He handed my the box and I undid the ribbon.
I felt tears in my eyes.

"I would be delighted to Sid"
Inside was a silver charm bracelet.
There was an ice cream charm, a number 27 for the day we became a couple, June 27. And a number 87 for Sid's jersey number.

"Sid this is beautiful, words can't even describe it" I got out of my seat and wrapped my arms around Sid.
I thanked him one more time as I wiped the mascara from my face..
After we finished ice cream, we argued over the bill.

"Sid.. You've done so much for me this past week. The least I can do is pay the bill"

"No... It's okay, I planned the surprise and I'm gonna pay for it"

"Will you at least let me pay half?"

"You can pick up the tip"


Back at Sid's house we snuggled on the couch, a fluffly blanket wraped around the both of us as we wathced Fast And Furious 6. My eyes struggled to stay open and with Sid's steady heartbeat I fell asleep on his chest.

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